It’s possible to play The Sims 4 without the use of any cheat codes, but where is the fun in that? Especially since many of the cheat codes can really shake up the game and add to the experience. With the Life and Death expansion, we now have even more cheat codes to use while playing.
In this guide, we are going to take a look at all new cheat codes added with The Sims 4: Life and Death. This will just cover new additions, excluding existing codes from the base game or other expansions.
In order to use cheats, press “Ctrl/Command + Shift + C” (PC or Mac) or all four shoulder buttons (console) and then type in “testingcheats on”. Once this has been input, you’re free to use cheats.
Trait Cheats
Trait cheats are not new to Life and Death, but with this expansion, there are a few more traits that you can use with the existing cheat. Below, you can find the trait, description, and cheat used to gain it.
Notice a new trait left out? We’ve only included traits that seem to have cheats. If a cheat (such as Burning Soul) isn’t included, there doesn’t seem to be any cheat that you can use to obtain it.
Career Cheats
There are two new jobs included in Life and Death; Reaper and Undertaker. While you can progress through these jobs as normal, these cheats can help get your Sims promoted (or demoted).
Career |
Promotion Cheat |
Demotion Cheat |
Reaper |
Careers.Promote Active_Reaper |
Careers.Demote Active_Reaper |
Undertaker |
Careers.Promote Mortician |
Careers.Demote Mortician |
To immediately promote your Sim to the top of their career track, just use these cheats a few times. We suggest increasing their associated skills as well, allowing them to keep up with their new promotion.
Skill Cheats
Life and Death introduces one new skill to us, which is called Thanatology. This skill essentially helps Sims understand grief and death a bit better. In real life, Thanatology involves the scientific study of death and dying.
There are only five levels to this skill; to tweak the level of a Sim’s Thanatology skill, you’ll use the following cheat.
- Stats.Set_Skill_Level Minor_Thanatology [skill level]
When using this, replace the [skill level] with a number between 1 and 5! For example, to max out the skill, enter “Stats.Set_Skill_Level Minor_Thanatology 5”. You can also use this to lower a skill by typing in a number lower than the current skill level.
Aspiration Cheats
Next, we have aspiration cheats. There is only one new aspiration, which sets your Sims on a track to learn as much as they can about ghosts. In order to complete the current milestone of the Ghost Historian aspiration, use the following cheat.
- aspirations.complete_current_milestone
This cheat isn’t specific to the Ghost Historian aspiration; you can use it with any aspiration in the game. Be sure to currently be on the Ghost Historian track though; you’ll need to at least start it in order to use this cheat.
Ghost Mastery Cheats
Lastly, we have Ghost Mastery. When playing as a ghost, you’ll now be able to level up ghostly skills and unlock new abilities. If you are familiar with vampires and witches in The Sims 4, the mechanics are similar.
In order to get more Ghost Mastery experience, use the following cheat code.
- Stats.set_stat rankedstatistic_ghostpowers_ghostxp 20000

The Sims 4: Life & Death – Reincarnation Guide
Too attached to that one Sim? Ready to come back after death and give this whole life thing a second shot?
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