- Players can choose from a diverse range of homebrew races that offer unique abilities, subraces, and interesting role-playing opportunities.
- Each homebrew race has its own backstory, traits, and suitability for different classes, allowing for endless customization options for players.
- From sentient candies to ethereal beings, each race brings new flair and excitement to the world of Dungeons & Dragons for players to explore.
The world of Dungeons & Dragons is a melting pot boasting diverse styles, beliefs, and chiefly races. Many humanoids coexist in the Material Plane living in relative peace despite their considerable differences, which is astounding considering the vast number of different races. Dungeons & Dragons’ base books and various expansions provide players with a wide selection of races to choose from.

Dungeons & Dragons: The Best & Worst Thing About Each 5e Race
Every race in Dungeons & Dragons has its pros and cons. What makes each race shine — and what areas does each leave something to be desired?
Although dozens of choices are available to the community, many inventive individuals have expanded this list offering endless possibilities. Everything, from homebrewed variants to races and subraces, is available to those seeking to make a distinct character. However, some creations exceed all others for their inventiveness, effectiveness, and roleplaying capabilities.
Updated January 8, 2025 by Mara Cowley: Dungeons and Dragons continues its reign as the premium fantasy role-playing game, with the 5th edition being one of the most streamlined and beginner-friendly experiences, though many may be starting their gradual transfer to One D&D, their latest system that largely remains the same, with tweaks to the existing material. With there still largely being the same races on offer, it might be worth looking to the world of DnD homebrew races for something more new and exciting to bring to the table.
The world of homebrew is vast, limited only by the creativity of other players, which in the D&D world seems to know no bounds. As such, there are guaranteed to be homebrew dnd races to appease everyone.
Godzilla Dragonborn
Become The King Of All Dragonborn
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any
- Ability Score Bonus: Str +2, and Con +1
- Racial Traits: Atomic Breath, Roar of the King
- Languages: Common and Draconic
- Subraces: N/A
- Suitable Classes: Any
- Creator: Fussel021
- Link: Godzilla Dragonborn
Dragonborn is one of the bread-and-butter species that exists within D&D 5e, humanoids covered in the same scales as their large, winged brethren. They lack the size that dragons do but know a breath weapon, which sure comes in handy when faced with multiple foes.

Darkest Godzilla Movies, Ranked
Despite the flashy monster battles and cool CGI, the Godzilla movies have always tried to address and critique the darkest aspects of the real world.
Even the most casual movie watchers will know who Godzilla is. The large lizard is known as the king of monsters and has terrorized or protected humanity since his debut back in 1954. The Godzilla dragonborn combines the two to very interesting results, equipping dragonborn with his famed atomic breath and the ability to frighten foes with their fearsome warcry.
“Two” Goblins In A Trenchcoat
Nothing Suspicious To See Here…
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any
- Ability Score Bonus: N/A
- Racial Traits: Darkvision, Split, Avoidance, Duplicate Concentration
- Languages: N/A
- Subraces: N/A
- Suitable Classes: Any
- Creator: Playtboss
- Link: Two Goblins in a Trenchcoat
What is better (or worse) than one goblin? Two of course, but it isn’t the norm to see them stacked on top of one another, hiding their dual nature behind one long garment. But the Two Goblins in a Trenchcoat species isn’t limited to just two goblins, as players can be a swarm of spiders, four cats, two flumphs…pretty much any small creature, DM allowing of course.
This is an unserious but frankly hilarious race that would be the favorite in any one-shot or short campaigns, though the gimmick could wear off in longer campaigns. Still, this is the perfect choice for anyone looking to inject some humor and mischief into a game or two.
Yokai Tribesman
Akin To The Entities From Japanese Folklore
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Primarily evil
- Ability Score Bonus: Str +2, Dex +2, Int +2, or Wis +2 (Dependent on Subrace)
- Racial Traits: Crafty, Tribal Charisma
- Languages: N/A
- Subraces: Longarm Tribesman, Longleg Tribesman, Snakeneck Tribesman, Three-eyed Tribesman
- Suitable Classes: Monk
- Creator: temmingsum31
- Link: Yokai Tribesman
Yokai are traditionally viewed as demons, ghosts, spirits, or other supernatural entities in Japanese folklore, often partaking in mischief without inherently being too evil. Thus far they have never existed within D&D, but this homebrew race changes that.
Taking a little inspiration from the anime One Piece, the Yokai Tribesman is made up of a wide range of subraces to give each a different edge and ensure no one Yokai Tribesman is the same. Perfect for classes such as the Monk with traits such as increased melee range, this race is sure to be one of the stronger player characters during combat.
For When Just An Ordinary Kobold Is Too Simple
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any
- Ability Score Bonus: N/A
- Racial Traits: Bread Vision, Edible, Soft Bread, Naive Bread, Dracon Cry, Courage of the Bread
- Languages: N/A
- Subraces: N/A
- Suitable Classes: Any
- Creator: llwwoohH
- Link: Breadbold
Not every campaign will be an epic adventure of swords, sorcery, and a band of noble heroes who will do whatever it takes to save the world and make it a better place. Sometimes, it will be a far less serious campaign just to have some laughs with friends, and that is when you pull out a character race such as the Breadbold, a very random cross between a kobold and a loaf of bread.

