Destiny 2’s Revenant episode has added a new title for Guardians to chase: Slayer Baron. The grind for this title is similar to past seasonal titles, requiring you to demonstrate mastery over each new activity while expanding your collection of weapons and armor. So long as you’re OK with clearing 50 waves of Onslaught, getting this title should prove trivial for most players.

Destiny 2: Revenant – Slayer Baron Apothecary Satchel Artifact Guide
Breach and Clear, Hail the Storm, and global Kinetic Tremors for all GLs are just a few perks available in this season’s Artifact.
Today, we’ll be looking at how to complete all 16 Triumphs tied to the Slayer Baron title. You only need to complete 15 of the listed Triumphs to receive the title, so feel free to skip one that seems too difficult.
Risen And Fallen
Complete quests for all acts of Episode: Revenant.
This Triumph simply asks you to complete the Revenant story quest. You’ll be given the quest immediately upon logging in during the season. Complete the entire quest chain, then claim the Triumph.
Bear in mind that you’ll need to clear the Kell’s Fall Exotic mission to finish this Triumph. If you’re new to Destiny 2, consider bringing some friends along or refining your build before trying this. It’s not a hard mission, but it can prove punishing to New Lights.
Obtain Shadestalker Armor Set
Obtain a full set of Shadestalker armor.
Shadestalker is the name of this season’s armor set, which you can obtain from Revenant-themed content and certain tonics. If you’re unlucky and can’t get the full set to drop, you can also claim Shadestalker armor in your Season Pass.
Earn Fair Judgment Auto Rifle
Earn the ritual weapon Fair Judgment.
Fair Judgment is this season’s ritual weapon. You can obtain it by reaching Rank 16 with any ritual vendor—Zavala, Shaxx, and the Drifter. You’ll earn progress for each vendor by completing their respective activity. If you prefer PvP, max out Shaxx’s reputation. If you’re more into Strikes and Onslaught, then you’ll claim rewards from Zavala instead.
If you haven’t unlocked a ritual weapon before, give our vendor reputation guides a look. They give a general overview on how reputation rewards work in Destiny 2 and cover some leveling tips for each vendor.
Defender Of The Innocent
Purchase or upgrade defenses in Onslaught: Salvation.
This Triumph speaks for itself. Onslaught has a myriad of defenses you can purchase and upgrade between waves. Triumph progress seems to be dictated by how much Scrap you spend, so try to upgrade as many defenses as possible before the match ends. You need to clear the activity on Normal regardless, so this challenge should complete itself or be close to finished when you’re done with all the other Onslaught Triumphs.
Sabotage Barrage
Defeat Saboteurs in Onslaught: Salvation.
Saboteurs are miniboss units that occasionally spawn during an Onslaught run, typically ignoring traps to focus on the ADU. Their presence is noted on your HUD whenever they spawn, so keep your eyes peeled. The API states that you need to defeat 500 Saboteurs, but the actual number is closer to 50 kills.
Eliksni Defender
Clear Onslaught: Salvation on Normal difficulty.
Onslaught: Salvation is the 50-wave playlist. You’ll need to beat all 50 waves on Normal difficulty to complete this Triumph. You’ll want to bring some endgame-viable builds before giving this a try, as this activity hits a -20 Power delta towards the last ten waves. Shadowshot spam, Speaker’s Helm turrets, and Berserker Titans are highly recommended here.
The good news is you only have to clear this once, and you only have to clear Normal difficulty. Ensure your loadout can counter all Champion types, and bring a good group with you. Play it slow, and you’ll come out victorious.

Destiny 2: Every Way To Obtain High-Stat Armor
Use these tips to obtain high-stat armor with excellent stat distributions.
Barren Ground
Defeat Revenant Barons in Onslaught: Salvation.
Barons are the boss units you fight in Onslaught: Salvation that revive themselves with Scorn torches. Kill the baron, destroy the torch multiple times, and the boss will stay dead. Keep farming Onslaught: Salvation and attempt a full Normal clear, and the challenge should be close to complete by the time you’re done with every other Triumph.
Tomb Doomer
Defeat unique bosses in the Tomb of Elders.
Tomb of Elders has four unique bosses you’ll need to slay:
- The Machinist.
- Sylok, the Defiled.
- Lucent fireteam.
- Psion Commander.
You’ll get one of these four bosses at the end of a lap. Kill the boss, start another run, and repeat until you’ve slain all four. Boss kills don’t need to be in the same run.
Vengeance, Denied
Complete the “Kell’s Vengeance” run of the Contest of Elders.
Kell’s Vengeance is currently unavailable. This is a variant of the Contest of Elders activity that should launch during the last three weeks of the season. Complete the mission, and you’ll be able to claim this Triumph.
Complete laps in the Tomb of Elders.
Laps refer to successful boss kills in the Tomb of Elders. Complete enough activities to spawn a boss, then slay them to claim your rewards. Keep farming the activity until you’ve completed all four tiers of this Triumph.
Complete the Exotic mission “Kell’s Fall.”
“Kell’s Fall” is the Exotic mission this season, which you’ll gain access to during the Act 3 story quest. You only need to complete the mission once on Normal difficulty to complete this Triumph, although the seasonal quest chain requires you to clear it a total of three times.
Legendary Slayer
Complete the Exotic mission “Kell’s Fall” on Expert difficulty.
Expert difficulty is significantly harder than the base mission, featuring Champions and a forced -20 Power delta. You’ll want a build with high survivability before jumping in here, ideally something with consistent healing like Restoration and Devour. Bring a fireteam with you if possible.
Sharpened Fang
Unlock all catalysts for the Slayer’s Fang Exotic Shotgun.
Every catalyst for Slayer’s Fang is obtained from illusory anchors in Kell’s Fall. There are three anchors per catalyst, totaling 12 across the entire mission. Consult our illusory anchors guide for a breakdown of where to find each one.

Destiny 2: How To Unlock Every Intrinisc Upgrade For Slayer’s Fang
Unlock every intrinsic for Slayer’s Fang with this in-depth guide.
Modern Major General
Complete three major fieldworks.
Fieldworks are special bounties you can pick up from Eido in The Last City hub. You’ll need to complete minor fieldworks before you can access major fieldworks. Minor fieldworks are unlocked by discovering tonic recipes. Complete enough minor fieldwork tasks, and Eido will let you grab a major fieldwork. You need to complete a total of four major fieldworks, which can be split up between each act.
Medicinal Master
Craft 100 tonics.
There isn’t much to explain here. Make your way to The Last City hub to craft tonics with this season’s crafting currencies. Consult our tonics guide for a brief overview of how this new crafting system works and how to use your tonics.
Cordial Collector
Complete any tonic collection.
Tonic collections seem to be based on Acts rather than subcategories in the alchemy menu. Simply keep crafting tonics until you unlock enough recipes to complete this Triumph. It really is that simple.

Destiny 2: Revenant – All Seasonal Challenges
Here is every Seasonal Challenge available during Episode: Revenant.
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