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Panopticons are a central part of Freedom Wars Remastered‘s story and also multiplayer gameplay. When you first make your character, you’ll have to choose your Panopticon which will be a permanent decision for that character as you only have the one save file.
There are many Panopticons to choose from, each with a different name of a town or location across Japan. This decision is permanent, though it won’t negatively impact your gameplay no matter what you choose; here’s exactly what Panopticons are.

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What Panopticon Should You Choose In Freedom Wars Remastered?
Panopticons are a collection of players that choose that Panopticon that will all work towards the overall score of that Panopticon. In different places in the game, you’ll be able to check Panopticon rankings, which combines the total GPP all all players in that Panopticon to see which Panopticon is best.
GPP is earned when you donate resources to your Panopticon.
Simply put, your Panopticon is a combined ranking for other players who happen to choose the same one as you, and it won’t have much of a gameplay effect beyond that. At the time of writing, there is no bonus for being the top Panopticon or the lowest, so it really won’t matter which one you join. The League Of Panopticons compares all 47 Panopticons and ranks them based on overall GPP, and this ranking will be seen all throughout the game on screens in your Panopticon. Interacting with the League of Panopticons menu will let you see:
- Total GPP of that Panopticon.
- League Of Panopticon Ranking.
- Total Sinners (players) in that Panopticon.
- Individual GPP Contribution (this is rounded by dividing the total number of GPP by sinners in that Panopticon.)
The League of Panopticons is updated every few real-world minutes, and you aren’t able to check the rankings of each Panopticon until you’re in the game. Unless you’re dead-set on joining the top Panopticon, join whichever one you want and work to make it the best. If you do want to join the best, you’ll have to start a character and restart after checking the rankings, though they can always change very easily.
The Panopticon you choose will not affect who you can play with online or with/against in PVP, as there is no restriction.

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What Are Panopticons In Freedom Wars Remastered?
While never directly stated, the Panopticon you choose is the one where the events of the game take place and will appear in a few places to add flavor and no real change to the game, unlike your Thorn. A Panopticon is simply a city-like structure that now populates the earth to try and pool resources together. In operations, you’ll fight Sinners from other Panopticons, as it’s implied these are representations of the other players in other Panopticons fighting over resources.
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