Most Idealistic Final Fantasy Characters, Ranked

Most Idealistic Final Fantasy Characters, Ranked


  • Sabin Rene Figaro pursued individual freedom over royal duty.
  • Adelbert Steiner sees the world’s hierarchy as inherently just.
  • Tidus from Dream Zanarkand inspires others to break through despair.

Fantasy is, in a certain way, the idealization of life, history, and the human experience. While there is plenty of dark fantasy with grimdark edgelord characters to feast upon, fantasy with an optimistic perspective will likely always garner favor, even in an often-cynical medium like video games, which tends to focus on violence, conflict, and competition.


Final Fantasy: 10 Most Mysterious NPCs In The Games, Ranked

During the series’ nearly 40 years of existence, many characters have appeared in Final Fantasy games, and some of them remain a mystery to this day.

The Final Fantasy series has carried beacons of idealism in its characters throughout its long and thematically-varied lifespan. These figures have an idea of the world that they think should be realized for the betterment of everyone, although not all of their visions for a better world are the same. Ideally, those who have not played the following games should beware of spoilers ahead.


Sabin Rene Figaro – Final Fantasy 6

Absconding Rotalty For An Authentic Life

Final Fantasy 6


October 11, 1994


Square Enix
, Square

OpenCritic Rating


Sabin Rene Figaro was first in line to the throne of Figaro Castle, but as he came of age, he gambled away the position with his twin brother over a coin toss. However, as events unfold in Final Fantasy 6, it is revealed that Edgar intentionally made the flip with a two-headed coin, ensuring his brother’s freedom.

Sabin left the duties of the throne to pursue an authentic life of individual freedom. He trained under a martial arts master to perfect his body and mind. However, when the call came to defend his brother and his home, Sabin reasoned that using his abilities to defend the innocent and bring about peace would be the best use for his skills.


Adelbert Steiner – Final Fantasy 9

A Blind Trust In Power And The Throne

Final Fantasy 9


July 7, 2000

OpenCritic Rating


Not all idealists believe that the world should change or have an issue with power and a wish to see more equality in the world. Case in point Final Fantasy 9’s Adelbert Steiner, the leader of the Knights of Pluto and devout soldier for Alexandria and Queen Brahne. Steiner sees the world and its feudal hierarchies as being inherently just, believing that everyone deserves and belongs in their place.


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Despite all of the mainline Final Fantasy games being vastly different, they almost all carry these common traditions.

Being of the narrow-minded lawful good variety, his tendency to blindly trust and admire those in high places puts him in awkward positions when his charge, Princess Garnet, puts herself at odds with the queen. Eventually, the “good” of his “lawful good” temperament comes through as he adjusts his perspective, but even in doing so, he loses exactly none of his ideas about justice and righteousness.


Tidus – Final Fantasy 10

Literally From A Dream-Maintained Utopia

Final Fantasy 10


December 17, 2001

OpenCritic Rating


Idealists are often accused of wanting to live in a utopia, or, in other words, a place that does not and cannot exist. However, in the case of this peppy blitzball superstar, utopia is exactly where he came from. Tidus comes from Dream Zanarkand, a magical replica of the real city that existed in Spira more than 1,000 years before Yuna’s pilgrimage in Final Fantasy 10.

In this idealized reimagining, Tidus grew up adored by fans, knowing no other life than that of a superstar. His ejection from this world puts him at odds with the party and many of the citizens of contemporary Spira, who have only ever experienced hardship, unjust suffering, and tragic fates. However, to others, Tidus’ attitude is a refreshing and inspirational breath of fresh air, helping them break through the despair brought about by Sin’s eternal punishment.


Hope Estheim – Final Fantasy 13

It’s Even In His Name

Final Fantasy 13


March 9, 2010


Square Enix

OpenCritic Rating


Hope Estheim begins his journey as a young, grief-stricken boy consumed by loss and anger. Over time, and with experience, he transforms into a champion of optimism and belief for a better future. Throughout Final Fantasy XIII, Hope struggles with his feelings of powerlessness in a cruel and unforgiving world but grows into someone who can inspire others to act with conviction.


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Stoic, cool, and brooding, these Final Fantasy characters are masters of the edgy archetype, and it’s hard not to love them for it.

By the time of Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lightning Returns, Hope becomes a visionary leader and a steadfast force of hope. He strives to rebuild a world worth living in, with an aim to prove that even the most broken spirits can ascend to something beautiful.


Barret Wallace – Final Fantasy 7

The Headstrong Idealist With Questionable Methods

Final Fantasy 7


January 31, 1997

OpenCritic Rating


Like many real-life activists, in his passion to restore health to the world to protect it for the existence of future generations and life itself, Barret often takes a non-nuanced view of his enemy, the Shinra Electric Company. He denies any of the conveniences and modern trappings brought about by their parasitical leaching of the planet’s energy, possibly as a way to help him carry out the work of unseating them from their positions of power.

His willingness to use violence, going so far as blowing up one of the reactors in Midgar in the opening act of Final Fantasy 7, disregarding the potential for collateral damage, may make him seem cynical. However, especially when put in contrast to a mercenary like Cloud, his beliefs about doing the right thing for the planet and for the sake of all children (including his own) show him to be idealistic regardless of his methods.


Rinoa Heartilly – Final Fantasy 8

Fighting For Freedom, Justice, And Love

Final Fantasy 8


February 11, 1999

OpenCritic Rating


As the only non-SeeD fighter, Rinoa immediately sets herself apart from the rest of the party by outlining her idealistic dream of freeing her home of Timber and ridding it of its oppressors. It isn’t just her status as a non-child soldier that makes her seem idealistic, or her willingness to put her life on the line in her rebellion for liberation. Although her picture of a better world is unlikely to manifest, she still works towards it with everything she has.


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The Final Fantasy series is full of iconic characters, and a surprising amount of them are badass women no one should mess with.

It is revealed later in the story that Rinoa’s beliefs go so deep that she is willing to even fight against her own father, the head of the Galbadian military. Rinoa also believes in the goodness and kindness of the human heart and often clashes with Squall and Quistis when she perceives their lack of compassion, even during missions that involve violence and destruction.


Zidane Tribal – Final Fantasy 9

Altruism For Altruism’s Sake

Zidane’s quote that he “doesn’t need a reason to help people” is an emblematic line that sums this cheeky, monkey-tailed rascal up the best. Zidane comes from a gang of thieves, which makes him savvy and street-wise.

However, this never dampens his enthusiasm to do the right thing and help raise others to the greatness he sees in them, as he demonstrates in his relationships with Vivi and Garnet. It is easy to lose idealism when surrounded by hardship, but Zidane proves that a vision for a better world can be found just about anywhere.


Final Fantasy: 8 Most Immersive Games In The Series, Ranked

Out of all the Final Fantasy games in the series, the following will suck players right in and keep them immersed from the beginning until the end.

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