5 Comedic Video Games That Are Actually Funny (& 5 That Try Way Too Hard)
There are some video games that are downright hilarious and others that simply try to hard to be funny.
Barely any background is given as to how this creation came to be, such as a prank, a series of experiments, or something along the lines of The Fly, giving players free rein to choose how their character came to be. Surprisingly, the Breadbold has some pretty nifty tricks up their sleeves, such as the ability to rip off a chunk of their bread body to heal one of their party members 2d4 hit points and have resistance to certain damage types because of their malleable form. They are most certainly entirely edible, so too let’s hope the party never goes too hungry, or the Breadbold will likely be the first on the chopping block.
Become A Fictional Beast Of Legends
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any
- Ability Score Bonus: Con +1, Wis or Cha +2
- Racial Traits: Steady as Stone, Ever Watchful, Gorgon’s Gaze
- Languages: Common and One Additional Language of Choice
- Subraces: None
- Suitable Classes: Warlock, Sorcerer, Wizard
- Creator: K_Skywolf
- Link: Gorgon
Many will recognize Gorgons from Greek legends, particularly Medusa who was cursed to turn anyone she looked upon to stone. Their stories are normally filled with pain and sorrow which hardens much like their stare, to hatred and malice. That doesn’t need to be true of the player’s Gorgon character, of course, but what player can resist a tragic backstory, and the temptation of working with the party to overcome trauma and learn to trust again?
As such, the Gorgon is a popular choice among D&D players, as this race encourages a well-thought-out backstory and RP. Figuring out how this creature exists and how they would navigate a world that may be frightened of what they may do could be a really fun exercise between the player and the DM.
Perfect For Ravenloft Fans
- Size: Small or Medium
- Alignment: Neutral
- Ability Score Bonus: Dex +2, Con +1
- Racial Traits: Darkvision, Mist Cloud, Mist Shroud, Possession
- Languages: None
- Subraces: None
- Suitable Classes: Warlock, Rogue,
- Creator: MaidofEgg
- Link: Mistborne
Ravenloft has birthed many dark entities, and the Mistborne is just one of them. Born from the Shadowfell, these creatures have just one goal in their life–to lure adventurers to the mist surrounding Barovia, in hopes of trapping them in the Dread Domains for their Lords to play with as they please. They are not only the perfect NPCs for DMs, especially for the start of Curse of Strahd, but also for players in or even outside of a Ravenloft game.
Though they were created for an express purpose, it could be they broke their link to the dread domains and are now trying to atone for all the souls they damned, or maybe playing the ultimate long-con with the party. This race gives ample opportunities to spin their story however they wish, and with some pretty cool mist powers at their ghostly fingertips, the Mistborne is one of the more unique and fun races out there.
Aarakocra (Phoenix)
A New Spin On A Classic Race
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any
- Ability Score Bonus: Dex +2, Str +1
- Racial Traits: Innate Pyromancy, Flaming Skin, Flight, Phoenix’s Rebirth
- Languages: None
- Subraces: None
- Suitable Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
- Creator: Mhurrenthemage
- Link: Aarakocra (Phoenix)
The Arakocra has already seen several variants in the homebrew world to allow players to spread their wings in terms of customization, but the Phoenix rises to the top as the best. Not only would this stand out as the most beautiful with its vibrant colors and fiery plumes, but it also has some pretty nifty features to remain faithful to the theme.

