Snapbreak and Happy Broccoli Games partnered to announce the pre-registration of their upcoming single-player adventure title Duck Detective: The Secret Salami. The game will be available for both iOS and Android devices with the official release date coming on 9th April 2025. Duck Detective is already out on other platforms, receiving positive feedback on each of them.
Duck Detective promises a comedic adventure filled with captivating gameplay
Duck Detective: The Secret Salami, from its name, features a similar theme in gameplay. You’ll play the role of Eugene McQuacklin, a down-on-his-luck duck detective, to uncover the secrets of the missing salami.
To find it, you’ll need to go through a combination of captivating elements. Though the title is published under the adventure genre it also has several interactive small elements like witty dialogues and mini puzzles.
The gameplay graphics offer an art-style cartoon animation where pop-up dialogues and hilarious adventures await. If you love story-driven detective games with a comedic twist, this one is coming to your phones. You’ll also interview the suspects and use gathered information to solve the mysteries.
Prepare yourself and put on your detective cap as the mystery unfolds this April
Indie studio Happy Broccoli Games initially began developing this game and it was released on PC and Switch on the 23rd of May 2024. And now, as the two studios partnered, the game is set to launch on mobile on the 9th of April 2025. If you’re interested in playing Duck Detective after it goes live on mobile, make sure to pre-register for the same on your respective Google Play or App Stores.
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