2024 was an incredible year for the Digimon Card Game. With tons of collectible and competitive sets released all year long, the game is geared up for its eventual unification with the Japanese version in 2025. Bandai printed some of the best cards this year, including some we wish they stayed in 2024.

Digimon Card Game: The 10 Most Valuable Cards From Special Limited Set
Special Limited set with an unlimited potential value.
Generic cards, like Ukkomon, became a staple in just about any deck with room for a couple of more rookies, while X Antibody cards continued their dominance, with some of them even earning a spot on the Limited and Restricted list. This has been one of the best years to be a Digimon Card Game fan.
Shoto Kazama
Make Everything A Blocker
With the release of the Digimon Liberator webcomic, fans were introduced to some incredible new Digimon (Pteromon and Shoemon), but the protagonist, Shoto Kazama, turned the meta and control decks into an absolute menace.
Shoto’s effect to give one of your Digimon blocker is not restricted to Liberator-type Digimon, making huge towers like Mother D-Reaper and inescapable wall that you’ll be scratching your head on how to climb. With MedievalGallantmon coming early in 2025, this green tamer will continue its reign for sets to come.
Save Your Stacks
The Scramble cards found in the Special Limited Set have changed the game for the better. These Option cards gave decks that rely on a single stack to have some kind of recursion engine. You are able to play a rookie for free, coupled with being able to stack your deck with a card that you will need on the following turn.
There have been plenty of cards similar to the Scrambles, like the Memory Boosts and Training cards, but these have so much utility, that it will be a while until we see a replacement.
Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode ACE
Best Counter Against Purple
Most ACE cards are very specific to their archetype or Digimon line, but with Imperialdramon having three different colors, this card is one of the most generic level seven ACEs that any deck can run.

Digimon Card Game: 10 Most Valuable Cards From Release Special Booster 2.0
The Release Special Booster 2.0 brought many pricey cards to the Digimon Card Game. These are the most expensive ones.
If you’ve played the Digimon Card Game before, you’ll know about how powerful the color purple is. Usually made up of powerful draw and discard engines, these decks can quickly get to their win condition and obliterate your boards. With Paladin Mode’s effect to bottom deck all of their trash, you’ll set back these pesky decks by far.
X Antibody Proto Form
To Defeat The X Program!
Upon its release in BT17 Secret Crisis, the fan-favorite purple dog from the Digimon Seekers web novel was a popular deck. It’s fast and could perform a one-turn-kill, or OTK, as early as turn two. With more and more support released after its debut, the deck became even more consistent, making it one of the top decks of 2024.
The deck doesn’t offer much flexibility outside the OTK, and without any archetype protection, it can be a bit frail, but with the release of Scramble cards, Fenriloogamon became one of the best in the game.
Bounce All The Security
Hybrids have been a menace to the game ever since BT06 Double Diamond. Specifically, Blue Hybrid was such an overpowered deck that the Tamer card Tommy Himi had to spend some time in the Banned and Restricted Card List from Bandai.

Digimon Card Game: 10 Best Cards From EX7 Digimon Liberator
Make the most of this Shoto-centric set.
With this version of AncientGarurumon, the new version of Blue Hybrid is even faster, and combined with Ukkomon cards, its search and draw engine has power unmatched by other decks. The best part about this card is that the card pool around it is extremely versatile, making each build of the deck different from the rest.
Stingmon And ExVeemon! Jogress!
Imperialdramon spent quite a while as one of the best decks in the meta and competitive circuit. It is fast, it is aggressive, and with powerful Tamer cards like Davis and Ken, the deck is able to out value anyone it faces. Paildramon and its debut keyword, Partition, offered the deck a layer of protection aside from its signature Jamming.
With Paildramon, you are able to make an aggressive push for damage, all while freezing your opponent’s board. Combined with the set’s Imperialdramon, Paildramon is the crux of the deck.
The Nightmare Of Many
Love it or hate it, this card is one of the most important ones in the year. Ukkomon’s release made every deck that had room for a rookie or two and had consistency issues up their game by quite a bit. This Ukkomon, paired with its promo counterpart, was a must-include in most aggressive decks.
Luckily, the promo version ended up getting limited to one copy per deck to prevent many unfair loops, but we Fenriloogamon players still have the movie antagonist to help with our card search.
Mill Their Cards Away!
As English players, we did not get to experience the full power of Apocalymon upon its release. After its long reign in the Japanese meta, Bandai decided to limit the card to one copy a week after it released in the West.
Although some people were upset about a Secret Rare card being limited, the card was quite unhealthy for the game, with its effect able to mill your opponent out without them realizing it. You can still play the card, although with less consistency, but if you’re looking for a cheeky way to defeat your opponent, Apocalymon is the card you’re looking for.
Magnamon (X Antibody)
The Massive Golden Wall
The mighty wall. The powerful Royal Knight. This Magnamon was the first one released as a triple-colored card. This was very problematic as it gave the deck access to different removal and defensive Option cards while already being a massive wall for players to climb over.
Other card games like Yu-Gi-Oh! have plenty of cards that are unaffected by other cards’ effects, but in Digimon, this effect was not a thing until Magnamon, changing the entire landscape of what the game was to be for the remainder of the year.

Digimon Card Game: 10 Most Valuable Cards From EX7 Digimon Liberator
EX7 Digimon Liberator has some beautiful cards, so let’s look at their value.
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