All Seasonal Challenges In Destiny 2: Revenant

All Seasonal Challenges In Destiny 2: Revenant

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Destiny 2’s latest episode, Revenant, has 15 weeks of Seasonal Challenges that’ll release as the season progresses. Each week, a handful of time-sensitive challenges will unlock that, when completed, award a large sum of XP and Bright Dust. It’s your primary source of XP in Destiny 2 and a great way to progress the Battle Pass.


Destiny 2: The Best Rolls On The Vesper’s Host Dungeon Weapons

These are the strongest perk combinations you’ll find on the Vesper’s Host dungeon weapons.

You can find these challenges in the Quests tab in your Director, the same place your bounties are stored. Normally, you can only view challenges that have released thus far, but we’ve dug into the API to check what all 15 weeks have in store.

Updated January 11, 2025, by Charles Burgar: All 15 weeks of seasonal challenges are now active in Destiny 2’s Revenant episode. We’ve updated this guide to include every challenge previously classified in the API, along with their XP and Bright Dust payouts.

Week 1

Destiny 2 Episode Revenant Key Art




Missions of Mercy I

Complete Act I, Part I “Eliksni Rescue.”

Handle with Care

Craft 10 volatile Tonics in Eido’s Tonic Laboratory.


Collect 250 reagents, used to make tonics in Eido’s Tonic Laboratory.

Read our Tonics guide for reagent drop tables.

Defensive Technician

Defend the ADU by depositing 25 scrap in Onslaught: Salvation.

Onslaught Banes

Defeat 20 Bane-empowered combatants in Onslaught.

Path to Victory

Complete 14 Pathfinder paths this season.

  • 100,000 XP
  • 300 Bright Dust

Arcing Sparks

Defeat 50 Guardians with Arc damage in the Crucible.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Week 2

Destiny 2 Europa Skybox




Missions of Mercy II

Complete Act I, Part II “Eliksni Rescue.”

Liquid Armor

Craft 5 Enriching Tonics in Eido’s Tonic Laboratory.

Uncommon Herbalist

Collect 10 Powder, uncommon reagents used to make tonics.

Acoustic Performance

Land final blows with Primary ammo in Gambit, Crucible, or Vanguard Ops.

Earn bonus progress for Pulse Rifle, Scout Rifle, SMG, or Guardian kills.

  • 100,000 XP
  • 300 Bright Dust

Spark Defender

Score 50 points in Rift. Earn bonus points for igniting the Rift.

Week 3

Destiny 2 Revenant ADU




Missions of Mercy III

Complete Act I, Part III “Eliksni Rescue.”

Playing the Field

Unlock minor discoveries in fieldwork. Track them with Eido in her Tonic Laboratory.


Complete 30 waves in Onslaught: Salvation.

Throne World Activities

In the Throne World, complete bounties and earn progress by completing patrols, public events, and looting Lost Sectors.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

High-Value Hunter

Defeat 150 powerful combatants in Gambit. Earn bonus progress from high-value targets.

  • 100,000 XP
  • 300 Bright Dust

Week 4

Destiny 2 Eido In Her Tonic Lab




Rare Herbalist

Collect 5 Flakes, rare reagents used for crafting Tonics.

Above and Beyond

Complete bonus objectives in Onslaught: Salvation.

Performance Enhanced

Defeat 100 combatants in Revenant content while a Tonic is active.

Expert Sector

Complete a Lost Sector on Expert difficulty or higher.


Complete a Grandmaster Nightfall.

  • 100,000 XP
  • 300 Bright Dust

Week 5

Destiny 2 Vesper's Host Mission Start





Craft a tonic of Kinetic, Energy, or Power weaponry in Eido’s Laboratory.

Buckshot Savior

Defeat combatants with Shotguns in Onslaught: Salvation.

Cold Winds

Defeat 25 Guardians with Stasis damage in the Crucible.