The Best Birds From Video Games
Though it is more common to see canine and feline sidekicks, birds are arguably the most valuable companions that a video game protagonist can have.
Fire spells, skin so hot it burns, and the ability to stave off death once a week in typical Phoenix fashion, Aarakocra enthusiasts are likely pecking at the bit to give this one a whirl. Though with how rare and likely valuable these creatures are, any players choosing this race should probably be on the look ur for poachers or rival adventuring gangs that want to get their hands on some of those feathers.
The Undead Of Velobarn
For Players Uncontent With The Lineage, Try This Homebrew Race
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any
- Ability Score Bonus: Con +2, Any ability of your +1
- Racial Traits: Undead Nature, Decaying Body
- Languages: Common
- Subraces: The Acurrsed, The Plagued, The Burning, The Blessed, The Dulled, The Escaped
- Suitable Classes: Warlock, Sorcerer, Wizard
- Creator: stuffattackknightofrandom
- Link: Undead of Velobarn
Although the Ravenloft sourcebook introduced the reborn lineage, which sees players come back from the dead, creator stuffattacknightofrandom made an entire Undead race with some flare. It has plenty of subraces to give this class great versatility, breaking the tired old trope that all undead are evil. Although gamers are welcome to lean into the evilness of the undead, fans can also play one that is good with The Blessed subrace.
Though players will likely not reach undead levels of power and infamy as Vecna did, the Undead is still a great class for those wanting to try something a little different, as this race will sure make for some interesting RP, especially if paladins or clerics are in the party.
An Original Race For All Plant Lovers
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Mainly good or neutral
- Ability Score Bonus: Wisdom +2, Strength +1
- Racial Traits: One with the Wild, Nature’s Blessing, Child of the Forest
- Languages: Common and Sylvan
- Subraces: N/A
- Suitable Classes: Druid, Ranger
- Creator: Thauraeln_the_Bold
- Link: Valashae
There are certain classes, like druids, and spells that revolve around plants in some way, but this is the first time an entire race has. Creator Thauraeln_the_Bold over on DnDBeyond has posited a class known as the Valashae, sentient plant folk that have a humanoid shape, but are made from bark and leaves like trees.

Baldur’s Gate 3: The Best Druid Spells, Ranked
Druids have access to a range of great spells in Baldur’s Gate 3, but some are simply better than others. Here are the best ones available to them.
They have a strong affinity with the forests they dwell in and are more likely to only become active when it is threatened. As such, they are more suited for classes such as druids, and could very easily fit into a campaign where nature has come under the threat of some blighted evil.
Their Body Can Be Whatever Tool They Want
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any
- Ability Score Bonus: Intelligence +2
- Racial Traits: Craftman’s Eye
- Languages: Common and one of your choice
- Subraces: Speciality Artigin, Modular Artigen
- Suitable Classes: Any
- Creator: Inkfamous
- Link: Artigin
Tools are one of the many useful items any D&D player would have as part of their arsenal with a variety of uses outside combat. But what if players could have one of these tools implemented as part of the bodies, like calligraphy quills for fingers?
This is the question the Artigin answers, as it allows the players to transform their hands into a tool of their choice, and if the DM allows it, they could even homebrew a tool that fits their character concept, for example, a bard whose artistic flair lies in writing may have a typewriter as the tool, and it fits into their world. Not only is this a useful benefit to have, but it also allows for some truly unique characters.
Perfect For Players With A Sweet Tooth
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any
- Ability Score Bonus: Charisma +2
- Racial Traits: Tasty, Sweet Talker, Sugar Rush
- Languages: Common and one of your choice
- Subraces: Cotton Candy, Rock Candy, Fire Candy, Jelly Pudding
- Suitable Classes: Bard, Warlock, Monk
- Creator: Inkfamous
- Link: Glucamen
For players in a world of wonder and whimsy, the homebrew race known as the Glucamen may just be the perfect addition. They are essentially sentient candy people, which is sure to satisfy anyone with a sweet tooth, but be careful not to try and take a bite from them or risk being charmed.

Tastiest-Looking Sweet Treats In Video Games
Food in video games allows players to heal or gain buffs, and there are some delicacies that look the tastiest and sweetest of them all.
With four separate subraces offering different traits based on the candy they are constructed from, a player choosing the Glucamen race is not restricted to any alignment or class, as this race is one of the most versatile.
Revel Or Rebel Against The Hunger For Blood
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any, Evil
- Ability Score Bonus: Charisma +2, Any ability of your choice +1
- Racial Traits: Darkvision, Bloodlust, Sunlight Sensitivity, Vampiric Resistance
- Languages: Common, One language of your choice
- Subraces: Dhampir, Psychic Vampire
- Suitable Classes: Bloodhunter, Rogue, Sorcerer
- Creator: SammiechuThePikachu
- Link: Vampire
While the Ravenloft supplement book added the lineage Dhampirs to allow players to create a not fully-fledged vampire, homebrew creators have taken it a step further, allowing their players to become full-blooded vampires with the thirst and tendency to perform evil along with it.

