One of the most interesting details about Palworld is that some Pals have subspecies. This means they adapt to different biomes and ecosystems, resulting in variations. Subspecies Pals differ from their distant relatives and are found in different locations. For example, one of the most iconic Pals, Mossanda, has a subspecies called Mossanda Lux, which is Electric-type.

Palworld: Feybreak – Where To Find Cryolinx Terra
Here is where you can find Cryolinx Terra in Palworld.
You can identify these subspecies by the suffixes added to their names, such as Lux, Terra, Cryst, Botan, etc. Did you know that Foxparks, one of the cutest early-game Pals, also has a subspecies? In this guide, we’ll explore where to find Foxparks Cryst.
Where To Find Foxparks Cryst
Foxparks Cryst is a fox-like Pal that is unfortunately not very lucky, even struggling to handle the cold it creates. Unlike its relative, Foxparks, which is a Fire-type Pal, this Pal belongs to the Ice-type. You can find this cute Pal on Feybreak Island. Feybreak Island is a large island located in the southwest of your map.
The Pals here, including the Foxparks Cryst you’re looking for, are all above level 50. Therefore, you should be well-prepared when heading to this island; it’s best to equip yourself with level 50+ equipment and have level 50+ Pals in your team.
Foxparks Crysts are located in the southwest part of Feybreak Island. This is the region with purple-colored soil. Additionally, there is no specific time of day to find them, as you can encounter them both in the morning and at night.
Foxparks Crysts are not aggressive Pals and will run away if they see you. It’s helpful to bring Fire-type Pals with you when fighting them, as they are more susceptible to Fire-type attacks.
How To Breed Foxparks Cryst
If you want to get a Foxparks Cryst, going out to search for it on Feybreak Island is not your only option. You can also hatch one from an egg. The egg you need to find in the wild is a Frozen Egg
Alternatively, if you don’t want to search for it, you can breed Foxparks Cryst using specific breeding combinations. Below is a table showing the required parent combinations for breeding:
Items Dropped By Foxparks Cryst
When you catch or defeat a Foxparks Cryst, you will receive an Ice Organ
and Leather
. However, there are better options for obtaining these materials. Therefore, hunting Foxparks Crysts, which are around level 50, is not the best idea.
Leather is a more easily obtainable material; you can farm it from Pals like Direhowl
, Foxparks
, and Fuack
. Because of this, farming Foxparks Crysts for their dropped items is not ideal.
Partner Skill & Work Suitability
Foxparks Cryst’s partner skill is Huggy Frost. When activated, you will hold the Foxparks Cryst and use it as a flamethrower-like weapon that sprays ice. Its range is not very long, and it allows you to deal ice damage to enemies in front of you for a short period. You cannot use it indefinitely, as it has a 120-second cooldown after use.
If you’re at a higher level, this partner skill may not be very useful in the late game, as you will have access to weapons that deal more damage than Foxparks Cryst. However, if you are not in the late game, this ability can be useful in specific situations, such as when your weapon’s ammo runs out or when fighting weaker Dragon-type Pals.
To unlock this partner skill, you will need to craft Foxparks Cryst’s Harness at level 24. The materials required for this are:
For this Pal, the best Passive Skill is Serenity, especially if you plan to use it as a weapon with the Huggy Frost ability. Serenity reduces the cooldown of its active skill by 30% and increases its attack by 10%.
When looking at Foxparks Cryst’s work suitability, you will notice that it only has first-level Cooling. Unfortunately, this makes it very inefficient for use at your base. Since it lacks other work suitability traits and its Cooling level is low, it would be wiser to use other Pals at your base.
Where To Find Alpha Boss Foxparks Cryst
Feybreak Island is also home to the Alpha Boss Foxparks Cryst. This boss is level 52 and can be found at coordinates -1283, -1304. You can easily reach this location by heading to one of the following fast travel points:
- Go southwest from Scorched Hill fast travel point.
- Go northwest from The Oculus Gate, Towen in Sight fast travel point.
- Go northeast from Feybreak Shipwreck fast travel point.
Alpha Boss Foxparks Cryst is not very difficult, as long as you bring Fire-type Pals to take advantage of their type advantage.

Palworld: All Legendary And Alpha Pal Locations In Feybreak
Unleash greatness with Feybreak’s finest Pals!
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