If you’re looking to deal large amounts of damage from a distance in Warframe, a sniper rifle is your best option. Warframe, a third-person shooter developed by Digital Extremes, has continued to receive updates since it was released in 2013.

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Collecting new gear is central to the gameplay of Warframe, and there are many options for weapons and other accessories to choose from to create your perfect character. If you prefer stealth, then there are a wide variety of sniper rifles to choose from. These options come in a variety of different stats and rarity, with some of the best options featured below.
225 Impact Damage
The Vectis is a sniper rifle that is a good fit for medium-range encounters. It has a lower level of zoom compared to other sniper rifles in the game but can be fired continuously without the need to realign your sights after each shot.
The Vectis must be reloaded after every individual shot, but putting enough distance between yourself and your enemies can ensure that you can dispatch them with good aim. This makes it a good option without being inaccessible to obtain.
225 Impact Damage
The Vulkar is a sniper rifle that is used by the Grineer faction and can be obtained by completing the Ceres Junction. Compared to the Vectis it has an even shorter zoom range, making it a better fit for close encounters with enemies.

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To make up for this, it quickly builds up shot combos with a low recoil, making it easier to land all the shots in a magazine. The Vulkar also has a high chance to inflict various status effects, which makes it a good tool for hit-and-run combat.
Snipetron Vandal
200 Puncture Damage
The Snipetron Vandal is the enhanced version of the regular Vandal sniper rifle. It features higher damage values than its normal counterpart, along with a larger magazine and an increased reloading speed.
The materials necessary to complete this weapon can be obtained by playing the Invasion game mode. Compared to most of the other sniper rifles in the game, the Snipetron Prime deals primarily Puncture damage. This effect reduces the damage output of enemies and increases the chance of them taking critical damage.
371 Slash Damage
Sporothrix is a unique sniper rifle used by the Infection faction that fires explosive rounds. These rounds deal Viral damage, a status effect that can increase the damage dealt to the health of a target and can stack multiple times.

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It has a low chance of inflicting critical damage but a high critical multiplier, and like the Vulkar, it has a high chance of applying status effects on foes. Shots fired by Sporothrix will explode, dealing damage to multiple enemies in an area.
180 Impact Damage
The Rubico is a sniper rifle that is similar to the Vulkar rifle with a few key distinctions. It has the highest critical multiplier of any sniper rifle in the game, but a low chance to inflict status effects.
The Rubico is best at quickly building up shot combos with successive hits, immediately applying a damage boost on the first shot fired. The Rubico is semi-automatic, meaning that it can be fired extremely rapidly to best take advantage of the unique properties it has.
Vectis Prime
350 Puncture Damage
The Vectis Prime is the enhanced version of the regular Vectis sniper rifle. Most stats of this gun are increased from the more basic version, but also requires more successful shots to begin building up combo.

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The Vectis Prime has twice the amount of available ammo as the Vectis and has the fastest reloading speed of any other sniper rifle in the game. Unfortunately, the Vectis Prime has been Vaulted and can only be obtained reliably by trading for the parts needed with other players.
Rubico Prime
187 Impact Damage
The Rubico Prime is an enhanced version of the Rubico rifle. Similarly to the Vectis Prime, this weapon features greatly enhanced stats when compared to its more basic version. The downside that comes with this is a reduced level of zoom compared to the regular Rubico.
Among all the sniper rifles in the game, it has a high chance of inflicting critical damage and can rapidly build up shot combos. Like Vectis Prime, Rubico Prime has also been vaulted and can only be reliably obtained through trading.
Vulkar Wrath
273 Impact Damage
The Vulkar Wraith is an enhanced variant of the Vulkar sniper rifle, dealing higher damage and featuring other increased statistics. The Vulkar Wrath has a chance to be available for purchase in the Tenno Relay or can be obtained through trading instead.
It deals a high level of damage, and also can quickly build up shot combos. For the amount of damage it can deal this makes it a reliable option that is easier to obtain than many of the other sniper rifles of comparable quality.
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