Who is Ranma Saotome in Ranma 1/2?

Who is Ranma Saotome in Ranma 1/2?

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  • Ranma 1/2’s titular character Ranma Saotome is complex, with martial arts training, honor, and ego.
  • Ranma’s fighting style blends Chinese and Japanese martial arts, emphasizing adaptability.
  • Ranma navigates a bizarre personal life with a gender-bending curse and arranged engagement with Akane.

Ranma 1/2 tells the story of a teenage boy named Ranma Saotome, who transforms into a girl when splashed with cold water. But there is much more to the anime’s titular character besides his gender-bending curse. Before the events of Ranma 1/2, the teen experienced rigorous (and sometimes traumatic) martial arts training. And that’s only scratching the surface of his character.

Several details showcase Ranma’s complexities, from his rivalry with Ryoga to his arranged engagement with Akane. Sometimes, Ranma is stubborn, prideful, and a nuisance. However, in his best moments, Ranma Saotome is a man of honor who looks out for others.


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Ranma Saotome’s Stats and Traits

As Ranma 1/2’s author Rumiko Takahashi stated, “Perfect people are not very interesting.” This statement especially rings true for Ranma Saotome, the series’ titular character. Ranma is a well-trained martial artist with outstanding abilities. However, he’s also a teenage boy, cursed to change into a teenage girl, with no clear understanding of either experience. Still, he has a good heart, making him a rather endearing character.


16 years old




  • Male
  • Female (Jusenkyo Curse)


  • Male Form: 5′ 7″ (170 cm)
  • Female Form: 4′ 9 ½” (146 cm)


  • Male Form: 135 lbs (61 kg)
  • Female Form: 105 lbs (48 kg)

Eye Color

  • Male Form: Blue
  • Female Form: Pink

Hair Color

  • Male Form: Black
  • Female Form: Pink


  • Genma Saotome (father)
  • Nodoka Saotome (mother)
  • Akane Tendo (fiance)
  • Soun Tendo (prospective father-in-law)
  • Nabiki Tendo (prospective sister-in-law)
  • Kasumi Tendo (prospective sister-in-law)



Ranma Saotome’s Appearance

Ranma Saotome is an athletic teenage boy of average height, perhaps shorter compared to other characters like Tatewaki Kuno. However, he is significantly shorter in his female form, measuring a similar height to Akane Tendo. Ranma’s body is compact in both boy and girl forms, giving him stellar agility in combat.

Regarding style, Ranma typically wears Chinese clothing, including his signature red and gold sleeveless vest, blue pants, and blue slip-on shoes. At night, he sleeps in boxers and a tank top with his name on the chest. Ranma often wears the same clothes in boy and girl form. However, he’s also donned a green pageboy outfit that he only wears in girl form, perhaps to conceal his curse. Both forms style their hair in a braided ponytail.

Ranma Saotome’s Personality

While Ranma is not obnoxiously cocky, he has a decent amount of ego. He can be self-centered sometimes, like when he concluded that Ryoga’s beef with him was because of something as trivial as lunch buns. Furthermore, he enjoys pushing other’s buttons from time to time, especially Akane, who he often calls “not cute.”

However, under Ranma’s ego and immaturity lies a deeply considerate person. For instance, he commits to keeping Ryoga’s P-chan curse a secret. Furthermore, he fiercely defends Akane against the advances of misogynists like Mikado Sanzenin.

Another notable aspect of Ranma’s personality is his inexperience with love and dating. At the beginning of the series, he never experiences a first kiss, and his romantic interactions with Akane, Shampoo, and Kodachi make him highly flustered.

Ranma Saotome’s Fighting Style

Ranma trained under Genma Saotome, who co-owns the Anything Goes Martial Arts dojo with Soun Tendo. This technique blends various forms of Chinese and Japanese martial arts, encouraging adaptability in combat. While Ranma is a balanced fighter, his male form uses more physical strength, and his female form gains additional agility and speed.


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Ranma Saotome’s Personal Life

Ranma Saotome’s personal life is bizarre, silly, and relatively complex. He studied martial arts under his father since he was very young. However, his world turned upside down when he succumbed to a gender-bending curse while training at a Chinese hot spring. Now, he is in an arranged engagement with Akane Tendo, and the two navigate a bizarre teenage life in which everything connects to martial arts.

Early Life and Training Under Genma

From age two, Ranma traveled across Asia with his father, Genma Saotome, to undergo rigorous martial arts training. However, Ranma’s mother, Nodaka Saotome, only granted permission for this trip if Ranma transformed into a “man among men.” Failure to fulfill this condition has fatal consequences (which we won’t disclose to avoid spoiling the new 2024 anime).

Ranma’s training included several bizarre events that Netflix’s 2024 anime has yet to address. For instance, Genma once arranged for him to marry his childhood friend in exchange for a food cart. At six years old, Ranma underwent a traumatic training experience in which Genma wrapped him in fish sausage and threw him into a pit of starving cats.

The Jusenkyo Curse

Genma and Ranma’s last stop on their trip before meeting the Tendos was the Jusenkyo hot springs in China. These hot springs are considered very dangerous. However, Genma overlooked the dangers due to his inability to read Chinese. Ranma knocked Genma into the spring water as the two sparred above the hot springs on bamboo poles. When Genma emerged, he was a Panda. Before Ranma could alert Genma, he knocked Ranma into the water, turning him into a teenage girl.

The hot spring’s guide promptly explained that various people and animals who drowned in its pools curse the Jusenkyo hot springs. For instance, Genma fell into the “Spring of Drowned Panda,” which turned him into a Panda. Ranma fell into the “Spring of Drowned Girl,” which turned him into a girl. Fortunately, both curses are reversible when the victim gets splashed with hot water.

Current Life and Engagement with Akane

After Ranma and Genma’s cursed training in Jusenkyo, the two travel to Japan to meet Soun Tendo, who co-owns the Anything Goes Martial Arts dojo with Genma. Unbeknownst to Ranma, Genma and Soun arranged for Ranma to marry one of Soun’s three daughters.

While the Saotomes try to conceal their cursed forms, it does not take long for the Tendos to discover them. After Genma explains the situation to the Tendos, the two fathers mutually agree that the youngest daughter, Akane Tendo, is the best match for Ranma. After all, Ranma is half-girl, and Akane hates men.

The two teenagers resent their arranged engagement. However, over time, Ranma and Akane learn to work together while facing off against deadly gymnasts like Kodachi Kuno and deceiving ice skaters like Mikado Sanzenin and Azusa Shiratori. They also befriend Ranma’s rival, Ryoga Hibiki, whom Ranma knocked into the “Spring of Drowned Black Piglet” at Jusenkyo. However, Shampoo’s arrival briefly shakes the fiances’ copacetic relationship.

Shampoo, a Chinese Amazon woman, initially sought girl Ranma to avenge a loss at her hands. However, she soon falls in love with boy Ranma, resulting in a face-off with Akane that wipes Akane’s memories of Ranma. However, after Akanes memories return, Ranma reveals his curse to Shampoo, leaving her heartbroken at season 1’s conclusion.

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