Where To Find The Military Base & Rhino Tank

Where To Find The Military Base & Rhino Tank

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Grand Theft Auto V has been around since 2013, but it has not lost its popularity to date. Perhaps GTA VI could finally force players to let go of GTA V, but until then, the game remains a juggernaut. One of the biggest reasons why GTA 5 remains relevant today is the constant updates and new content. Whether you want to play with your friends or drive a tank, the sky is the limit.


Grand Theft Auto 5: All Heists In The Story Mode, Ranked

These are all of the heists in Grand Theft Auto 5’s story mode.

Speaking of driving tanks, many players do not know they can acquire them for free in GTA V. To get a tank to do some serious damage, you must make your way to the military base. Unfortunately, many players do not know where the military base is located either. This guide will cover everything you need to know about finding the military base and getting the Rhino tank, along with other useful information.

How To Infiltrate The MIlitary Base In GTA V

Military Base Location on Map in GTA V

If you check out the map, you can find the military base referred to as Lago Zancudo. You can find the base south of the North Chumash beach, but the above image notes its exact location. It should not be surprising that the military base is heavily guarded and surrounded by fences. However, there are a couple of ways you can infiltrate the base.

Infiltrate The Base By Air

You can try infiltrating the base via a helicopter or plane, but you will get a two-star wanted level with a warning as soon as you enter the base’s airspace. If you do not turn back, you will get a four-star wanted level and be targeted by guided missiles.

You can still try landing or jumping with a parachute to avoid dying easily.

Infiltrate The Base By Land

Another great way to get into the base involves getting a fast car and jumping over a cliff or hill around the base. Your best bet would be to land between the two outer fences without being seen. If you make it, you can drive around the base without alerting the guards. Similarly, you can also use a bike to pull off this feat, but sometimes, you can just drive through the main checkpoint without raising an alarm if the guard isn’t looking.

How To Get The Rhino Tank From The Military Base In GTA V?

Tank Preview in GTA V

Now that you know where to find the military base and how to infiltrate it, the next step is to get the Rhino tank. You can find a Rhino tank driving around the base, which makes this endeavor more tricky.

To get the Rhino tank, here is what you need to do:

  1. Take a few shots at the Rhino tank and hide.
  2. Repeat step 1 until the driver exits the vehicle.
  3. Kill the driver and get into the Rhino tank.

It is worth noting as soon as you get into the tank, you will immediately get a four-star wanted level. To avoid helicopter attacks, get into a tunnel as soon as possible.

Apart from the Rhino tank, you can also get the following vehicles from the military base:

  • Titan chopper
  • Buzzard attack chopper
  • P-996 LAZER fighter jet

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