After over 800 days, the Fortnite Nimbus Cloud and other Dragon Ball skins and cosmetics have officially returned. These skins have been among the most popular since they were finally added to the game (after tons of leaks and rumors) in Chapter 3 Season 3. They spent a lot of time away and became pretty rare. The Nimbus Cloud glider in particular was quite popular, and it’s finally available for purchase once more.

Image Credit: Gamepur
Fortnite Adds Nimbus Cloud Back to Item Shop
If you head to the Fortnite Item Shop, you’ll see a dedicated section for the Dragon Ball collaboration. It has finally returned after 860 days (almost three years) away. The Nimbus Cloud glider, which is the one cosmetic everyone seems to love, is there for 800 V-Bucks. There are two bundles available in the Item Shop with this set, but neither includes the cloud. If you want it, you’ll have to buy it individually.
This comes as Epic continues to bring back formerly rare cosmetics. The big story was the return of Renegade Raider, but Epic Games has also added back Wonder Woman, Master Chief, and more lately. A lot of previously rare cosmetics have been made available once more, and the Fortnite Nimbus Cloud is one of them.
It just arrived in the Item Shop to joy from the community, so it’s unlikely that it will leave soon with the rest of the Dragon Ball set. However, as with any cosmetic, it can go away at any time and not return for years. The Dragon Ball set was first introduced to the game 874 days ago.
It was available every day for 14 days straight before disappearing for 860 days. There may not be another lengthy absence in the future, but you don’t want to miss the opportunity now, so be sure to log in and get it before it does go away.
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