This article contains spoilers for Hades 2.
Hades 2’s Early Access is due to get another major update soon, and it is expected to have a massive impact on the game. The last update to Hades 2 from Supergiant Games was the Olympic Update, which added the new region of Olympus to the Surface Route, a compelling boss, more gods, another weapon, boons, enemies, dialogue, and music.
Hades 2 is due to get another update sometime early in 2025, which should complete the Surface Route. Supergiant Games has indicated that the update will include another area and boss beyond the current final area of the Surface Route, which means that just about anything could be in store for players. Players could likely look forward to seeing the apex of Olympus and the most powerful allies Chronos has to offer.

Hades 2’s True Ending at Launch Needs to Make One Story Beat Clear
Hades 2 still isn’t finished, and when its true ending gets revealed, it may need to address one burning question for the franchise.
Hades 2’s Next Update Will Bring Major Content For The Surface
In the Olympic Update notes, Supergiant Games noted that there was still more in store for Hades 2‘s Early Access players, including an additional area beyond the current end boss. Only once this new area is added will Supergiant Games consider the structure of the Surface Route of Hades 2 to be completed.
Adding a new area to the Surface Route will entail going beyond the current final Olympus boss. Olympus itself is vast, and it makes sense that the current route hasn’t revealed all of it to players. While the current final boss fight appears to take place on its apex, there could conceivably be more beyond it, requiring Melinoe to climb higher to Zeus’ throne.
Beyond the current Olympus area, there could be an area with more dangerous enemies, more perilous heights, but even greater halls, as Melinoe could be entering the inner sanctum of Olympus to face the Surface Route’s final boss. The final boss of the Surface Route is going to have to surpass both Prometheus and Chronos, as they’ll be the last enemy to be unveiled for Hades 2, and as such need to make a meaningful impact on Melinoe.
What Lies Ahead On Olympus in Hades 2
Predictions on whom that final enemy may be range from Ares, who hasn’t been seen yet, to Zagreus, who would be a devastating enemy to fight, but could be a foe for a variety of reasons. A more likely enemy would be another Titan, but one who continues to challenge Melinoe’s worldview as Prometheus does, both complicating the story but also making Melinoe a more interesting and complex character. Another enemy could be the Fates, who have been kidnapped by Chronos and may have been made to fight on his side. Their powers of dictating fate follow on with Prometheus’ own domain as the Titan of Foresight.
The Apex of Olympus
The new area may be Zeus and Hera’s palace on Olympus, with vast halls that lead to a throne room, where the final boss battle may take place. This final area may be the most grand and opulent in Hades 2, rivaling the rest of Olympus. It may also mirror the format of Tartarus in the Underworld Route, where the route is related to the domain of the final boss, such as the numbers counting down in Tartarus being related to Chronos’ domain of time. Taking this approach could tie both routes together thematically, visually, and narratively, making the two worlds flow perfectly.
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