The Best Vampire Games (That Aren’t Castlevania)
Castlevania might be the most iconic vampire gaming series out there, but it’s not the only one.
This creates many exciting and fun possibilities, as players will need to manage their bloodlust and choose whether to conceal their true nature or bare their pointy fangs to the party and hope they aren’t staked for their trouble. And with their tendency to be evil, players could choose to role-play the struggle between holding onto their humanity while feeding the beast within, a la Vampire: the Masquerade. Will they submit, or hold on to hope? That choice is up to the players who choose the Vampire Race.
These Beings Can Easily Puppet Others, But Can Also Defend Themselves In A Pinch
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any
- Ability Score Bonus: Charisma +1, Dexterity +2
- Racial Traits: Darkvision, Shapeshift, Tails, Kitsune Magic, Natural Weapons, Agile
- Languages: Common, Shou, Sylvan
- Subraces: None
- Suitable Classes: Warlock, Sorcerer, Bard
- Creator: Thraintar
- Link: Kitsune
Kitsune are creatures from Eastern mythology, known for their fox-like appearance, many tails, and their trickster-like nature that paints them as mischievous beings that can beguile those around them. Though D&D incorporates many things from different cultures such as Gods, there has been little in the way of races.
One creator decided to take things into his own hands, proposing a playable Kitsune race to allow people to take on the role of these mythical magic tricksters themselves. This opens the doors for a player to craft a character meant to deceive or trick their enemies to benefit themselves or their allies, making it perfect for Charisma classes such as Bards, who can sway minds with music or enchantment.
A.D.A.M. Unit
The Warforged But With More Technological Flair
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any, Neutral
- Ability Score Bonus: Constitution +2, Wisdom +1
- Racial Traits: Artificial, Weapon of War, Solid Metal, Integration, Reclaimed Soul, Immortal Body
- Languages: Common, One language of your choice
- Subraces: None
- Suitable Classes: Fighter, Barbarian, Artificer
- Creator: dfaseraser
- Link: A.D.A.M. Unit
While the Warforged race allows players to play a construct of some sort, ADAM takes it a step further by adding more technological flair to this construct class, races of units made for a single purpose: combat. ADAM units must survive waves of battles upon their creation, or be destroyed. And so they start life knowing nothing other than violence, which provides an interesting starting point for a player character.
This offers the chance for players to develop and learn that there is more to their artificial life than battle and that they can be more. If the androids in games such as Nier: Automata can learn things like friendship and love, why not these ADAM units in D&D?
An Eerie Race Perfect for Horror Campaigns
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any
- Ability Score Bonus: Intelligence +2, Wisdom +1
- Racial Traits: Magically Touched, Hollow, A Past Life
- Languages: Common
- Subraces: None
- Suitable Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock
- Creator: CyanatheFurious
- Link: Abandoned
Being made from magic and then subsequently left to rot, the Abandoned dwell in places that have been forgotten as much as the condemned race have. Their unsettling appearance makes them perfect for a setting filled with horror and hopelessness, such as Ravenloft or any other Domain of Dread.

