- Valorant players should capitalize on agent abilities for a competitive edge in gunfights.
- Yoru, Phoenix, and Sage rank high for their unique abilities and strong impact on gameplay.
- Chamber and Deadlock struggle in gameplay effectiveness due to easily countered abilities.
Riot Games’ latest entry Valorant has taken the entire gaming community by storm. A tactical shooter by nature, Valorant has been dominating Twitch since its closed beta release. From casual players to big-name professionals, everyone seems to be on the Valorant bandwagon.

Valorant: Best Agents To Pick In Silver Ranks
The Silver League can feel like an elo hell for those stuck in it in Valorant, but these agents should help players reach their new high.
A key part of the game is the different Agents present in it. Agents are the player-controlled characters in Valorant, each of which possesses unique abilities and attributes. All the Agents are viable in the game, but some might yield more success compared to the rest, especially in a competitive mode. Here is every Agent in Valorant ranked, which will help players both in casual and competitive mode.
Updated on January 9, 2025, by Mehrdad Khayyat: Still pushing the boundaries of a competitive hero shooter, Valorant has been growing since its release more and more, with the player base quite happy about the steady stream of content, including new maps, new agents, and new game modes.
Aside from having a good aim, playing effectively in Valorant also depends on the Agents and using their abilities. Although winning the gunfights might be the ultimate requirement eventually, but the abilities could help to put enemies at a disadvantage and win fights easier.
While being one of the latest Sentinels to be added to Valorant, Deadlock also remains one of the least effective Sentinels in the game, as most of her abilities can be countered quite easily. Except for Deadlock’s X-shaped Barrier Mesh blocker, which is her most powerful ability, the rest of her skills are not powerful enough to challenge the opponent.

Valorant: All Game-Changing Nerfs
Valorant has implemented several nerfs over the years. Here’s why they were implemented in the first place.
Her Sonic Sensor traps can be bypassed by slow walking, and her Ultimate can be dodged easily before it can even get its target. The Gravnet Grenade, however, is another strong ability from Deadlock that can suppress the enemy movement in chaotic situations.
Yoru is a strong Agent with a huge arsenal full of epic weapons. He’s a great Agent to play with either in solo or team games, as he can easily fend for himself when he needs to, and can lead to victory on his own too.
He combines the skills of Breach and Phoenix, as he can flash for himself and the team as well if need be. His style is not hard to master, so this Agent is great for starters, and even pro players revisit him often because of his set of abilities.
One of the Agents with the highest solo carry potential, Phoenix is definitely a force to be reckoned with. Apart from massive damage potential, he also has self-sustain with his “Hot Hands” ability.
He is also one of the only two entry-fraggers in the game, making him unique. Overall, Phoenix has a very balanced kit, and he can solo-carry games. However, proper teamwork and coordination can tame Phoenix at higher levels of competition.
Sage is one of the few Agents in the game who can heal other Agents, which significantly raises her value. She can entirely stop team push by enemies with her slows and her wall. On top of this, her ultimate allows her to revive any dead member of her team, making the game essentially a 6v5.
She can fill any role and is tremendous on both offense and defense. She falls to the middle of the pack in competitive play as most hardcore gamers favor offense over defense, but she’s still got her usefulness when placed with top-tier damage dealers.
Reyna is for players who like to live dangerously. She’s the master of close combat, with an epic set of abilities. She’s one of the best Agents to start out with, as she doesn’t have any complex skills, and can be handled easily while causing a decent amount of damage.
Also, when placed in the perfect position in a team, she can easily fend for herself, proving to be a great asset to the team. In solo games, she might be a harder character to bring to full victory because of her limited set of skills, but she’s definitely not the worst Agent out there. At the time of this writing, she has the highest kill-to-death ratio across all tiers of competitive play.
KAY/O is in a really tough place right now. While most skills from any Agent can be dodged by skillful players, KAY/O has such huge animations and warning signs from all four of his abilities that landing an attack feels like a miracle.
He still gets some use in competitive play when, in an ideal team composition, allies stack other Agents who can lockdown, stun, or otherwise restrict enemy movement. But this is more than the exception than it is the rule for poor KAY/O.
Positioning is everything at higher tiers of play and nobody does it quite like Fade. Her seize ability ties groups of enemies to a single location, preventing them from running away. Haunt also reveals enemies in a specific location, taking the guesswork out of attackers hiding in cover.
Veteran teams that see her ultimate go off receive specific locations on how to hunt down and eliminate their opposition. With a few pointers on how to use her and some solid communication, her ceiling is higher than her floor.
While ranked at the bottom among all Controllers, Harbor is not a bad agent in Valorant. However, when compared to other Controllers, his abilities are not as effective. So, when it comes to Viper, she has damage-dealing walls and smokes, or in Brimstone’s case, he has a great Ultimate that can earn kills or even Astra’s Ultimate is quite beneficial in controlling or taking a site, but Harbor isn’t just close to any of them.
While he has the ability to slow down enemies passing through his watery walls and smokes, it doesn’t seem enough to prefer him over other Controllers. Probably the only ability that does give Harbor a better advantage is his Cove shield.
As the latest Sentinel added to Valorant, Vyse has an excessive focus on holding sites compared to any other Sentinel released so far. All the abilities of Vyse help her to execute a pre-planned strategy, making it difficult to use Vyse effectively in attacking rounds before planting the Spike.
That being said, it doesn’t mean Vyse is a useless Agent. She has a powerful Ultimate that can be activated with only 7 orbs, and her abilities do not have an activation range, which puts him next to Cypher when it comes to effectiveness. The Shear (Q) ability is perfect for telling which side the enemies are coming from, and using it in conjunction with Arc Rose (E) gives a massive advantage to Vyse to kill trapped opponents.
Players tend to get hot during certain stretches of the game. If gamers are using Neon during those moments, the opposing team is going to get wiped out, come back, and keep getting wiped out as Neon’s core skills are reset when she kills somebody.
Beyond her movement speed boosts, she can also stun opponents by bouncing projectiles off of walls and putting up massive walls that damage those who try to pass through. With a combination of carry, control, and stuns, she’s a threat to single-handedly win a game.
Iso is a unique take on the Duelist category, and he comes with an interesting set of abilities that an entry fragger could find useful, but the main problem with Iso is his Ultimate. The Kill Contract picks one of the enemies inside its radius and teleports both Iso and the enemy to another dimension, where they fight a 1v1 duel.
While Iso has a little advantage of spawning with two shields compared to the opponent, this ability doesn’t even feel like an Ultimate, as it doesn’t give Iso a sheer advantage. Just look at the other Ultimates in Valorant and see how they perform. There is barely an Ultimate that could put the player themselves in danger, but Kill Contract does it. Even after winning the 1v1 battle, the player returns to the map with no knowledge about their surroundings, which puts them in danger again.
Gekko is one of the easiest agents to learn in Valorant, as he comes with quite simple but impactful abilities. Similar to all other Initiators, he has a throwable ability that not only detects any enemy player in the area but can also blind them for a few seconds.
Gekko’s most revolutionary ability is that he can give Spike to Wingman and let him plant it, rather than putting himself or any of the other teammates in danger. This is a great selling point for Gekko, which makes him an agent in service of the team.
Despite having the second-highest kill-to-death ratio in the game right now, Chamber also has the lowest win rate. How can a character so deadly be such a burden on the team? Unfortunately, he’s got weaknesses that, even the best advice, make him inadvisable.
The deceptive thing about kill-to-death ratios is that players don’t have to kill many people to make them high. Chambers is great at locking down an area defensively, but he doesn’t have much to help his team push on offense. He won’t die often, but he also ends up not being a contributor either.
Astra is yet another Agent that players need to get used to. She’s more of an asset in pro games, but for her to shine through in the big leagues, players need to start experimenting with her style early on in the gameplay.
Although she’s hard to handle and master, her skills come in very handy. Her main ability is teleportation to nearly anywhere on the map, and also to the “Astral Form” which allows the player to overview the map. In this form, Astra can place down five stars, all of which can be activated by any of her three powers.
The latest Agent in Valorant and an Initiator after a long time! Tejo is probably the best Initiator to get rid of campers in a deadly way. Instead of focusing on flashing, Tejo comes with special abilities to damage the campers and angle-holders. This is the main purpose behind his Guided Salvo (E) ability and Ultimate.
That said, Tejo also comes with a concussion and an enemy reveal ability. Although these are not as powerful as those of Skye or Sova, they are still useful, and they indeed come in handy to clear the site from any camper.
Tejo is also a great starter Agent for anyone new to Valorant, as using abilities is straightforward with no need for veteran skills. The only requirement is to know the maps pretty well.
The latest agent in Valorant is another Controller and she comes with an Ultimate similar to that of Sage, though she can only revive herself, and it’s not easy. Clove’s ability to smoke is similar to that of Brimstone, but she comes with two smokes. She also has a throwable to can cause decay to opponents, but her best selling point is her Ultimate.

