- One Piece was originally intended to be shorter, but due to the story’s scale, it has been running for over 25 years.
- Despite predictions, it is unlikely that One Piece will end in 2025, as there is still much content to cover.
- Fans believe 2027, the series’ 30th anniversary, would be a better year for One Piece to end, emphasizing the journey over the conclusion.
Despite only being around for around 30 years now, One Piece feels like it’s been around forever. With thousands of chapters and episodes worth of story to tell, One Piece feels like it could run forever. However, all stories must come to an end, and despite the scope of the series, One Piece is no different.
The question now is, when will One Piece finally finish? So far, it seems like every year of One Piece’s publication is going to be “the last year of One Piece.” However, when every year passes, the end still doesn’t come, and One Piece continues on. For many, including Oda himself, 2025 was supposed to be the last year of One Piece, though as it stands, One Piece shows no signs of stopping.

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Luffy has a huge fight upcoming in Elbaf. It will be his biggest test yet in One Piece.
One Piece Is Much Longer Than Originally Intended
Oda Thought The Series Would End Much Earlier
Originally, One Piece was supposed to be a much shorter story and was only supposed to run for around 5 years. However, due to the scale of the story, and unintended consequences of the Warlord and Emperor system, the series has been running for well over 25 years at this point. Still, One Piece is now officially in its Final Saga, which will be the last collection of arcs that the series has to offer.
By experiencing both victory and defeat, running away and shedding tears, a man will become a man. It’s okay to cry, but you have to move on. – Shanks
Despite the length of the series, a few years ago in 2019, Oda predicted that One Piece would be ending in four to five years from then. This would mean that One Piece’s Final Saga would be ending at the latest sometime in 2025. However, as it currently stands, One Piece is only in the early stages of the second arc of the Final Saga, the Elbaf Arc. So far, there are only a little over 10 chapters, meaning there are at the very least going to be 20-30 more chapters. However, more realistically, it will have 40 or more chapters.
One Piece Probably Won’t End In 2025
At This Rate The Series Will Easily Last Into Next Year
- One Piece Has Too Much Content To Cover
- Wrapping Everything Up This Year Would Be Bad For The Story
At this current rate, it seems highly unlikely that One Piece will end in 2025. There is so much more content to cover and so many massive secrets One Piece has to reveal, that it probably needs at least two more years to finish. With an average of around 35 chapters released per year, 2025 will most likely cover the rest of the Elbaph Arc and potentially a bit more of the next arc.

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One Piece’s marines will have to change by the end of the story. Here’s how this major power will change.
This means that even if Elbaf is the second to last arc of the Final Saga of One Piece, the series will be continuing well into 2026 and beyond. Unless Oda quickly wraps everything up in the Elbaf Arc and dramatically speeds up the pace of the story, 2027 feels like a much more realistic ending year for One Piece. Although this still feels far off, many fans believe that 2027 may be a much better year to end the series.
The Ending Of One Piece Isn’t As Important As The Journey
Rushing The Series To Its Conclusion Is Bad For The Overall Story
Mainly, many fans believe that 2027 is the perfect year to end One Piece since it’s going to be the 30th anniversary of the manga. This would be a symbolic way to bring the story to a close after its amazingly long run. On top of this, two years seems like it will be the perfect length in order to wrap up the many mysteries that One Piece has still left unanswered.
You can’t get back what you’ve lost. What’s important now is ‘What is it that you still have?’ – Jinbei
Though many fans are anxious about One Piece’s ending, when One Piece ends shouldn’t be nearly as important as the story itself. Overall, there shouldn’t be any pressure on Oda from fans to end the story at a certain time. Although it’s been a long wait, taking more time to craft the perfect ending of One Piece is probably better in the long run than rushing to an unsatisfactory ending.
In the end, when One Piece comes to a close, it is up to the author of the series, Oda, and shouldn’t be rushed along by fans. While the ending will bring about what may be the best moments of the series, wishing for One Piece to end isn’t going to make these moments come any faster. Fans should try their best to enjoy One Piece at the pace it’s currently releasing.

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