Scariest One Piece Transformations, Ranked

Scariest One Piece Transformations, Ranked
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  • One Piece character transformations can be eerie and scary, invoking fear in opponents.
  • Characters like Lucci, Jack, and Magellan showcase terrifying and powerful forms.
  • Surprising transformations include Bepo’s Sulong, Robin’s Demonio Fleurs, and Yokai forms of the Five Elders.

The series of One Piece isn’t exactly known for being all that creepy or scary. Sure, it still deals with very serious themes, but at its core, the world of One Piece is a very vibrant and colorful universe full of wonder, but one which is still occupied by plenty of immensely strong individuals who will do whatever it takes to crush their enemies, even if that includes transforming into an entirely new form to acquire more power.


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One Piece games have become more common in recent years, and while not always great, the franchise has produced a couple of gems.

While power-ups like Luffy’s Gears might look more badass than scary, it’s clear that when designing a few of the character transformations seen in the series, author Eiichiro Oda took a few notes out of the horror genre to make them look as eerie as possible. While on the one hand, these kinds of forms will have an unsettling design, they can also come across as scary depending on how powerful they are too, invoking fear in anyone unlucky enough to go up against them.


Rob Lucci’s Awakened Form

Lucci’s Absurd Strength Is Put On Full Display With This Intimidating Transformation

One Piece Rob Lucci Awakened Leopard Devil Fruit Form
  • First Appearance: Episode 1100

Awakening a Devil Fruit essentially means making full use of its capabilities, and though only a handful of powerful users are able to unleash them, Rob Lucci is one of the characters included in that list. Lucci’s big and bulky hybrid form, which saw him bolster his strength and durability tremendously, already showed how much damage he is capable of dishing out, but this is ramped up ten-fold when in his Awakening form.

This transformation allows Lucci to incorporate the leopard appearance once again, with the sharp rows of teeth and menacing scowl remaining intact, but he’s also slimmed down quite a bit to make him much more agile. As a result, he comes across as genuinely pretty scary considering how effortlessly he can tear his opponents apart when unleashing this new form of his.


Jack’s Mammoth Form

Jack Comes Across As A Terrifying Member Of Kaido’s Crew When In His Mammoth Form

Jack in his mammoth form with a mink bowing down to him
  • First Appearance: Episode 757

When compared to Queen and King, Jack doesn’t exactly get too much screen time throughout the series, though he still has one hell of an introduction when he arrives in the land of Zou. Jack’s debut in the story sees him wreaking havoc across Zou while in his massive mammoth form, granting him a tremendous amount of strength which he uses to effortlessly tear down buildings and kill any Minks that try to step in his way.


One Piece: Kaido’s Best Haki Feats

Kaido has some incredible feats in One Piece when it comes to Haki usage.

This transformation is even more eerie considering how slowly Jack needs to move given his size and weight, meaning that his victims can hear the loud thuds of his footsteps the closer he gets before he inevitably destroys everything in his path with his huge frame and tusks.


Hody Jones’ Second Transformation

Hody Turns Into A Bloodthirsty Brute During His Fight With Luffy

Hody Jones with a smile on his face and bright red eyes
  • First Appearance: Episode 557

Hody Jones, the main antagonist of the Fishman Island arc, doesn’t exactly get a lot of love from the fans. Admittedly, as far as villains go, he’s not all that interesting, though he does still put up a fair fight against Luffy after consuming more of his drugs, which eventually overtake his brain and turn him into an absolute maniac, resulting in this terrifying transformation.

With his bright red eyes and a menacing smile slapped across his face, Hody can look quite unnerving in this form, which essentially turns the fishman into a mindless husk who cares about nothing but killing any humans he can get his hands on.


Magellan’s Poison Form

Magellan Uses His Poison To Turn Into A Spine-Chilling Monster

Magellan from One Piece in his Venom-Venom Demon Form.
  • First Appearance: Episode 450

Magellan’s Doku Doku fruit, which allows the Impel Down guard to control and manipulate poison, makes him an incredibly difficult foe for Luffy and other escapees to take down, especially when paired with his impressive durability. However, in the last few moments of the Impel Down arc, Magellan decides to go all-out and begins covering his body with a poisonous ooze which eventually takes the form of a large and terrifying beast.

The sheer size of this form already makes it pretty unnerving to look at, but knowing that it can instantly kill whoever it touches with its poison ramps up the scare factor even higher. Despite only making a brief appearance in the series, this is a transformation that still sticks in the minds of many fans for how sinister it looks.


