Dragon Ball is one of the longest-running manga and animated franchises of all time. It also has some of the most iconic fighters that have had kids on the playground screaming Kamehameha. Dragon Ball has transformed since it solely focused on martial arts, and so have the characters.

Every Dragon Ball Anime Series Ranked Worst To Best
Here are the best Dragon Ball anime shows, ranked from worst to best!
With a series as long as Dragon Ball, it’s only natural that some of the characters have changed drastically throughout. Some characters have gone from rivals and enemies to loyal allies. Other characters don’t seem like they’ve changed much but have actually come a long way from where they once were at the start of the series.
From Villain To Part Of The Family
Piccolo has come a long way since he first debuted in the original Dragon Ball. Originally spawned by King Piccolo, he grew up fast in order to take on Goku and conquer the world.
After his defeat by a teen Goku, he swears revenge and would come back to reluctantly team up against the Saiyan Radditz. Training Gohan would be a catalyst for Piccolo’s slow but steady redemption. Eventually, Piccolo would cease his goals for world domination and become one of Earth’s greatest defenders.
A Rocky Road Towards Redemption
Vegeta starts off as one of Freeza’s soldiers and one of the last remaining Saiyans. Vegeta is well known for seeking power and viewing weaker Saiyans as a waste of his own race. This begins to change when he teams up with Krillin and Gohan on Namek.

After realizing that Goku, a lower-class Saiyan, achieved Super Saiyan status through hard work, he attempts to surpass him at every turn. He even relapses during the Majin Buu arc after realizing that he’s not as ruthless as he once was. Now, Vegeta and Goku share a friendly but competitive rivalry.
Android 18
Still Got That Spunk
In one timeline, Android 18 went from a destructive force to a pile of nuts and bolts. In the main timeline, however, Android 18 manages to change her ways after encountering Cell and witnessing the kindness shown by Krillin.
From an impulsive menace to a hard-working mother, Android 18 still retains the ability to twist arms using her brute strength. When money is needed, she is willing to reach the top of a tournament just to get some money from Mr. Satan, even if it means throwing the match to maintain his position as the strongest.
Goku’s First Rival
When Dragon Ball fans first meet Krillin, he is mischievous, a suck-up, and always willing to prove that he is a more worthy student than Goku. Krillin eventually forms a deep bond with Goku through their mutual training with Master Roshi.

Best Moments From The Saiyan Saga In Dragon Ball Z
We explore some standout moments in the Saiyan Saga of Dragon Ball Z.
Despite only being human, Krillin stands up against both alien threats and those crafted on Earth. Eventually, he settles down with Android 18 and becomes a father. From having zero confidence as a martial artist to being Earth’s strongest human, Krillin’s journey is one of hard work and success.
From Fighter To Scholar
Gohan was first introduced in Dragon Ball Z as the four-year-old son of Goku. He shows incredible potential due to his Half-Saiyan heritage and is soon forced to put that power to the test when Vegeta and Nappa attack.
Despite showing this great power, he is reluctant to fight but does so when push comes to shove. He eventually defeats Cell after learning to control his Super Saiyan form and, later, steps out of his comfy school life to help defeat Buu. In Dragon Ball Super, he pursues his goal as a scholar but is willing to step in when the Earth needs him.
Android 17
Living Life To The Fullest
Android 17’s development took a major leap off-screen. Originally modified by Dr. Gero, Android 17 and 18 cause mischief in their hunt for Goku. However, this rampage is mostly due to boredom, and eventually, Android 17 settles down as a park ranger.

Best Moments From The Android Cell Saga In Dragon Ball Z
These Dragon Ball Z moments are true highlights of the Android Cell Saga.
Android 17 remains the more reserved of the two twins, but he eventually gets married and starts a family of his own. Despite this, he continues to prove himself as a capable fighter, strong enough to defend the Earth during the tournament of power.
Majinn Buu
A Little Help From Satan
Majinn Buu’s development happens throughout a single arc, but it takes the character through a cycle. Starting off as a living weapon of destruction, he soon becomes less so after his absorption of the Grand Supreme Kai.
Eventually, Majinn Buu would rise again and cause destruction on the Earth until he met Mr. Satan, whose bumbling ways set the villain on a straighter path. He even adopts a dog known as Bee. Of course, this change in path causes Majin Buu’s evil half to split from his body.
The Journey Of A Scared Child
Dende goes through his own fair share of character development since the Namek saga. As Freeza slaughters his people, he is saved by Gohan and Krillin at the last minute. Eventually, he has his powers unlocked by the Grand Elder and gains the ability to heal others.

Best Order To Watch The Dragon Ball Shows
From Z to Super, here is the best order to watch the Dragon Ball shows!
Over the years, his powers would continue to grow, even surpassing that of the Namekian, Kami. Dende would eventually return as Earth’s new guardian and creator of an updated set of Dragon Balls that could grant multiple wishes.
Future Trunks
Rekindling A Relationship With His Father
Future Trunks came back to the past in the hopes that he could avert the fate that had befallen his own timeline. While his first appearance shows him as powerful against a freshly reconstructed Freeza, he knows that he is no match for the Androids.
During this time, he trains with his father and gains a sense of his Sayian pride. He even manages to become powerful enough to settle things back home. That is until Goku Black and Zamasu destroy the entire timeline. From Gohan’s hot-headed pupil to someone who can responsibly lift the weight of the world on his back, Future Trunks became the hero Earth needed.
Always Growing And Improving
At heart, Goku has always wanted a good challenge and seemingly hasn’t changed much since he was a kid. However, Goku has matured as a trained martial artist, going through many different teachers, whether it be Master Roshi, Kami, King Kai, or even Whis.
The entire Dragon Ball series shows Goku going from a kid to being a fully grown adult with grandkids of his own. He is also more willing to spare enemies rather than destroy them haphazardly on his way to defeat the main bad guy.

Dragon Ball Games Never Released Outside Of Japan
These Dragon Ball games never saw a release outside of Japan.
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