Most Terrifying Creatures In Dungeons And Dragons
These Dungeons & Dragons creatures are so frightening they’re likely to give nightmares to any adventurer who encounters them.
As such, playing one of these cursed creatures could pose a challenge, as players would need a reason to think of why they ventured out of their dwelling place, and more so why they decided to join a party of adventurers. Maybe in that withered, hollow body one last ember of hope flickers, or the memories of a past life drove them to seek out the family they barely remember. The Abandoned is a challenging race, but could also be one of the most rewarding.
Empowered By The Magic In Their Veins
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any, Evil
- Ability Score Bonus: Strength +2, Constitution +2, Intelligence +2
- Racial Traits: Darkvision, Abberant Hide, Powerful Build
- Languages: Common
- Subraces: None
- Suitable Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock
- Creator: BGATB
- Link: Abomination
Magic is a force that can be used for good or for evil in the worlds of Dungeons and Dragons. It can help turn the tides in combat, animate objects, and heal wounds. Its essence flows through the world just as it flows through the veins of this homebrew race.
The Abominations earn their names not through an outwardly hideously monstrous appearance, but rather through the degradation of their minds that can lead to madness or evilness, depending on the players’ choice. The magic flowing through them makes them the perfect choice for players who want to pick a caster class but add some unique flair of their own.
Bewilder The Minds Of Others With An Ethereal Being And Obscure Knowledge
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any
- Ability Score Bonus: Intelligence +2, Any ability of your choice +1
- Racial Traits: Highsight, Strangers To Nowhere, Arcane Appraisal
- Languages: Primordial, Any three languages of your choice
- Subraces: None
- Suitable Classes: Fighter, Rogue, Wizard
- Creator: HandwashBigpan
- Link: Aab’Shagua
The Aab’Shagua are a peculiar race of humanoids native to the Ethereal Plane. They are nomadic peoples that travel throughout the Ethereal Plane, using it to visit the expanses of their respective universes. As such, the Aab’Shagua hold a greater understanding of the planes. They collect various wares and trinkets during their travels as well. Thus, making Aab’Shagua impressive merchants with goods valued throughout the universe.
The Aab’Shagua’s lives are full of excitement and peril. So much so that an adventurer’s lifestyle is considered tame. Regardless, Aab’Shagua makes for exceptional and legendary adventurers. Their superior sight and knowledge of obscure lore are beneficial in most quests. Overall, the Aab’Shagua race is perfect for players wishing to play an otherworldly being.
Aarakocra Penguin
Adds New And Unique Flair To A Classic Race
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any, Good
- Ability Score Bonus: Dexterity +2, Wisdom +1
- Racial Traits: Icy Resilience, Waddles, Aquatic
- Languages: Common, Aarakocra, Aquan
- Subraces: None
- Suitable Classes: Monk, Ranger, Rogue
- Creator: Neal_for_Real
- Link: Aarakocra Penguin
The Aarakocra are a bird-like race resembling avians like eagles, vultures, and — with this homebrew creation — penguins. Unlike other members of their race, Aarakocra Penguins reside in both frigid tundras and oceans. While many would suffer under these conditions, these Aarakocra not only live comfortably but prosper as well.
Aarakocra Penguins have adapted to their harsh and unforgiving environment granting them unique traits. Although they cannot fly, they are excellent swimmers capable of traveling fifty feet each turn. Additionally, Aarakocra Penguin’s time in the tundra has granted them incredible resistance against the cold. Those looking to play a versatile and fun variant of the Aarakocra should take this race.
Aberrant Ooze
Gains The Benefits Of Being A Humanoid And An Ooze
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any
- Ability Score Bonus: Constitution +2, Strength +1
- Racial Traits: Darkvision, Acid Resistance, Amorphous, Corrosive Touch, Liquid Movement
- Languages: Common, Any language of your choice
- Subraces: None
- Suitable Classes: Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Rogue
- Creator: Richard_Handler
- Link: Aberrant Ooze
Aberrant Oozes are a race of amorphous oozes that have gained sentience through a nodule of collected cells that have formed a separate core from their host ooze and survive being outcast from the main body — a rare and miraculous event resulting in an aware humanoid being. Although now with a humanoid form and intelligence, Aberrant Oozes must continue feeding on nutrients to retain its shape and intellect. Those Aberrant Oozes that manage this can live for centuries as living, breathing entities with a place among the populous, albeit a strange one considering their circumstances.
Aberrant Oozes benefit from their existence as humanoids and oozes, granting them various characteristics that lend themselves well to unique characters and diverse builds. The most advantageous features of this race are its amorphous and acidic body, which allows it to evade constraints, pass through small spaces effortlessly, and corrode anything it comes in contact with. In addition to these distinctive traits, Aberrant Oozes are mighty and resilient, making them excellent choices for characters leaning toward a take-it-and-dish-it-out melee playstyle; however, their shapeless body compliments roguish types. The Aberrant Ooze is a great choice overall.
Animated Armor
A Balanced Creation That Opens Up Interesting Role-Play Possibilities
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Any.
- Ability Score Bonus: Constitution +1
- Racial Traits: Antimagic Susceptibility, Blindsight, Construct, False Appearance, Mendable, Soul Transfer
- Languages: Common, Any language of your choice
- Subraces: Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, Light Armor
- Suitable Classes: Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue
- Creator: Sheperd_of_Souls
- Link: Animated Armor
Armor is an invaluable asset to nearly any adventurer, however, some sets can undergo journeys alone. Animated Armors are a race of living and thinking individualistic sets of armor given life by magic. Typically, they carry out a specific task given to them, yet they will forgo their duties to carry on pressing matters, such as a world-saving adventure.

As great as video game heroes are, flesh and blood are never strong enough to finish the mission. Here are the video game armors that are iconic.
Although Animated Armor possesses significant strengths it has equally impactful weaknesses. It does not require necessities i.e., food or water, and gains traits depending on its armor type. Since Animated Armor relies on magic, however, dispelling its armor will render it useless. Players wanting a roleplaying challenge should try and bring life to this — literally and figuratively — empty being.
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