Whether you are starting to get bored of the average quirks of FPS games or just really want to play a game where you can escape into someone else’s life for a few minutes, milsim (military simulator) games have what you’re looking for.

The 8 Games With The Most Accurate Physics
Of course the Source engine is here, but there’s much more to discover.
Tactical decisions, realistic gunplay, and extensive graphics are just some of the key points that show up in the milsim genre. But, which one should you play? Whether it is 1940s Europe or modern-day war zones, there are plenty of games to choose from in the milsim genre. How about some of the best ones out there?
Updated January 10, 2025, by Zackary Wiggs: Wargames have been a winning genre for tabletop gamers for generations, so it only makes sense that the want for accurate military simulations would reach video games as well. As consoles and computers get more powerful milsims get better and better. Even this most recent generation of consoles has seen vast improvements in graphics, physics, and any other facet you’d want in a historically accurate military simulations. Whether online or with, friends, these are the go-to games in the genre.
Squad 44
Squad-Up & Get Ready
The Second World War is a common setting for games that focus on the realistic side of the military experience, and Squad 44 is no exception to that. It ran under the name Post Scriptum for a time, but has found quite a few new fans since the name change.
Squad-based, it takes you to some of the most well-known battlefields across the world, and puts realistic weaponry in your hands. It has some quirks here and there, as any game with so much running at once does, but it gets smoother and smoother with every patch.
Bolt-Action Warfare
- Released
September 13, 2022
- Developer(s)
BlackMill Games
, M2H - Publisher(s)
BlackMill Games
, M2H - ESRB
M for Mature 17+ due to Blood and Gore, Violence
Historical accuracy that is expected in milsims can be a hard thing to balance when it comes to the “ease of play” of a game. The limited weapon types of WWI are just one of the challenges that the team behind Isonzo had to tackle.
Bolt-action rifles are the mainstay of this game that takes place in the Italian mountains. But, surprisingly, it doesn’t hold the game back. BlackMill has learned from its previous WWI titles and have brought incredible balance and excitement to round out the historical accuracy of the game.
Fictional War, Real Work
Most of the games in this subgenre focus on the work of a squad or small team of people, but Foxhole takes the idea of a milsim to a staggering new level. Thousands of players all take on the roles of soldiers on a single map and a single server.
With two armies facing off in a fictional war, the players are the ones that make things happen. Land is gained and lost, bases are built and raided, and troops are moved, all with the actions of the players.
World Of Tanks
Modern Armor Unleashed
- Released
April 12, 2011
- Developer(s)
- Publisher(s)
T For Teen due to Mild Violence
Not every milsim has to take you to the role of infantry. World of Tanks was one of the first games to take armored combat and revamp it. Tanks and armored vehicles from twelve different countries from the 1910s to the 1970s all take to the battlefield.

