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Indiana Jones and The Great Circle injected the franchise with brand-new life, offering a story that, while similar to the classic movies, does enough on its own to stand out. You’ll travel all along the world, sometimes by rather unconventional means, all to stop evildoers from acquiring ancient powers.

7 Lingering Questions We Have After The End Of Indiana Jones And The Great Circle
Some great questions about the Great Circle
Said power is related to the game’s title, but no one expected to find a certain biblical location by the end of the story. With a few players wondering why the game ended the way it did, we are here to explain how it all went down, and what might be waiting for us in a future DLC.
Spoilers For The Entire Game Ahead!
The Story Of Indiana Jones And The Great Circle
The game takes place in 1937, with an Indiana Jones fresh from his adventures in Raiders of the Lost Ark (set in 1936), but who hasn’t yet traveled with his father in search of the Holy Grail (set in 1938). A strange man, larger than your average person, steals a cat idol from Indy’s museum, which kickstarts the adventure.
Inside the cat-like idol is a strange stone, part of a set consisting of 17 stones hidden throughout the world. Each location that contains a stone is aligned with the other, forming a circle around the globe, hence the name of the game — The Great Circle.
Several factions are after the stones, each with their own agenda. The stones hold such great power that, when all are collected and the right Adamic words are spoken in order, the user is able to travel seemingly anywhere in the world, opening a portal large enough for several vessels to go through.
The stones can be used individually, but the result is getting transported to a random location, which often means death.
The Nephilim Order
This ancient order seems to only include giant men, towering over most regular humans. Little is known about them, but they are the protectors of the stones, and they want to keep them hidden, since their power is too much for any mortal to handle.
In the game, you mostly deal with Locus, who spends the majority of the story being antagonistic towards Indiana. By the end, he learns to trust the archeologist, and they fight together against Voss and his men.
Voss And The Nazis
It wouldn’t be an Indiana Jones story without fighting some Nazis and their crazed leader, this time being led by Emmeric Voss. He is an archeologist who discovered the true power of the stones, having already collected most of them.

9 Hidden Areas Everyone Completely Missed In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle
Since the map in Indiana Jones And The Great Circle is full of tunnels and caves, there are hidden areas lots of players will have missed.
He has immense financial backing and several contacts, the dictator Mussolini among them, making him the main antagonist and a constant threat throughout the journey. Both him and Indiana are aware of one another, due to them being elites in the same field.
Indiana And Gina
During the first leg of the adventure, Indiana befriends an Italian reporter known as Ginetta Lombardi, or Gina as she is called all throughout the game. She is looking for her sister Laura, and joins forces with Indiana Jones to stop the Nazis and find her siblings’ whereabouts.
The Ending
The final moments of the game take place in Iraq, where the final stone is said to be. Indiana is able to infiltrate the Nazi-infested ruin thanks to Locus, who calls on his Nephilim Order allies to attack the Nazis and create a distraction.
During this time, Gina is captured by the Nazis, but is quickly saved by Indy.
However, our heroes are captured by Voss, who reveals that this final ruin is special: it is the resting place for Noah’s Ark, the mythical vessel that sailed during the biblical flood. It is in that Ark where the final confrontation of the game takes place.
Voss tries using the Ark via the Adamic words, but only summons a violent storm. This distraction is enough for Indiana, Locus, and Gina to free themselves from their bindings and start fighting the Nazis, taking control of the Ark.

The Indiana Jones Timeline, Explained
Indiana Jones has had an active life, here’s his entire timeline, explained.
Voss dies, and Locus instructs Indy and Gina to jump ship, since he is taking the Ark somewhere no one can find it again. With that, a portal opens, and the Ark is gone, leaving Indy and Gina off to get to safety and collect their thoughts.
The Purpose Of The Stones
While we eventually learn that the stones are part of a set, and, of course, that they can transport people to different places, their ancient purpose isn’t revealed until the end of the game. The stones need to be placed in the wheel of their intended vessel to function properly, and said vessel is Noah’s Ark.
The stones seem to also be able to summon the biblical flood, or at least a small version of it, but it is unclear if this always happens or only when someone ‘unworthy’ uses them (like Emmeric Voss). When Locus uses the stones and summons a portal, it transports him safely to his destination, and the stormy weather stops.
It seems that each ancient ruin where the stones were placed served as stops for Noah’s Ark during its travel, making a Great Circle across the globe. This implies that the Ark could work without the stones, or that the stones were taken to their respective sites after the journey ended.
The Secret Ending
Doing the final puzzles in Iraq lets us catch a glimpse of where Locus went with the Ark at the end of the game, ending up in Antarctica. However, we know very little as to why the Ark went there; did Locus commandeer it there, or is that where the Ark was meant to go?
While this is clearly a teaser for the upcoming DLC called The Order of Giants, we are left to wonder what said DLC will entail. Sure, we will learn more about the Nephilim Order, but we might also learn more about the Tower of Babel, due to its links to the Adamic language.
Gina And The War
The final aspect of the end of the game is the final words Indiana and Gina share before she leaves. There is mention of a great conflict brewing, clearly a reference to World War 2 that starts in 1939, only two years after the story is set.
This could be a hint that, if we get any more adventures in this series, they would be set after 1945, when the war ends. This gives the franchise some needed breathing room, as well as a chance for our main character to meet once more with the Italian reporter.

8 Oddities In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle
Some logic has to be sacrificed for gameplay (but remains noticeable by a large margin)!
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