All Merchant Locations & Inventory

All Merchant Locations & Inventory

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Valheim is mostly about discovering new biomes and materials so you can prepare yourself to take down one of the world’s many bosses. It can be a grueling experience, especially when you get into areas like the Swamp and Mountain where many, many things can take you down in one or two hits when you first arrive.

Despite the unforgiving nature of the game, it does have some reprieve in giving players access to merchants. There are three in the game at the time of writing, and they each offer helpful items that can make the dangerous world of Valheim much easier to navigate. However, due to the procedurally generated nature of the worlds you play in, it can be very challenging to find them and browse their wares. Here is where you can find each of them, and what they all have to offer.



Pro Tips For Valheim You Need To Know

Players may be ready to jump into Valheim as soon as possible, but that may not be the best idea. Here are some pro tips you need to know first.

How To Find Haldor In Valheim (Black Forest Merchant)


Haldor is arguably one of the easiest merchants to find simply because he can spawn within a 1500m radius of the center of the world, which is the closest of all the traders in the game. He resides in the Black Forest biome, which you can also start exploring from fairly early on.

He can often be found near the vicinity of where The Elder — the boss of the Black Forest — spawns. Usually, you can find the nearest spawn point of The Elder by clicking on the glowing ruins found in Burial Chambers. However, because that’s still a pretty large area to explore, the best way to find Haldor if you aren’t keen on the endless search for him is to use the Valheim World Generator. This was created by wd40bomber7, and it lets you generate your specific world seed to find the Trader locations.

Haldor will usually spawn in multiple locations, but once you find him, he will always appear in that same location.

So, once you do find the spot where he’s resting, it’s best to build a portal so you can quickly and easily go back and forth. You’ll need gold to trade with him, but thankfully, this is easily found by exploring various dungeons and selling gems like Rubies, Amber Pearls, Silver Necklaces, and more.

Black Forest Merchant Inventory





Yule Hat

100 Coins


Purely cosmetic, but does take up the helmet slot.

Dverger Circlet

620 Coins


Provides light when equipped.


950 Coins


Increases inventory carry weight by 150.

Fishing rod

350 Coins


Allows you to obtain fish.

Fishing bait (20)

10 Coins


Required to use with the Fishing rod.

Barrel Hoops (3)

100 Coins


Necessary material to build Barrels.

Ymir Flesh

120 Coins

After defeating The Elder

Crafting material

Thunder Stone

50 Coins

After defeating The Elder

Necessary material to build the Obliterator.


1500 Coins

After defeating Yagluth

Used to obtain chickens and hens.

How To Find Hildir In Valheim (Meadows Merchant)


Unlike her brother Haldor, Hildir is found in the Meadows. Despite setting up camp in the least dangerous biome of the game, she is a lot more challenging to find because she usually spawns quite far away from the world center.

Like with Haldor, the fastest method to finding her is to use the Valheim World Generator. However, if you want to face the challenge of finding her yourself, the best way to do so is to look in Meadows between a 3000 and 5100m radius from the world center. Each possible spawn point is also about 1000m apart from each other. In other words, you won’t find Hildir in any Meadows that are close to you, and you’re probably going to have to sail around the world a bit before you find her. Thankfully, when you’re 300-400m close to her, you’ll spot a T-Shirt icon on the map — and that’s where she’s set up camp. Once you find her, make sure to build a portal again so you can travel to and fro easily.

Hildir specializes in clothing that gives a different type of buff, depending on what you buy. A lot of her items give the same buff, but that’s mostly so you can get whichever one you think suits your character most without sacrificing the perk you get from it. The real specialty with Hildir, though, is that she will give you quests that send you around the world to find her lost items, and these quests will take you to new dungeons in different biomes:

  • Smouldering Tombs in The Black Forest
  • Howling Caverns in Mountains
  • Sealed Towers in The Plains

Each location will reward you with a chest that you can take back to Hildir once you’ve defeated the corresponding miniboss. There are only three chests, and they cannot be teleported, but they will give you access to new items from her shop that have a variety of different effects.

Meadows Merchant Inventory





Simple Dress Natural

250 Coins


-20% Stamina use

Simple Tunic Natural

250 Coins


-20% Stamina use

Simple Cap Red

150 Coins


-15% Stamina use

Simple Cap Purple

150 Coins


-15% Stamina use


150 Coins



Iron Pit

75 Coins


Used for building the Firepit Iron (altnerate Campfire)

Barber Kit

600 Coins


Used for bulding the Barber Station

Beaded Dress Brown

550 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Bronze Chest

-20% Stamina use

Beaded Dress Blue

550 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Bronze Chest

-20% Stamina use

Beaded Dress Yellow

550 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Bronze Chest

-20% Stamina use

Beaded Tunic Blue

550 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Bronze Chest

-20% Stamina use

Beaded Tunic Red

550 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Bronze Chest

-20% Stamina use

Beaded Tunic Yellow

550 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Bronze Chest

-20% Stamina use

Twisted Headscarf Red

300 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Bronze Chest

-15% Stamina use

Fur Cap Grey

300 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Bronze Chest

-15% Stamina use

Extravagant Cap Orange

300 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Bronze Chest

-15% Stamina use

Basic Fireworks

50 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Bronze Chest

Used to create other fireworks and explosions.

