My Hero Academia plunges you into a world where humans have evolved to possess superpowers known as Quirks. Society begins to change as a result, with Pro-Heroes and Hero Schools cropping up in a bid to fight off Villains. Among the sea of weird and wonderful characters, some rise above them all due to the sheer strength of their Quirks.
9 Lingering Questions We Have After The End Of My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia’s manga wrapped things up nicely, but there are still unanswered questions.
Paired with a sharp mind and combat ability, these characters are the best of the best. Whether they use their gifts for good or bad, you can’t deny that they are the strongest characters My Hero Academia has to offer.
Bakugo Katsuki
Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight
Although Bakugo Katsuki may seem loud, brash and rude, he is naturally talented in academics and heroics. Blessed with a powerful offensive Quirk, Bakugo also has sharp combat instincts that make him a tough opponent both in and out of the field.
He was extremely arrogant during the earlier seasons, but gradually matures and mellows out slightly later. Despite having a contentious relationship with Midoriya, he resolves his childhood rivalry with him and the two are finally able to form a genuine friendship.
Todoroki Shouto
AirCon Hero: Shouto
Todoroki Shouto is the son of high-ranking hero Endeavour and was born with a unique, powerful Quirk. His left side allows him to generate flames, while his right side allows him to create ice.
Although Shouto seemed to have a privileged life, he had a very turbulent childhood. Throughout the series, Shouto has a mountain of hate and resentment against his father but ultimately decides to move on with his life. He had no choice but to battle his oldest brother, Touya, during the Final War and save him from destroying himself.
Togata Mirio
Comedy Hero: Lemillion
A character introduced to Class 1-A at the end of Season 3, Togata Mirio is a third-year UA student and one of the Big Three. He quickly demonstrated his combat prowess by taking out all of Class 1-A’s students and was able to go toe-to-toe with Overhaul.
Mirio has a Permeation Quirk, which grants him the ability to pass through any solid material. He lost his Quirk due to Overhaul’s Quirk-destroying drug and was temporarily taken off the field. However, his Quirk was restored to him by Eri’s Rewind Quirk and he returned to assist the Heroes during the Final War.
Todoroki Enji
Flame Hero: Endeavour
A controversial figure in the series, Endeavour was the long-time No. 2 Pro-Hero before ascending to the top spot after All Might’s retirement. Despite having a powerful Hellflame Quirk and being a high-ranking hero, Endeavour was obsessed with being Number One and beating All Might.
He married for the sole purpose of having a child with the perfect Quirk to beat All Might, which came to be in his youngest, Shouto. Endeavour turned into an abusive, neglectful monster, but sought to redeem himself after realising that being the Number One Hero was not all it’s cracked up to be. However, his past comes back to bite him when his oldest, thought-to-be-dead son returns for revenge.
Chisaki Kai
The main antagonist of the Shie Hassaikai Arc, Chisaki Kai (or Overhaul) was the leader of the Yakuza organisation, the Shie Hassaikai. His Quirk allowed him to take apart and remake humans and objects with a single touch. It’s an undoubtedly powerful Quirk with offensive and healing capabilities, but Overhaul used it to intimidate, harm and kill.
Overhaul wanted to erase Quirks from the world and used a little girl called Eri to create Quirk-destroying drugs. His plans failed and he was sent to Tartarus, losing his hands (and ability to use his Quirk) to Shigaraki’s Decay Quirk. Although he was briefly free after Tartarus was broken in by All For One, he returned to prison after the end of the Final War.
Cathleen Bate
Star and Stripe
America’s Number One Hero, Star and Stripe (real name Cathleen Bate) was a former mentee of All Might. Her Quirk is New Order, which grants her the power to set a maximum of two rules for both humans and non-living objects.
Star was only present for the first two episodes of Season 7, but she showed her ability to think quickly and tactically to outmanoeuvre Shigaraki/All For One. She set up a trap for All For One by allowing him to steal her Quirk, sacrificing her life to lend a helping hand to Japan’s Heroes.
Shigaraki Tomura
The leader of the League of Villains and adoptive son of All For One, Shigaraki Tomura quickly shows himself to be a danger due to his Quirk. Shigaraki’s Quirk is Decay, which disintegrates anything he touches with all five fingers. The Quirk was not his originally, instead, it was secretly given to him by All For One when he was a child.
In the later seasons, the effects of his Decay Quirk were amplified due to Dr Garaki’s experiments. Shigaraki, in truth, was meant to serve as All For One’s vessel. As such, he also received All For One’s Quirk and his arsenal of stolen Quirks, making him truly overpowered.
All For One
The true, overarching antagonist of My Hero Academia, All For One is the Villain and was dubbed the Symbol of Evil. He grew up during the era when Quirks were beginning to spread among the human population and were not yet widely accepted.
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All For One has one of the most overpowered Quirks in the series, giving him the power to steal and give Quirks. He used his Quirk to manipulate and dominate others to do his bidding and became obsessed with obtaining One For All. Ultimately, his criminal empire ended with him after he was defeated by One For All during the Final War.
Toshinori Yagi
All Might
Toshinori Yagi, or All Might, was the Number One Hero and the Symbol of Peace. He was originally Quirkless and received One For All from his master, Nana Shimura.
He became the longest holder of One For All and was thus able to use the Quirk to its fullest, with a single punch able to create shockwaves. All Might was one of the strongest heroes in the series and defeated All For One during their rematch. Although he lost the last vestiges of One For All, it didn’t stop him from returning to battle during the Final War in a superpowered suit.
Midoriya Izuku
Midoriya Izuku is the main character of the series and like All Might, was born Quirkless. He managed to impress All Might with his kindness and selflessness and thus received One For All after training his body.
Although he struggled to use the full power of One For All in the beginning, Midoriya gradually improves his control over his Quirk to where he’s able to use it at 100% in the Final War. He is also able to unlock the Quirks of the previous wielders, learning to use them in his effort to soundly defeat Shigaraki and All For One.
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