Beginner Tips For Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Beginner Tips For Kingdom Come: Deliverance

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  • Train with Captain Bernard to improve combat skills.
  • Take dried food for Henry’s hunger & to avoid spoilage.
  • Don’t start too many side quests at once; manage time.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an immersive and historically accurate RPG set in the late Middle Ages, but unlike many other open-world games, it does not hold the player’s hand, so there’s a lot they have to figure out for themselves.


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These beginner tips for KCD should therefore help new players get to grips with the difficult combat and survival mechanics. There are even some tips that will help Henry in his conversations with villagers, knights, and all other inhabitants of medieval Bohemia.


Train For Combat With Captain Bernard

Both Henry & The Player Will Improve

Kingdom Come Deliverance Captain Bernard Combat Training

The first-person melee combat is notoriously difficult in KCD, especially as Henry starts off as the son of a blacksmith, barely capable of holding a sword properly. For players used to hack-and-slash gameplay where armor is no more than a cosmetic item or medium for stats, the realistic fighting style can also be fairly hard to get to grips with.

Therefore, both for the player’s and Henry’s sake, they should head over to Captain Bernard for some training. Just outside Rattay to the east, he can often be found by the training pen. By fighting with training swords, players will avoid injuries while testing out combos and learning to block. This will also level up Henry’s core stats such as strength and agility, as well as more specific stats for how good he is with his sword. Other than reading skill books, this is the only way he will level up at combat. Players can also ask to train with other weapons, to improve with them.


Take Dried Food With You

Henry Gets Notoriously Hungry & Dried Food Doesn’t Spoil

Kingdom Come Deliverance Food

While KCD would not be described as a survival game, it does possess a few elements of the genre. For example, Henry needs to sleep to regain energy, and most notoriously, he often feels hungry. However, it is not as easy as stocking up on plenty of food, as fresh food can go bad, potentially making Henry unwell.

For this reason, especially on quests away from towns and villages, it’s often best to take food that has been preserved in some way. For example, dried meat or smoked sausages. These can be bought from innkeepers or butchers.


Don’t Start Too Many Side Quests At Once

Characters Don’t Like To Be Left Waiting So Quests Can Expire

Kingdom Come Deliverance Quest Log

There is no shortage of quests or side quests in KCD, especially with the various DLC expansions installed. However, players are advised against taking on too many quests at once for one main reason. In this dynamic world, some quests cannot just be completed at the player’s leisure. If a character says they need something within the next two days, they mean it and they won’t be available after the third day.


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Though it released in 2018, Kingdom Come: Deliverance has managed to withstand the test of time. Here are some reasons why.

If players have too many quests, they simply won’t be able to get around the map fast enough, especially as they will need some time to sleep and regain energy. That being said, it’s also okay to fail some quests for this reason or to prioritize others. After all, in real life, people can’t always get around to everything, and unless players are aiming to unlock all of KCD’s achievements, ticking off quests is far from the best way to play this organic game.


Learn To Read Early

This Will Allow Henry To Level Up Fast By Reading Skill Books

Kingdom Come Deliverance Book Reading

Books are present in many open-world games, but in KCD, Henry must first learn to read. For skill books that help him level up specific stats, this becomes an important thing to learn, as the only other way to level up is by doing.

There is a scribe in Uzhitz who will teach Henry to read for the moderate price of 50 Groschen, and this is part of the Mightier than the Sword quest. Players should prioritize this early so that whenever they find a skill book, they can sit down and gain some XP by reading. Books can be acquired through various means; some are sold by merchants, given as gifts, and found using the best KCD treasure maps.


Make Sure To Clean Henry & His Clothes

Otherwise, People Won’t Like Henry Or Do His Bidding

Kingdom Come Deliverance Wash Water Tub

As one of the most realistic and immersive open-world games available, everything matters in KCD​​​​​, including appearances. If Henry is wearing fancy clothes, then people will be more impressed and likely to do his bidding.

However, while buying the finest attire might not be possible in the early game, beginner KCD players can learn to constantly clean Henry and his clothes, as dirty and smelly clothes will most certainly put others off. For quick cleans, players will find numerous tubs full of water, which allow Henry to wash his face. If his clothes are dirty, however, it’s best to go to a bathhouse, where he will not only get a proper wash but can ask for his laundry to be done too.


Get Used To Night & Day Schedules

Shop Keepers & NPCs Won’t Wait Around For You

Kingdom Come Deliverance Time Wait

One tip for beginners in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, is to get used to the realistic living world. Unlike in other less immersive games, shopkeepers and quest-givers won’t just wait around for Henry like he is some kind of main character. These fully realized NPCs have their own lives, lunch breaks, and they most certainly need sleep at night.


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Kingdom Come: Deliverance has plenty of interesting mods available for players to check out. Here are the best ones you can get right now.

Players should therefore plan their activities, quests, and shopping trips around the schedule of the world around them. Thankfully, players themselves can go to sleep to pass time and regain energy, or there is a waiting mechanic.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Tag Page Cover Art


February 13, 2018


Warhorse Studios

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