Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana has the player going up against numerous bosses and will eventually make their way to the Illburns Ruins, Ancient Pagan Site. Here is where they will encounter their third boss of the game, Chester Stoddart, The Black-Hearted White Knight. Chester makes his debut in the long-running Ys story in Ys 3, which is the game that Ys Memoirs serves as a remake of.
Each boss the player defeats is another step towards completing Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana. The more content a player explores will decide how long it takes to beat the game. However, some bosses might take more attempts than others, and trying to fight Chester like the previous two could end in multiple failed attempts.

8 Beginner Tips For Ys Memoire: The Oath In Felghana
For those hopping into Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana for the first time, these tips will help them get their bearings in the game’s early hours.
How to Beat Chester Stoddart in Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana
Both bosses that the player’s previously faced up to this point have had some special trick up their sleeve. Beating Dularn, The Creeping Shadow meant working around his barrier, while beating Ellefale, the Azure Queen is all about keeping your distance at all times. This is not the case with Chester, who is a lot more straightforward.
Even though this is a more straightforward fight, that doesn’t make it easy. Players will want to upgrade Adol by grinding up levels and improving his gear. It is best to be level 15 before attempting to defeat Chester. For the game’s default difficulty, Chester will have 700 Health to get through.
Chester Stoddart’s Attacks in Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana
Chester has a versatile and dangerous arsenal at his disposal. Each of which has different counters. He will make use of the following attacks:
- Sword Strikes
- Charged Strike
- Dash
- Throwing Knives
- Chain Explosions
- Protective Barrier
Sword Strikes
When Chester gets close, he will strike at the player with various sword strikes. They should keep their distance until they see an opening to strike for damage.
Charged Strike
Chester will stand still and take a moment to charge up. A short while after, Chester will charge towards the player at a speed that gives them little to no time to move aside. Players will need to jump so that Chester misses them and creates a window for the player to get some damage in.
Chester suddenly disappears and reappears in multiple dashes. This helps him to reposition and potentially turn the tide of the fight. When he does this, simply move in an arc so that he does not box you into a corner.
Throwing Knives
Chester will periodically throw knives at the player. These are not as fast as some of the other projectiles and can easily be sidestepped. If one of these daggers is about to hit the player, they can jump to avoid it.
Chain Explosions
A large blue dome will form around Chester, and shortly after, a chain of detonations will be unleashed. When you see this dome form, run outside of it to not cause Adol damage.
Protective Barrier
Just like when fighting Dularn, Chester can make use of a barrier. This barrier will absorb all attacks made against it. Instead of attacking it, run and get some distance to prevent Chester from following up with some sword strikes.
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