Of the three victory conditions in Civilization 6, Religious Victories are the easiest to earn quickly, while Culture victories tend to take much more time. Science victories sit somewhere in between – but with the right Leader, fast Science victories can be one of the most straightforward paths to victory in Civ 6.

The 31 Best Mods For Civilization 6
Civilization 6 has tons of different mods players can try out. Fans of the series will love the changes that these exceptional mods bring.
Though most Science civs Civ 6 offers can quickly get through the Technology tree, these fastest Science victory civilizations can outpace other civilizations by several ages under the right conditions. Pay attention to the requirements for Science bonuses, and spread your empire far and wide, to win quick Science victories with these Leaders in Civ 6.
Seondeok – Korea
Build Seowons & Promote Governors For Fast Science
Seondeok Leader Ability: Hwarang |
Every promotion a Governor has grants +3% Culture and Science to their assigned city |
Korea Civ Ability: Three Kingdoms |
Farms get +1 Food and Mines get +1 Science for every adjacent Seowon |
Unique Units |
Hwacha (Renaissance Ranged unit), Seowon (Campus replacement, +4 Science, -2 Science for adjacent Districts) |
Seondeok, one of two Leaders for the Korean civilization, can get fast Science victories thanks to the Seowon and her Leader ability.
With Magnus’ promotion that prevents Population loss when a Settler is created in his assigned city, you can spread out very quickly in the early game to have as much Science production as possible. Then, focus on getting Civics that unlock Governor Titles to quickly promote Governors and get +3% Science and Culture for every promotion.
The Seowon unique District loses Science if any other districts are adjacent. Let your cities take some time to develop, then place your Seowon at least two tiles away from your city center, next to tiles that will get Mines later on. Mines get extra Science next to a Seowon as Korea, so it’s not a bad idea to use Mines as a buffer from other Districts to maximize the Seowon output.
If you can establish a lot of cities early and place your Seowons optimally, other civs will have a hard time keeping up with your rapid Technological progress.
Lady Six Sky – Maya
Observatories Have Some Of The Best Science Output
Lady Six Sky Leader Ability: Ix Mutal Ajaw |
Cities within 6 tiles of your Capital get +10% to all Yields and get a Builder when founded, but Cities further away than 6 tiles have -15% Yields. |
Maya Civ Ability: Mayab |
No Housing from Fresh Water or Coast cities, instead gain +1 Amenity for every Luxury Resource next to city center. Farms gain +1 Housing and +1 Production if next to an Observatory. |
Unique Units |
Hul’che (Ancient Ranged unit), Observatory (+2 Science from Plantation adjacency bonus, +1 from Farms) |
Lady Six Sky’s unique Leader ability grants every City within 6 tiles of your original City extra Yields and a free Builder when created. This is a huge boon, but the downside is obvious – for optimal growth and production, your cities have to be clustered together.

10 Best Ancient Era Civilizations In Civilization 6
Players looking to dominate the Ancient Era in Civilization 6 may want to go with the following civs.
Like with Seondeok, once Magnus gets the promotion to prevent Population loss, try to settle at least five or six other cities within the 6-tile radius over the course of the age. Place Observatories next to Resources that require either a Plantation or Farm to harvest, as the Observatory gains an Adjacency Bonus for these resources.
If you can place your Observatories in all cities in optimal locations, and don’t spread out further than six tiles in any direction from your city center, achieving a quick Science victory as the Maya should be relatively straightforward.
Peter – Russia
Absorb Science From Other Civs With Trade Routes
Peter Leader Ability: The Grand Embassy |
Trade Routes with other Civilizations grant +1 Science and +1 Culture for every 3 Technologies or Civics they are ahead of Russia |
Russia Civ Ability: Mother Russia |
Gain 5 extra tiles on founding a city, Tundra tiles grant +1 Faith and +1 Production. Units are immune to Blizzard, but civilizations at war with Russia suffer double penalties inside Russian territory. |
Unique Units |
Cossack (Industrial Era), Lavra (Replaces Holy District, expand by 2 tiles in the nearest city whenever you spend a Great Person there) |
Peter is widely considered to be the best all-around Leader in Civilization 6. His Culture and Science-generating Trade Routes ability ensures he will never be too far behind other players in either track, and the extremely powerful Lavra, extra founding Tiles, and the ability for Great People to expand a city’s borders make him good at just about everything.

Civilization 6: 7 Best Leaders for the Pangaea Map
Civilization 6’s Pangaea map has all civilizations share one massive supercontinent, and some leaders are better suited to win on this than others.
Peter is typically more suited for Culture and especially Religious victories, but he can get fast Science victories in Civ VI with a bit of luck and some quick expansion.
Choose Dance of the Aurora to get extra yields from Tundra tiles, which Peter is biased towards starting near.
Because Russia starts with more tiles than normal when founding a city, you can forward settle extremely effectively as Peter, and it’s in your interest to spread out at the start of the game. Build Campuses near mountains, and focus on enhancing your trading capabilities with Currency Exchange and Harbor Districts to maximize the profits of your best Science and Culture-generating routes.
Hammurabi – Babylon
A Wide Empire Can Overcome -50% Science Easily
Hammurabi Leader Ability: Ninu Ilu Sirum |
When building any District (except Government Plaza), get the lowest-cost building for that district for free. Get a free Envoy when building any other district, too. |
Babylon Civ Ability: Enuma Anu Enlil |
Eurekas instantly unlock respective Technologies, but suffer -50% Science across your entire empire |
Unique Units |
Sabum Kibittum (Ancient Melee unit), Palgum (+2 Production and +1 Housing, +1 Food for all Fresh Water adjacent tiles in this city) |
The secret to a quick Science victory in Civ 6 is spreading out quickly to establish lots of cities that can produce Science, a strategy that also counteracts the downside of the Babylon civilization.
As Babylon, you will instantly unlock a Technology when you trigger the Eureka for it, but your overall Science output is reduced by half. As you settle more cities, you will notice this reduction less and less.
In the early game, look closely at the Eurekas that are required to trigger the bonus for every Technology. Focus entirely on hitting these Eurekas any way you can, which means doing a little bit of everything.

Players who are having trouble choosing their pantheon in Civilization 6 can find details on the best ones for each victory type here.
Don’t focus on Science production at first. Instead, put your efforts into Currency, Production, and growing your cities as you continue to trigger Eurekas. Place Spies in civilizations that are technologically more advanced than you for more Eureka opportunities.
By the end of the Classical era, you should have placed your first Campus in most of your cities – aim to have around six cities before the end of the Classical era. By the dawn of the Middle Ages, you should have saved enough Gold from focusing on trade and Currency Exchange developments to purchase the secondary buildings for each Campus.
Hammurabi gets the lowest-tier building currently available for free, so if you wait to make your Campuses until later on, you will automatically get the Library for free and can pay for the second building with Gold for a massive Science boost.
This should bring you on-par with other civilizations in terms of Science output this early in the game, but your Technology boosts should bring you significantly further along the tree.
You need Science for some of the end-game Technologies, so continue to build Science over time while primarily focusing on triggering Eurekas. You should be several ages ahead of other civilizations by the time you start the Space Race, giving you plenty of time to complete all five steps of the Space Race before anyone catches up.
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