World Of Tanks: 10 Beginner Tips
A complex tactical game full of hardware, World of Tanks can be hard to get to grips with. These tips and tricks will help.
Each of them has been remade with realistic designs and capabilities. It isn’t just shooting your guns though, making sure your crew stays alive, and the various modules of the tank function properly are just as key as steady aim.
War Thunder
Where Historians Go To Argue
- Released
November 1, 2012
- Developer(s)
Gaijin Entertainment
- Publisher(s)
Gaijin Entertainment
Few games take the accuracy that the milsim genre is known for to the levels that War Thunder does. Land, sea, and air vehicles are all available in your garage of historically accurate military weaponry.
Nuclear Bombers and artillery guns wage war on various maps from different historical battles. It has a bit of a learning curve, but after a few matches you’ll get the hang of things and be on your way to a master pilot, sailor, or driver.
There have been over a dozen leaks of classified military documents on the War Thunder Reddit page in response to arguments about the capabilities of vehicles in the game.
A Solid Attempt
- Released
April 8, 2021
- Developer
Darkflow Software
- Publisher(s)
Gaijin Entertainment
One of the many World War Two games to join the ranks, Enlisted was an Xbox console exclusive but eventually released for all similar platforms. It is one of the more realistic World War Two games out there.
You can spawn in one of the various historical maps and try to fight back against an enemy army. Playing as one of a series of different squad members is fun, but Enlisted doesn’t have some of the realism or smoothness that so many other Milsim games have going for them.
Trench Warfare
Indie Games
- Released
September 19, 2013
- Developer
BlackMill Games, M2H, Abstraction
- Publisher
BlackMill Games, M2H, Abstraction
There has been a recent uptick in World War One games in the past few years. With games like Battlefield 1 drawing more and more attention to the first global conflict as a video game setting, there has also been a push for some historical realism in those games.
Verdun is one such game that pushes for historical realism without sacrificing a fun experience. The maps, the guns, and even the dialogue all work in unison to make a game that takes you to Europe during the First World War in a way that no other game with that setting quite compares to.
War Of Rights
Load Those Muskets
Civil War games are a bit of a rarity. It can be hard to balance historical accuracy when fighting battles with muskets and making a game that people find genuinely enjoyable to play. However, War of Rights does it as no one has before.
Standing in a firing line with the rest of your army and firing your musket in a puff of smoke is fine. But then you must begin the dreadfully long reloading process while the enemy does the same. It is deeply stressful but avoids being boring.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
From Jungle To City
Whether it be the lush jungle or the napalm-burned fields, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is a game that definitely stands out. You’ll find yourself with an M16 or AK in hand. Stalking through the Vietnamese countryside can really be intense.
This game feels more on the FPS side of things and doesn’t have a lot of the milsim details that most veterans of the genre will find themselves accustomed to. It is a load of fun, though, and a great option for those who aren’t as adept in the genre as others.
Ground Branch
Modern Armaments
If you like things more on the tactical side, then Ground Branch is one to look into. A modern military sim, this game gets pretty heated. Enemies with realistic weaponry potentially wait around every corner, and there is no replenishing health.
Bullets can take you down quickly. Fun game mechanics and pretty solid graphics round out this game as a solid option for anyone interested in milsim gaming.
Arma 3
From Star Wars To The Gulf War
The classic option, Arma games, have been around for some time now. Whether you find a heavily modded version where you are fighting in the Warhammer universe, as clones against battle droids on Tatooine, or just as regular army units on the base game, there is a server for you.
The ability to make this game yours and a heavy push towards realism, especially with the right group of players, can make this such a unique experience. It’s not hard to find a dedicated group of online roleplayers to hop in with.
Get Your Mic Ready
Squad is a milsim game that takes squad-based combat to another level. It isn’t as technical as games like Arma, but it is still a solid milsim. Communications and squad-based tactics are where this game stands out.
If you have a group of friends you like to play sims with, then this is a must-try as you go room to room, clearing out potential hostiles. This game doesn’t necessarily excel in anything specific, but it allows for a fun time for those looking for another game to add to their rotation.
Escape From Tarkov
All Or Nothing
While not squad-based like so many similar games, Escape From Tarkov takes the realism and formula of Milsim games and uses it to its advantage. Expecting to run and gun like in Call of Duty will have you dead in seconds and missing your favorite loot.
Constantly balancing risk and reward when it comes to gear will have you sitting there pouring over strategies and weapon stats like you’re getting paid to do it. But, death is assured, and sooner or later, you’ll find yourself wading in armorless with a double barrel, just hoping to get out with whatever you manage to scavenge.
Escape From Tarkov arguably has the most drastic learning curve of milsims, with PVP and PVE enemies and a resource system that doesn’t pull punches.
Hell Let Loose
The Next Level Of WW2 Shooters
- Released
July 27, 2021
- Developer(s)
Black Matter
M For Mature 17+ due to Blood and Gore, Violence
The fields of the Second World War are a common setting for milsim games. But no one does it quite like Hell Let Loose. The expansive maps, the realistic gunplay, and the artillery that seems to shake the earth around you all add up to quite an experience.
It often feels like you’ve been dropped in the middle of a war zone, with times where even your spawn points aren’t safe. Plenty of games have tried the Second World War setting, but Hell Let Loose takes you and your squad of friends and puts you in the thick of it.
While many of these games have a multiplayer focus, Hell Let Loose is definitely a game that is optimally played with a squad of friends.
Insurgency: Sandstorm
Boots On The Ground
The modern military experience has been the focal point of many games. Insurgency: Sandstorm is one that takes this idea and makes it unique. The creators have layered some great sound design and gameplay on top of an already solid FPS game to deliver a quality milsim.
There are a lot of great modes to choose from and some pretty diverse maps as well. It may not have the intricacies of games like Arma or Hell Let Loose, but it allows a lot of realism to shine through for those really into milsim gaming while also not having a steep learning curve for those wanting to start diving into milsims.

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