Kaido’s Dragon Form

Most People Only Get To See Kaido’s Dragon Form For Mere Seconds Before Being Blasted Into Smithereens

Kaido from One Piece in his full-dragon form staring at Gear 5 Luffy
  • First Appearance: Episode 912

The former Yonko known as Kaido is one of the strongest beings in all of One Piece, something which is already made pretty evident when looking at the gigantic size of his regular form. However, it’s when Kaido turns into his large dragon form that he is able to truly showcase his immense power, striking fear into any and all onlookers with his demanding presence and the stern look that never leaves his face.


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When reading these moments, one can argue various messages and emotions are communicated better.

Kaido is capable of unleashing some earth-shattering abilities while in this form, and is also much more agile, meaning anyone who lays eyes on him most likely only has a few moments left before being blasted to smithereens. Even when Kaido takes turns into this form while drunk, he still manages to come across as utterly terrifying since there’s no telling what sort of chaos he could end up causing.


Bepo’s Sulong Form

Who Knew The Fun And Carefree Bepo Could Turn Into Such A Sinister Monstrosity?

Bepo's sulong form
  • First Appearance: Episode 1115

The Minks, a tribe of humanoid animals who help Luffy in his adventure to Wano, possess the ability to turn into a Sulong form when looking at the full moon temporarily. While fans had eagerly awaited Bepo’s Sulong Form after the concept was introduced in Whole Cake Island, this transformation would take on a much more sinister appearance than anyone could have expected.

After asking Chopper for a drug that could allow him to enter Sulong, Bepo’s body begins to expand as he grows a large tuft of hair around his face, which now features glowing red eyes and a razor-sharp set of fangs. He also adopts giant claws on his hands and a huge tail which is used to propel him forward in combat. Bepo is one of the few One Piece characters who proves that, as innocent and docile as someone may look when pushed far enough, they can take on the appearance of a true monster if needs be.


Nico Robin’s Demonio Fleur

Robin Lives Up To Her “Devil Child” Nickname With A Form Ripped Straight Out Of Hell Itself

  • First Appearance: Episode 1044

While Robin has proved multiple times in the story that she is more than capable of holding her own in battle, since the time skip, she had largely been kept away from the action, considering she was nowhere near as strong as the main trio. However, when pushed to her limit by Black Maria, and with her friends depending on her, Robin unleashes a brand new form which she calls “Demonio Fleurs”, which sees her turn into some kind of demonic entity.

This transformation would be so frightening that even Black Maria herself, a powerful member of Kaido’s Tobiroppo, tried to run away at the sight of it, only to be taken down by Robin in her devilish new form. Considering Robin’s dark sense of humor and her tendency to be pessimistic, a transformation this scary does actually suit her character, especially also given that her nickname is the “Devil Child”.


The Five Elders’ Yokai Forms

Pure Nightmare Fuel Is Provided By The Five Elders Once They Transform

One Piece Five Elders Gorosei Yokai
  • First Appearance: Chapter 1110

Since the Yokai forms of the Five Elders have all been shown together in one scene, they will be counted as one collective entry here. During the Egghead arc, fans were treated to one of the most intriguing yet spine-chilling panels in the entire series, that being the reveal of the Five Elders’ Yokai forms. Considering these guys were usually only shown to be five old men who would sit around and argue all day for much of the series, nobody could have expected that they would be capable of transforming into this terrifying medley of creatures.

Whether it’s Saturn’s flaming black spider or the skeletal horse-like creature form of Nusjuro, each of these beings is pure nightmare fuel which does a good job of showcasing the secret power that these old-timers really possess underneath the cold exterior.


Chopper’s Monster Point

Chopper Becomes A Horrific Husk Of His Former Self When Entering Monster Point

Chopper Monster Point
  • First Appearance: Episode 290

It’s honestly hard to believe that a character as cute and cuddly as Chopper could turn into such a monstrosity. Monster Point is one of the several forms Chopper can assume when eating a Rumble Ball, though he tends to keep this particular transformation under wraps considering how cumbersome it can be to use. However, when he does decide to pull it out, it’s guaranteed to scare the pants off anyone who looks at it up close.

The pairing of the soulless glowing eyes with the form’s gigantic frame makes it a truly terrifying sight, especially when Chopper starts swinging his limbs around to obliterate anyone who gets too close. It almost looks like a monster that was stripped straight out of an entirely different manga, which is a testament to just how diverse Oda’s character designs are in this series.


Release Date

October 20, 1999




Eiichiro Oda

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