Boss Battle

Defeat 20 bosses in Vanguard playlists. Bonus progress for bosses slain on Advanced+ difficulty.

  • 100,000 XP
  • 300 Bright Dust

Energy Disruption

Get 150 final blows with Energy slot weapons. Bonus progress for defeating Guardians.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust


Destiny 2: All Encore Hidden Chest Locations

Unlock every upgrade for Choir of One by opening these hidden chests.

Week 6

Destiny 2 Into The Light Onslaught Pyramid Interior




Legendary Herbalist

Collect 10 Nuggets, legendary reagents used to create tonics.

Booby Trapper

Build or upgrade 30 defenses in Onslaught: Salvation.

Absolutely Stunning

Stun 50 Champions

  • 100,000 XP
  • 300 Bright Dust

The Trials That Define Us

Complete 30 PvP matches. Earn bonus progress for Trials games and wins.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Week 7

Destiny 2 Vesper's Host Dungeon Art




Resurrection I

Complete Act II, Part I “Grave Robber.”

Get Bossy

Defeat 4 bosses in the Tomb of Elders.

Tomb Banes

Defeat 40 Bane-empowered combatants in the Tomb of Elders.

Ritual Ornament

Acquire any ornament for the seasonal ritual weapon.

Reset your rank, then reach Rank 16 with Zavala, Shaxx, or the Drifter.

  • 100,000 XP
  • 300 Bright Dust

Round and Round We Go

Generate 1,000 Orbs of Power in ritual content.

  • 100,000 XP
  • 300 Bright Dust

Heating Up

Rapidly deal final blows to Scorn in Gambit or Vanguard Ops content.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Week 8

Destiny 2 Echoes Iron Banner Rewards




Resurrection II

Complete Act II, Part II “Grave Robber.”


Craft 15 Enriching Tonics in Eido’s Tonic Laboratory.

Jolting Electricity

Defeat 400 Scorn with Arc damage in Gambit or Vanguard Ops.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Taking All Challenges

Complete 2 weekly challenges on the Director, such as ritual activity completions or seasonal content.

Iron Sharpens Iron

Complete 15 Iron Banner matches. Wins grant more progress.

Rapid Precision

Get 150 rapid precision kills. Bonus progress for multikills and enemy Guardians.

  • 100,000 XP
  • 300 Bright Dust

Week 9

Destiny 2 Season 15 Three-Peeking Issue Fix

Bungie finally addresses Destiny 2’s PvP Three-Peeking Issue




Resurrection III

Complete Act II, Part III “Grave Robber.”

Returning Champion

Complete runs of Contest of Elders.

Positive Warden’s Judgment gives bonus progress.

Growing Power

Acquire this Episode’s ritual weapon.

Reach rank 16 with any ritual vendor.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Most Dangerous Prey

Defeat 50 Guardians.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Flourish of Power

Defeat 25 Guardians in the Mayhem playlist with Super abilities.

Rolling Energy

Defeat 100 targets in Gambit with a Light subclass equipped.

Bonus progress for ability kills against Guardians.

Calibrate Close Range

Calibrate 400 close-range weapons—Sidearms, SMGs, Shotguns, Glaives, and Swords.

Bonus progress for defeating Guardians.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Week 10

Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Lighthouse




Taking All Challenges

Complete Onslaught: Salvation on Expert difficulty.

Near Orbit

Create 200 Orbs of Power in Episode: Revenant activities.

Trial by Firing Squad

Win 20 rounds in Trials of Osiris.

Wins don’t need to be consecutive or on the same card.

  • 100,000 XP
  • 300 Bright Dust
  • Trials of Osiris Weapon

Mid-Range Calibration

Calibrate mid-range weapons—Hand Cannons, Galives, Auto Rifles, Fusion Rifles, and Machine Guns.

