Last year I incorrectly predicted that Vaporeon would be the most dominant card in Pokemon TCG Pocket’s Mythical Island mini-release. In fairness, it has made Articuno ex decks even more insufferable, so I was half-right.
Everyone in the comments section told me that I was wrong, that Aerodactyl ex would be the most brutal card, that it was primed to break the meta. I disagreed, thinking its ability was too situational (only applying to your opponent’s active Pokemon), but I overlooked a few synergies that came from the new set. It’s ability is handy in a pinch, so I’ll allow that you were half-right, too.
However, nobody predicted Celebi ex’s dominance in the casual meta as we all overlooked the importance of Serperior, and how it would impact Grass-type decks across the game. But I’m not writing about Celebi today. Today we need to talk about Aerodactyl.
Aerodactyl ex Decks Are The Most Fun I’ve Had In Pokemon TCG Pocket
Aerodactyl ex decks are exciting because they’re incredibly quick to set up. Nothing in the deck evolves more than once, and nothing requires more than two energies. This means that, if you draw a decent hand, you can often deal a few decisive blows before your opponent has got their Mewtwo ex or Celebi ex online.
There’s also great synergy between Aerodactyl ex and Sabrina in the early stages of a match. If you can force your opponent to switch their active Druddigon to whatever they’re trying to evolve on the backline – be it Snivy or Magikarp – then your benched Aerodactyl can stall their progress indefinitely.
But there’s one Pokemon that truly brings this deck together, a Pokemon I’ve overlooked since its addition to the Pokedex.
Marshadow Makes Aerodactyl Tick
What is a Marshadow? When was it added to the games? How do you even get it? I don’t remember any of this, and only have one in my main series Pokedex because I received a presumably fake one in a Wonder Trade.
But in Pokemon TCG Pocket I have numerous Marshadow. I pulled three of the full art versions as soon as Mythical Island dropped, but they languished in my collection for weeks.
Added into an Aerodactyl ex deck, though, Marshadow may be the best revenge killer in the game. While it can’t one-shot the biggest bois like Gyarados ex, it can deal with many of the meta’s most common foes.
Marshadow’s Revenge attack deals 40 damage for two Fighting-type energy. However, if your opponent knocked out one of your Pokemon with an attack last turn, it deals 100 damage. For a measly two energy, that’s incredible value.
Pokemon TCG Pocket players don’t read, so I have countless stories about surprising opponents with a souped-up Revenge attack. With Pikachu’s weakness taken into account, Revenge one-shots the pesky rat even from full health. This is the easiest two prizes you’ll ever take, which can win the battle either by having already knocked out an easy target basic Pokemon, or by forcing your opponent into a rage quit as the only ‘mon they’ve set up gets removed from the board.
One final honourable mention goes to Hitmonlee, whose one-energy attack does 30 damage to a Pokemon on your opponent’s bench. That’s a Magikarp out of action. That’s two hits for a Pikachu, which seems to be popular bench fodder for Pikachu ex decks nowadays for some reason.
I love using off-meta or anti-meta decks in Pokemon TCG Pocket, and Aerodactyl ex is the first to pull me away from my Team Rocket deck (a Weezing/Koga affair). I was wrong about it being too situational, others were wrong about it being overpowered, but I don’t think anyone expected it to be this fun.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket Announced, Launching This Year
A new way to experience the Pokemon TCG is launching this year.
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