Battlefield 3 Cut Missions From Campaign Detailed by Former DICE Dev

Battlefield 3 Cut Missions From Campaign Detailed by Former DICE Dev

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Profchaos784d ago

I’ve not played 2042 myself but after v I don’t feel like it. I played a few hours of v with friends but it feels ultra sterile I can’t figure it out but the game looks and feels clinical. The storys in the campaign were also bland and uninteresting and felt like a dull trudge through checkpoints as you waited for an ending.

I’ve played the franchise dating back to it’s original PC launch and PS2 spin off games I did enjoy 1 overall and it’s take on placing you in different scenarios and battles was interesting but not all that good imo as you couldn’t really connect with any characters longer than 2 hours.

hardline for all the hate it recived was a fun story and a new take but a bad mp game

I feel like v overall was the turning point and instead of showing the gritty reality of war they turned everything sterile and presented it in a clean cut boring frame in order to pump it full of weird micro transactions overall they spent far to much time on trying to implant ray tracing and other graphical flourishes and forgot to make the game enjoyable

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