Shawl Dress Brown

450 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Silver Chest

-20% Stamina use

Shawl Dress Blue

450 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Silver Chest

-20% Stamina use

Shawl Dress Yellow

450 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Silver Chest

-20% Stamina use

Cape Tunic Blue

450 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Silver Chest

-20% Stamina use

Cape Tunic Red

450 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Silver Chest

-20% Stamina use

Cape Tunic Yellow

450 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Silver Chest

-20% Stamina use

Twisted Headscarf Green

250 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Silver Chest

-15% Stamina use

Extravagant Cap Green

250 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Silver Chest

-15% Stamina use

Tied Headscarf Yellow

250 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Silver Chest

-15% Stamina use

Simple Dress Brown

350 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Brass Chest

-20% Stamina use

Simple Dress Blue

350 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Brass Chest

-20% Stamina use

Simple Dress Yellow

350 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Brass Chest

-20% Stamina use

Simple Tunic Blue

350 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Brass Chest

-20% Stamina use

Simple Tunic Red

350 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Brass Chest

-20% Stamina use

Simple Tunic Yellow

350 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Brass Chest

-20% Stamina use

Harvest Tunic

550 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Brass Chest

+25 Farming Skill (set bonus)

Harvest Dress

550 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Brass Chest

+25 Farming Skill (set bonus)

Tied Headscarf Blue

200 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Brass Chest

-15% Stamina use

Fur Cap Brown

200 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Brass Chest

-15% Stamina use

Straw Hat

300 Coins

After returning Hildir’s Brass Chest

+25 Farming Skill (set bonus)

How To Find The Bog Witch In Valheim (Swamp Merchant)


The most recent addition to the traders in Valheim is the Bog Witch, who can be found in the Swamp. The Swamp is one of the most difficult biomes to navigate, so you may need to wait until you’ve upgraded your gear a bit before you set out to find her.

Nonetheless, she can be found between 3000m and 8000m from the world center. Like Hildir, each of the possible points where she can spawn are 1000m apart from each other. If there was a reason to use a bit of a cheat or the World Generator to find a trader, the Bog Witch is probably the one. However, if you’re committed to the search, you can spot her Cauldron icon once you get closer. Once you’ve found her, she will remain in that spot, so make sure to come ready with portal-building materials.

She’s one of the more interesting Traders in Valheim because she’s actually a friendly Greydwarf who has a magical Kvastur that keeps her hut clean and fights enemies outside of it. You also get the perk of a comfort level 3 while in her hut, and, of course, access to some fantastic new items that allow you to cook new types of food and craft new meads.

Swamp Merchant Inventory





Candle Wick (50)

100 Coins


Used to build the Resin Candle.

Love Potion (5)

110 Coins


Increases the rate at which Trolls spawn and makes them immediately aware of your presence.

Fresh Seaweed (5)

75 Coins


Used to build the Draught of Vananidir.

Cured Squirrel Hamstring (5)

80 Coins


Used to craft Tonic of Ratatosk.

Powdered Dragon Eggshell (5)

120 Coins


Used to craft Mead of Troll Endurance.

Pungent Pebbles (5)

125 Coins


Used to craft Brew of Animal Whispers,

Ivy Seed (3)

65 Coins


Produces a decorative Ivy plant.

Serving Tray

140 Coins


Required to eat a feast.

Woodland Herb Blend (5)

120 Coins

After defeating The Elder

Used to craft Whole Roasted Meadow Boar, Black Forest Buffet Platter, and Swamp Dwellers’ Delight.

Scythe Handle

200 Coins

After defeating Moder

Used to craft a Scythe.


85 Coins

After defeating Moder

Used to craft Berserker Mead.

Fragrant Bundle (5)

140 Coins

After defeating Moder

Used to craft Anti-Sting Concoction.

Mountain Peak Pepper Powder (5)

140 Coins

After defeating Moder

Used to craft Hearty Mountain Logger’s Stew.

Grasslands Herbalist Harvest (5)

160 Coins

After defeating Yagluth

Used to craft Plains Pie Picnic.

Herbs of the Hidden Hills (5)

180 Coins

After defeating The Queen

Used to craft Mushrooms Galore a la Mistlands.

Fiery Spice Powder (5)

200 Coins

After defeating Fader

Used to craft Ashlands Gourmet Bowl.

Seafarer’s Herbs (5)

130 Coins

After killing a Serpent

Used to craft Sailor’s Bounty.

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