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In Infinity Nikki, there are many locations to visit with multiple Whimstars to discover. Whimstars can be used to unlock new outfits in the Heart of Infinity and to upgrade some of Nikki’s abilities, so they are an item that is incredibly important for your journey. One of these locations, Memorial Mountains, has a few Whimstars you can grab.
The Memorial Mountains are one of the first locations that you’ll visit in the game, and has a total of seven Whimstars. Some of these will be easy to pick up, while others will take a bit more effort and searching. Here’s where to find all seven Whimstars in the Memorial Mountains in Infinity Nikki.

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Where to Find Memorial Mountains in Infinity Nikki
Before you get started searching for all of the Whimstars in the Memorial Mountains, you will first need to locate the area. This spot on the map is discovered very early on in the game, and is close to Florawish.
To find Memorial Mountains, you’ll notice it directly west of Florawish on your map, as shown in the image above. It will have a large spot of ruins in the middle, with a few ponds nearby.

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All Whimstars in Memorial Mountains in Infinity Nikki
As you search for the seven Whimstars in Memorial Mountains, we will provide you with a map image as well as an image in-game of where the Whimstar can be found. If the Whimstar has already been picked up in the game, we will show the general location of where it was.
Whimstar #1 – Unknown Ruins
For the first Whimstar, this will be an easy find as you will be guided to it during the tutorial when you first start the game. When you arrive inside the Unknown Ruins, look to your right, and Nikki will point out the star hidden behind some vines.
Walk up to the vines, and press the Interact button (F on PC), and Nikki will move the vines out of the way. She will then grab the Whimstar during a cutscene.
Whimstar #2 – Unknown Ruins Pillars
For the second Whimstar, this one will also be an easy find as it will appear during the tutorial quest as well. Once you are outside the ruins, you will come into contact with an enemy who is in front of some vines leading to an entryway. After the cutscene, run to the left of the enemy, and you’ll find a Whimstar underneath a small area of four pillars.
Whimstar #3 – Unknown Ruins Underground
To get to the third Whimstar, head directly north from the pillars where you found the second Whimstar. As you walk forward, Momo will suggest helping you find Whimstars. You can then press V, and Momo will show you the location of the hidden Whimstar.
As you will see, the Whimstar is just ahead and underneath some wooden planks. To get under here, jump up into the air, and press Q to drop quickly to break the wooden planks. In the small room underneath, there will be a Whimstar towards the back.
Whimstar #4 – Northeast Pond
For this Whimstar, you will want to start at the By the Stylist’s Guild Memorial Warp Spire in the northern section of Memorial Mountains. From here, follow the path to the right, and then jump across the small rocky platforms in the pond in front of you. Make sure not to fall into the water, otherwise Nikki will drown, and you’ll be reset to your last location. Jump across the three platforms here, and you’ll find the Whimstar at the end.
Whimstar #5 – Pillar
From the Beside the Statue in the Old Florawish Memorial Warp Spire, follow the path leading southeast. Eventually, about halfway through, you will want to veer off the path and head north. You will spot a seesaw-like object, where you will want to jump on top of the platform high up. Then, jump up into the air, and drop quickly to slam onto the platform. It will then fling you high into the air, and you will need to float to the platform to the east. Then, jump across to the platform just in front of here where a Whimstar will be sitting on top.
Whimstar #6 – Inside Chest
From the pillar where you found the fifth Whimstar, use Momo to locate the next Whimstar, which is hidden in a chest northeast of here. Jump from the pillar and float across to the ruins just nearby, and open the shining chest. A bunch of enemies will spawn, and you can defeat them easily by using your Purification ability. After you defeat them, the Whimstar will appear where the chest was located.
Whimstar #7 – Whimink Whimstar
For the last Whimstar in Memorial Mountains, you will want to follow the same path from the Beside the Statue in the Old Florawish Memorial Warp Spire to the east. This time, however, about halfway through the route, you will want to head south. Use Momo to locate the Whimstar when you are in the area, and you will notice that the Whimstar is located within a Whimink animal. Make sure to swap to your Bye-Bye Dust Outfit, and sneak up on the Whimink to groom it. Afterward, it will turn into a Whimstar for you to grab.
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