Bonus progress is granted for defeating Guardians.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust


Destiny 2: A Complete Guide To The Vesper’s Host Dungeon

Learn how to clear every Vesper’s Host encounter in this in-depth dungeon walkthrough.

Week 11

Destiny 2 Revenant Artifact Featured





Complete bonus objectives in the Tomb of Elders.

Mod Collector

Unlock 12 Artifact perks.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust


Get 30 Sparrow final kills in Crucible, Vanguard, or Gambit activities.

Guardian kills are worth more.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Gotta Win Them All

Complete 30 activities in ritual content.

Bonus progress for Nightfalls and winning PvP matches.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Fleeting Glory

Complete 8 Crucible matches in the Competitive playlist. Wins are worth more.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Kinetic Forces

Defeat 150 enemies with Kinetic weapons. Bonus progress for defeating Guardians.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Week 12

Destiny 2 Moon Armor And Weapons




Narrowing the Odds

Craft a tonic that increases the probability of attaining a specific weapon.

Moon Activities

On the Moon, earn progress by completing bounties, partols, public events, and Lost Sectors.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Popping Off

Break 150 combatant shields with matching damage in Vanguard or Gambit playlists.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Instrumental Performance

Get 150 kills with Special ammo weapons in Gambit, Crucible, or Vanguard Ops.

Bonus progress for Shotguns and Grenade Launchers.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Momentum Crash

Get 50 Guardian kills in Zone Control. Earn bonus progress with Zone Advantage active.

Week 13

Destiny 2 Cosmodrome




Cosmodrome Activities

In the Cosmodrome, complete bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Rising Ice

Defeat 400 Scorn with Stasis damage in Gambit or Vanguard Ops activities.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Potent Projectiles

Defeat 25 Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit with Scout Rifles, SMGs, Pulse RIfles, Shotguns, or Grenade Launchers.

GLs and Shotguns are worth more.

Midnight Approaches

Defeat 50 Guardians with Void damage in the Crucible.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Bank, Kill, Repeat

Earn points by banking Motes, defeating Blockers, and defeating Guardians in Gambit.

Precision Calibration

Calibrate marksman weapons—Scout Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and Linear Fusion Rifles—by landing precision final blows.

Guardian kills are worth more.

Week 14

Destiny 2 Europa Riis Reborn Approach




Fortress I

Complete Act III, Part I “Kell of Kells.”

Fortress II

Complete Act III, Part II “Kell of Kells.”

Europa Activities

On Europa, complete bounties, public events, patrols, and Lost Sectors.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Last Rites

Get 150 ability final blows in PvP, Gambit, or Vanguard Ops. Guardians are worth more.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Dark Shadows

Defeat 400 Scorn with Void damage inside of Gambit or Vanguard Ops.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Darkest Nightfall

Complete any Nightfall on Advanced+ difficulty. Harder difficulties are worth more.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust
  • Nightfall Weapon

Baron of House Light

Complete the Exotic mission “Kell’s Fall.”

Baron of Legend

Complete the Exotic mission “Kell’s Fal” on Expert difficulty.

Week 15

Destiny 2 Lightfall Neomuna City Under Attack




Fortress III

Complete Act III, Part III “Kell of Kells.”

Immortal Wrath

Defeat 50 combatants with the Slayer’s Fang Exotic Shotgun in Episode: Revenant content.

Neptune Activities

In Neomuna, complete bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.

Commendation Appreciation

Commend 5 Guardians in any ritual activity.

Expedited Violence

Rapidly defeat 25 targets in ritual content. Guardians are worth more.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Ultimate Champion

Defeat 60 Champions in any Nightfall. Higher difficulties are worth more.

Calibrate Long Range

Get 200 kills with long-range weapons—Pulse Rifles, Bows, and Trace Rifles.

Guardians are worth more.

  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust


Destiny 2: Every New Weapon In Episode: Revenant

Get your hands on Ice Breaker, Bygones, Chroma Rush, and more in Episode: Revenant.

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