How to Get Heartfelt Thoughts

How to Get Heartfelt Thoughts

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Heartfelt Thoughts are a Growth Material in Infinity Nikki that can be used to evolve the Wishful Aurosa miracle outfit. While players who are in need of this material will be in a position to earn it, they may be confused about its source. This guide is here to alleviate that confusion, and it will help players start collecting Heartfelt Thoughts in Infinity Nikki.

Earning Heartfelt Thoughts is not difficult, but it does take a considerable amount of time to amass the material. Players who want to evolve the Wishful Aurosa will thus need to exercise patience, as they may be several weeks away from actually performing the transformation.


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Infinity Nikki: Heartfelt Thoughts Location

There is just one source for Heartfelt Thoughts, and it is Phantom Trial: Wish Master Chigda, which is accessed by visiting a Warp Spire and selecting the Realm of Breakthrough. Indeed, players will earn one Heartfelt Thoughts every time they complete that Phantom Trial, provided that they supply the requisite 60 Vital Energy in Infinity Nikki.

The Realm of Breakthrough and Phantom Trial: Wish Master Chigda are unlocked at Warp Spries upon completion of Chapter 7. While players will not need any Heartfelt Thoughts prior to reaching that point in Infinity Nikki‘s main story, this requirement is mentioned here for the sake of completeness.

While players should now have a solid understanding of where to find Heartfelt Thoughts, there is something very important that they should know about the Realm of Breakthrough. Namely, it is only possible to claim rewards from the Realm’s trials once per week. This means that players can earn just one Heartfelt Thoughts every week, and it will take them seven weeks to accumulate the amount of the material that is required to evolve Infinity Nikki‘s Wishful Aurosa outfit.

infinity nikki heartfelt thoughts

Wishful Aurosa Evolutions

There are actually three evolutions of the Wishful Aurosa miracle outfit, and each one requires seven Heartfelt Thoughts. As such, players who want to claim all the evolutions should be prepared to spend 21 weeks, or around 5 months, consistently visiting the Realm of Breakthrough.

Infinity Nikki: Realm of Breakthrough Reset

infinity nikki heartfelt thoughts

The Realm of Breakthrough resets on Mondays at 4am, and there is a refresh timer in the bottom-left corner of the trial selection screen. While players certainly do not need to enter the Realm as soon as it refreshes, they should make sure that they complete Infinity Nikki’s Phantom Trial: Wish Master Chigda at least once before the next Monday, lest they miss out on a Heartfelt Thoughts.

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December 5, 2024


, Infold Games

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