Every Sphere Module And How To Craft It In Palworld

Every Sphere Module And How To Craft It In Palworld

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With the two major updates two major updates — Sakurajima and Feybreak, Palworld grew even bigger, adding more Pals and features to keep players hooked. Among some of these additions are the Sphere Modules, tools designed to make catching Pals easier.


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With powerful Pals roaming the vibrant Feybreak Island, these Sphere Modules are just what you need to tip the scales in your favor. From improving capture rates to adding curve throws and homing abilities to Pal Spheres, we’ll cover everything you need to know about crafting and using Sphere Modules.

What Are Sphere Modules?

In the Palworld inventory menu showing the Homing Module tooltip.

Sphere Modules arrived with the Feybreak update for Palworld, and they’re best thought of as upgrades for your Pal Spheres. These handy gadgets tweak how your spheres work, giving you the edge when capturing wild Pals all over Palpagos.

Every Sphere Module bumps up a sphere’s capture strength to some extent, but each one also brings its own unique twist. Some let you throw spheres farther, others add a curved arc to catch Pals off-guard, and a few even hone in on targets like heat-seeking missiles, so you won’t need to put an effort into aiming.

How To Craft Every Sphere Module

The Advanced Sphere Assembly Line crafting the Homing Module in Palworld.

Currently, there are six Sphere Modules, and getting your hands on them starts with unlocking their individual recipes. You’ll need to reach a certain Technology Level and spend Technology Points to learn each one. Once unlocked, these modules can be crafted in a Sphere Workbench or any Sphere Assembly Line.

Below is the complete breakdown of every Sphere Module, their effects, and what you’ll need to make them.

Sphere Module

Technology Level

Required Technology Points

Required Resources

Effect And Stats

Heavy Weight Module



  • 10x Paldium Fragment
  • 10x Ingot
  • 20x Stone

Shortens throwing range but increases capture power.

  • Sphere Weight +1
  • Capture Strength +1

Curve Module



  • 30x Paldium Fragment
  • 30x Ingot
  • 50x Stone
  • 5x Ancient Civilization Parts

Throws the Pal Sphere at a curved angle to catch Pals off-guard.

  • Sphere Curve +1
  • Capture Strength +2

Sniper Module



  • 50x Paldium Fragment
  • 50x Ingot
  • 30x Cement
  • 10x Ancient Civilization Parts

Extends the Pal Sphere’s trajectory range for long-distance throws.

  • Sphere Range +1
  • Capture Strength +2

Slider Module



  • 100x Paldium Fragment
  • 50x Refined Ingot
  • 50x Carbon Fiber
  • 15x Ancient Civilization Parts

Provides an even sharper curve angle than the Curve Module.

  • Sphere Slider
  • Capture Strength +3

Sniper Module 2



  • 200x Paldium Fragment
  • 50x Pal Metal Ingot
  • 30x Carbon Fiber
  • 30x Ancient Civilization Parts
  • 5x Ancient Civilization Core

Greatly boosts the Pal Sphere’s range for long-range captures.

  • Sphere Range +2
  • Capture Strength +3

Homing Module



  • 50x Plasteel
  • 100x Carbon Fiber
  • 50x Ancient Civilization Parts
  • 50x Dark Fragment
  • 10x Ancient Civilization Core

Enables Pal Spheres to home in on wild Pals automatically.

  • Sphere Homing
  • Capture Strength +3

How To Get Resources For Sphere Modules

To craft Sphere Modules, it’s important to know exactly where to find the specific materials required for each one.


How To Get

Paldium Fragment

To get Paldium Fragments, mine the blue Paldium Nodes that are found almost everywhere around the map. While any weapon works, a pickaxe will get the job done faster.


You’ll need to smelt Ore in any Furnace to make Ingots. Ore deposits are usually found in clusters across the overworld, or you can build an Ore Mining Site at your base to let appropriate Pals do the heavy lifting.


Stone is one of the easiest materials to collect. Mine rocks manually, or set up a Stone Pit at your base and assign Pals to farm it for you.

Ancient Civilization Parts

Some Sphere Modules will require a great deal of Ancient Civilization Parts, and there are several ways to get this resource. The easiest method is to defeat or capture low-level Alpha Pals like Sweepa at (-227, -593), Gummos at (-112, -62), or Chillet at (173, -417).


After reaching level 19 and learning it, Cement can be crafted from 50x stone, 1x bone, and 1x pal fluid.

Refined Ingot

To make Refined Ingots, combine Ore and Coal in an Improved Furnace. However, you’ll need to unlock this furnace at Level 34.

Carbon Fiber

To craft Carbon Fiber, you’ll need to feed 2x Coal or 5x Charcoal to the Production Assembly Line.

Pal Metal Ingot

To craft Pal Metal Ingots, you’ll first need to unlock, build, and power up the Electric Furnace. After that, you’ll need to feed it 4x Ore and 2x Paldium Fragment to make the resource.

Ancient Civilization Core

Unlike Ancient Civilization Parts, these come from Raid Bosses like Blazamut Ryu. Summoning and defeating them is no easy task, so come prepared for a tough fight.


To obtain Plasteel, you’ll need to unlock it at level 50 first. Once that’s done, you can craft it using an Electric Furnace with the following materials: 5x Crude Oil, 5x Paldium Fragments, and 10x Ore.

However, securing Crude Oil can be quite a headache, as you’ll either need to raid Oil Rigs or establish your own Crude Oil Extractor in areas rich in crude oil deposits.

Dark Fragment

This resource is occasionally dropped by the latest Dark-type Pals that roam Feybreak Island. Whether you capture or defeat them, hunting Pals like Starryon, Dazzi Noct, and Omascul might drop between one and three Dark Fragments.

How To Use Sphere Modules

Capturing the Gildane Pal with the Exotic Sphere in Palworld.

A Sphere Module is primed for action as soon as you craft and equip it in the dedicated Sphere Module slot. Once you slot it in, your catching spheres receive an immediate upgrade and there are no additional steps required.

Simply choose your target and launch the sphere. The module’s effect activates instantly, whether you’re utilizing the Curve Module to flank Pals or the Homing Module for precise targeting.

Some modules may appear to impart flashy gimmicks, but others, like the Homing Module and Sniper Modules, prove to be highly effective.

The increased capture power you gain from each of them is incredibly beneficial, which is why you’ll want to move on to Sphere Modules that offer higher Capture Strength when possible.


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