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Lego Fortnite Odyssey has a massive world for players to explore. With over five biomes and unique creatures in each location, players can sink hours into exploring every nook and cranny on their world; and, when all these have been explored to the fullest, you can hop on over to the Lost Isles for even more content.

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Klombos can be found only on the Lost Isles, and can be tamed easily and ridden to harness their full power. If you are interested in finding this gentle giant, and maybe even feeding the elusive Mama Klombo, then this guide is for you.
Where To Find Klombos
Klombos can only be found in Lost Isles, either wandering around Lagoons in the Jungle biome or in the Plains biome, and will be naturally peaceful to the player.
The easiest way to get to the Lost Isles is via a Bus Stop, allowing you to select the Lost Isles as your destination at any time.
Where To Find Mama Klombo
The Mama Klombo can be found in the Jungle biome, specifically in the vibrant blue lagoons. You will notice some Klombo statues around where she will surface from the water; simply get close to these statues and she will appear.
Mama Klombo can be fed virtually any item, with Klomberries and Pineapples being her favorite, and in return, she will give you a range of different items, from Mahogany Wood to Stink Glands. Once left alone for long enough, she will return to the lagoon.
How To Tame Klombos
Klombos can be tamed by feeding them Klomberries, which can be found scattered around the Lost Isles. Additionally, Klomberry seeds can be planted in a plot for an infinite supply. To feed a Klombo, simply drop the Klomberries near it, and after eating it will be tamed and rideable.
If the tamed Klombo either runs out of stamina or gets enraged by taking too much damage, you will have to tame it again.
Klombo Abilities
Now that you’re riding your Klombo, there are a variety of different things you can do with it. You will notice the Klombo has its own stamina and health bar on your screen:
- The stamina bar will deplete as you run through objects and naturally depletes over time.
- The health bar will deplete when you take damage from enemies.
Klombos can break through most objects from trees to large rocks, and even mowing down enemies.
Finally, you can use several Klombo abilities while riding it. Below is a list of controls while riding the Klombo:
Mount/Dismount |
(E/X/Square) |
Vacuum |
(Hold Q/B/Circle): Klombo will vacuum nearby items to eat and regain health. |
Launch |
(Ctrl/Y/Triangle): Klombo will launch you, allowing you to use the Glider. |
Charge |
(Shift/LS/L3): Klombo will charge infinitely until its stamina runs out or it runs into an unbreakable object. |

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