How To Craft And Use A Sandstorm In A Bottle In Terraria

How To Craft And Use A Sandstorm In A Bottle In Terraria

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Accessories are unique pieces of gear in Terraria that can change the way you explore, move, and fight. With a wide variety of accessories to choose from and a limited amount of space to hold them all, making the decision can be tough. One accessory that you may come across is the Sandstorm in a Bottle.


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In this guide, we are going to take a look at how to obtain and use the Sandstorm in a Bottle. You can also use this accessory in some unique crafting recipes, so we will take a look at that as well. First, let’s go over what this bottle does.

What Does Sandstorm In A Bottle Do?

A player looking at Sandstorm in a Bottle in Terraria.
via Estraxior/Reddit

Sandstorm in a Bottle gives you the ability to double jump that extends past a normal jump height. Upon doing the second jump, a jet of sand will appear below your feet, propelling you upward.

This boost goes two times higher than you would with Cloud in a Bottle, which provides a double jump as well (with a cloud instead of sand). Interestingly, Cloud in a Bottle can also be used to craft Sandstorm in a Bottle, which we will go over later.

How To Get Sandstorm In A Bottle

A player standing in a Desert in Terraria.

Sandstorm in a Bottle is primarily obtained by finding it in the world. This accessory is found in Gold Chests within Desert Pyramids. As expected, this isn’t guaranteed, so you may have to do some searching around.

It’s important to note that it’s completely possible to spawn in a world that does not have a Desert Pyramid. If this is the case for you, then you’ll need to rely on other methods in order to get your hands on Sandstorm in a Bottle.

While fishing in the Desert, you may fish up an Oasis Crate. This has around a three percent chance to hold Sandstorm in a Bottle. If you like fishing, this may be a stress-free way to get this accessory, as you won’t need to explore a Pyramid.

How To Make Sandstorm In A Bottle

A player looking at the Cloud in a Bottle in Terraria.

It’s possible to make Sandstorm in a Bottle, but it isn’t an easy process. First, you’ll need to find a Cloud in a Bottle and a Forbidden Fragment. Forbidden Fragments are a Hardmode crafting material that drops from Sand Elementals, which only spawn during Desert Sandstorms.

A Cloud in a Bottle is a bit easier to obtain, but still not too simple. You can find it in Gold Chests in the Underground and Cavern layers of the map. This means that you’ll need to do some exploring if you want to make your own Sandstorm in a Bottle.

When you have both a Cloud in a Bottle and Forbidden Fragment, you’ll need to craft with them at a Crystal Ball, which is a Hardmode crafting station that can be purchased from the Wizard for ten gold.

How To Tinker With Sandstorm In A Bottle

A player looking at the Tinkerer's Workhop in Terraria.

If you want to take your Sandstorm in a Bottle a step further, you can use it at the Tinkerer’s Workshop. By combining Sandstorm in a Bottle and a Shiny Red Balloon, you’ll get Sandstorm in a Balloon.

A Shiny Red Balloon can be found in Skyware Chests from Floating Islands. If you fish from Sky Lakes, you can also find Sky Crates, which have a chance to contain the balloon.

Sandstorm in a Balloon combines the two accessories, giving you a balloon that has the following effects.

  • Increase Jump Height by 33%
  • Increase Jump Speed by 30%
  • Increase The Height of First Jump to 10.5 Blocks
  • Adds A Double Jump That Goes 26.5 Blocks

With this, a full jump (with a double jump) will rocket you 37 blocks into the air!

It’s still possible to take fall damage from this jump.

This is a great way to use your Sandstorm in a Bottle, as you won’t need to decide between the two accessories.

Sandstorm In A Bottle & Shimmer

A player in Terraria standing atop Shimmer.
via ihavenoname/Steam

If you have access to Shimmer, you’ll be able to transform Sandstorm in a Bottle. Shimmer will turn the accessory into the Pharoah’s Mask, which is a piece of headwear that is typically only found in Desert Pyramids. The mask doesn’t have any practical effects, so we suggest not turning your Sandstorm in a Bottle into this.

The Shimmer transformation works in reverse too; it can turn a Pharoah’s Mask into Sandstorm in a Bottle, making this another way to get this accessory.


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