Valorant: Pro Tips For Agent Clove
Valorant’s recent update saw the introduction of a new Controller named Clove. Here is everything you need to know to master their skillset.
When Clove has enough orbs to use her Ultimate, the player gets a prompt after their in-game death to use it. When used, Clove becomes a ghost for a few seconds and she can take cover somewhere, once the period is over, Clove comes back to the match with a timer. If she manages to kill an opponent before the time runs out she will stay alive, but if not, she will be dead. This is again, a situational Ultimate, but it still works far better than Iso’s Ultimate as it gives the player a second chance.
Skye is an animal-loving character who has the ability to heal, making her a fan favorite immediately. She’s hard to master, but her skills come in handy in team gameplays.
However, in solo games she struggles to hold her ground, relying greatly on a team. But if the team communicates well with the teammate playing with Skye, she can easily be the reason for winning, making a huge impact in the game.
Brimstone is a perfect fit for almost every team composition. He has Smoke Grenades that act as a deceiving smokescreen. These grenades reset every round, making him a must-have utility character on every team. He also boasts a Molotov which deals Area of Effect damage to enemies. He is very easy to play with, and his diverse kit allows him to be useful in every situation.

11 Best Weapons To Use in Valorant
Valorant has a huge arsenal when it comes to weapons. From mere pistol to big LMGs, Valorant has everything to offer that a player wants from an FPS.
His ultimate “Orbital Strike” is a devastating move, that dishes out ludicrous Area of Effect damage on a targeted location, and can single-handedly change the tide of a game. Console gamers looking forward to playing will certainly enjoy what Brimstone brings to the table.
Breach is by far the best initiator in the game. Being able to flash-peek the enemies and check multiple angles, Breach has so much utility that it sets up his team for success. No one is safe when Breach is in the game as his abilities allow him to peek through covers and walls.
This is a great asset and makes Breach one of the best Agents in the game. His ability ‘Aftershock’ is great for shutting down chokepoints to prevent a full rush by enemies and can also be used to locate enemies hiding in corners.
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