With Pokemon approaching the three-year mark without a main series iteration, fans are left wondering what the 10th generation of games might have in store for them. One thing that Game Freak has become fond of in recent games is giving more attention to fan-favorite creatures from previous games. With that in mind, Pokemon’s Generation 10 presents the perfect opportunity to finally give a Generation 1 Pokemon a lighter outlook.
Pokemon’s first generation is a favorite among many fans, and Game Freak has taken notice. Recent games have begun introducing new evolutions, regional forms, and now convergent forms of past creatures, most commonly from the series’ earliest entries. These new forms give Game Freak a chance to expand on the lore behind some Pokemon or give them a power boost that they’ve been lacking. It doesn’t seem like this practice will be ending any time soon, so when considering which monsters deserve more love, one first-generation Pokemon immediately springs to mind. Cubone has always had a tragic story, and a new form could give it a new lease on life. Some adore Cubone because of its tragedy, and others have crafted theories about Cubone’s parentage, but in all of this attention, it remains the result of tragedy. Generation 10 would be the perfect time to finally reverse fate in Cubone’s favor.

Pokemon Gen 10 Can Pay Homage to Gen 1 With One Regional Fake
There’s many possible candidates for receiving new forms based around the region of Pokemon Gen 10, but one Pokemon already has a clear inspiration.
How a New Form Could Lift Cubone’s Spirit
Beginning as early as gen 2, Game Freak decided that certain Pokemon deserved a glow-up. The likes of Golbat, Seadra, and Tangela have all been given new evolutions that help them stand out and make them more powerful at the same time. This is likely the thought process behind regional forms and evolutions as well. Even Cubone’s evolution, Marowak, received a fire-type Alolan form in Generation 7. A new evolution, regional form, or convergent form would be the ideal way to add more positive lore to the Cubone line, giving it the catharsis that it so desperately desires.
A New Cubone Evolution
One route Game Freak might take in order to help Cubone out of its rut is to give it a new evolution. Some fans have already imagined what an evolution of Marowak might look like. It’s even believed that the Cubone line was intended to be a three-stage evolution line from the very beginning, leading to the theory that Kangaskhan may be the mother whose skull Cubone is wearing. A third evolution in the line could see Marowak discard its mother’s skull as a sign of inner growth and acceptance, turning Cubone’s story into one of recovering from loss rather than being destroyed by it.
Cubone’s Convergent Mirror Image
After the introduction of convergent evolutions in Generation 9, some fans believe that the next generation may feature more, and Cubone could be a prime candidate. Many Pokemon could benefit from a convergent evolution line, but Cubone presents an opportunity for an ironic twist on the idea. The idea behind convergent Pokemon is that, just like in real life, sometimes creatures look similar, but don’t actually have any familial relationship. There’s no better way to show that idea than introducing a Pokemon who looks like Cubone, but has a backstory that’s as wholesome as Cubone’s is sad. In some ways, it would feel like adding insult to injury for Cubone, but creating a Pokemon to act as a mirror image could lead to some interesting interactions between the two.
Something Entirely New
The Pokemon series has been in an era of experimentation lately, beginning with the introduction of battle gimmicks like mega evolution in gen 6. Each generation after has had some new form of battle-related boost, often linked to certain Pokemon, as well as to the game’s story. Pokemon Gen 10 is likely to receive its own gimmick, so perhaps Cubone could receive a new power or form due to the events in the next generation’s story. With so many possibilities, it would be a shame if the Pokemon games continued to let Cubone suffer its unfortunate fate, so hopefully a new era will dawn for it in Gen 10.
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