Warning: The following contains spoilers for Dragon Ball Daima, Episode 12, “True Strength”, now streaming on Crunchyroll.
- Boosted Tamagami Number Two is the strongest Tamagami of the three.
- Tamagami Number One may have been the strongest pre-boost.
- Neva may intentionally be holding the Tamagami back in combat.
The first real challenges Goku and the others had to face in Dragon Ball Daima, the Tamagami, have finally been dealt with for now. So, now that all three sentinels of the Demon Realm’s Dragon Balls have shown their skill and power during their tests, it’s time to find out which of them is the most menacing of all in terms of combat. After all, that’s what Dragon Ball is all about.
Despite the Tamagami being the major threat in the first part of Dragon Ball Daima, they might not even be the strongest opponent that Goku and Z Fighters have faced in Daima so far. That title might just belong to the Kraken from the Second Demon World, which Goku claimed was too strong for him, Vegeta, and Piccolo to handle right now, but that’s a discussion for another day. Regardless though, compared to the occasional bandits, thieves, and Minotaur, the Tamagami are still among the most threatening foes in Daima, especially since they must be beaten before Goku and the others can obtain the Dragon Balls.

Dragon Ball: Will There Be A Fusion At The End Of Daima?
The Join Bugs introduced in Daima offer a new method of fusion, so let’s go over whether Goku and Vegeta will merge in the end of the series!
Tamagami Number Two at His Peak Is the Strongest
Thanks to a Booster Shot from Neva
Admittedly, it’s hard to judge Tamagami Number One since the only opponents he’s fought on screen so far are Majin Kuu and Duu, who are also new characters without any other feats yet. However, the reason why Tamagami Number Two is most likely the strongest is he became the strongest in the middle of his fight against Vegeta. After seeing that Vegeta was winning against the Tamagami, Neva recalled Shin saying that Goku and Vegeta enjoyed fighting. So, wanting to test the Saiyan’s limits, Neva decided to enhance Tamagami Number Two’s power in the middle of the battle. The boosted Tamagami Number Two easily bested Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta, forcing him to transform into Super Saiyan 3 for the first time in canonical Dragon Ball history.
“They said they liked to fight. I just helped them out a little.” – Neva after increasing Tamagami Number Two’s power
At the very least, the boosted Tamagami Number Two is far stronger than Tamagami Number Three because Vegeta in Super Saiyan 2 couldn’t beat him. On the other hand, the moment Goku turned Super Saiyan 2 against Tamagami Number Three, the fight was as good as over. All Goku had to do in Super Saiyan 2 was fire a single Kamehameha and follow up with an elbow strike. The Tamagami then immediately gave up after seeing how powerful the attack was. Goku and Vegeta are usually equal, or at least close to equal, in power, so the fact that Vegeta needed Super Saiyan 3 clearly indicates that Tamagami Number Two is more powerful.
Now, how strong is Tamagami Number Two exactly? Apart from the Kraken, is he the strongest opponent Vegeta’s ever faced? Unlikely. Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta trapped in the body of a child made short work of Tamagami Number Two, and this Vegeta would likely be weaker than an adult Super Saiyan 3 Goku, who could keep up with Kid Buu. So, for now, Majin Buu is still the strongest main villain in the main franchise; not counting Dragon Ball Super, of course, which occurs after Daima.

Dragon Ball Daima: Supreme Kai’s Origins, Explained
The Supreme Kai has always been a mystery regarding his upbringing, although with what we know now, there is more to his origin.
Tamagami Number One Might Be the Strongest Before Number Two Got Buffed
The All-Natty Tamagami
Though it isn’t super easy to prove, without the help of Neva’s boost during Vegeta and Tamagami Number Two’s fight, Tamagami Number One might’ve been the strongest one instead. It would make sense that the Tamagami became stronger the deeper into the Demon Realm you went. Even before he was boosted, Tamagami Number Two was likely stronger than Number Three, as evidenced by the fact that he didn’t immediately lose the moment Vegeta turned Super Saiyan 2. Also, Tamagami Number One had access to a fury state similar to the boosted Number Two, which could mean that either Neva had already boosted him in the past, or was intentionally created to be stronger than the others. Again, this is all theoretical though, as it’s hard to gauge how strong Tamagami Number One is until one of the Z Fighters confronts him or Majin Duu directly.
Is Neva Intentionally Holding the Tamagami Back?
Neva can clearly make the Tamagami stronger than they currently are, as shown during the fight between Vegeta and Number Two, so why didn’t he just make them that strong to begin with? While there isn’t really a clear answer to the question right now, there are some theories you could come up with.
One theory is that Neva might just not have been capable of making them any stronger during the time he made them. He could have learned new tricks to enhance them only after he created them. Dragon Ball Daima hasn’t specified how long it’s been since Neva created the Tamagami, only stating that it’s been a “long time”, but it’s not unreasonable to think that Neva has improved his craftsmanship during that time. And since no one had ever beaten any of the Tamagami before, Neva probably just didn’t see a reason to make them stronger than they already were.
You could even say that Neva instructed the Tamagami to hold back, and there’s evidence to support this, at least in Tamagami Number Three’s case. Tamagami Number Three conceded defeat even though it seemed like he could still continue fighting. He could also have repaired his broken hammer at any time but chose not to. Neva did say that he created the Tamagami to prevent evildoers from getting the Dragon Balls, so maybe he also instructed them to concede if their opponent was strong enough and had a good heart. The fact that Goku chose not to use his own weapon after the Tamagami lost his might have tipped off the Tamagami that his opponent had honor and virtue and could be trusted with the Dragon Ball.
Dragon Ball Daima is now available to stream on Crunchyroll and Netflix. The release date for Dragon Ball Daima, episode 13, is set to be January 10, 2025, at 10:00 AM PT.

Dragon Ball DAIMA
- Release Date
October 11, 2024
- Studio
Toei Animation
- Creator
Akira Toriyama
- MyAnimeList Score
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