Strongest Alien Exosuits In Dandadan

Strongest Alien Exosuits In Dandadan

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  • Kur Exosuits pose a major challenge due to their unique abilities and designs, and it even requires some intense training to defeat them.
  • Some notable Exosuits include Ta Koshin Jo, Ta Komeshi, and Takonoka Ru Patcho, all with different strengths and weaknesses.
  • Bamora’s Exosuit stands out as the most powerful one, evolving into a formidable threat with a tragic origin story.

The Space Globalists, better known as the Kurs, are one of the biggest and most powerful extraterrestrial threats in the bizarre world of Dandadan. These octopus-like aliens are able to conquer worlds all across the galaxy thanks to their Exosuits, mechanical suits of armor that are produced when a creature named Big Mama consumes a living organism in order to copy their abilities and appearance.


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The Exosuits were a focal point of the story during the Space Globalists Arc, and they were so incredibly strong that Okarun, Momo, and their friends struggled to defeat them, to the point that they needed to go through some intense training to match the Kur’s strength. Dandadan introduced readers to many unique and terrifying Exosuits, but the following are the strongest ones in the Space Globalist’s entire fleet.


Mantis Exosuit

A Mechanical Bug That Could Only Be Taken Down By A Mantis Shrimp

Mr. Mantis Shrimp faces the Mantis Exosuit.
  • First Appearance: Chapter 79

When compared to its peers, the Kur wielding the Mantis Exosuit may not seem all that powerful, but it still was quite a formidable opponent. With its sharp laser blade claws, its resilient exoskeleton, and its ability to inject venom, this was one threatening mechanical insect.

If all that wasn’t enough, the Mantis Exosuit also had an aquatic form that let it chase its enemies underwater. The fact that it was ultimately destroyed by a single Jet Punch of Mr. Mantis Shrimp’s empowered form (which is arguably one of the strongest physical attacks in the entire series) goes to show how tough this Kur Exosuit truly was.


Ta Koshin Jo

A Conventional Mech Suit With Heavy Artillery

Ta Koshin Jo firing its gatling guns.
  • First Appearance: Chapter 73

Almost every Kur Exosuit in Dandadan looks unique and/or bizarre, but the one known as Ta Koshin Jo is one of the few exceptions, seeing as its design makes it look like a more traditional mech suit or walking tank that could have been featured in the Metal Gear franchise. Despite its lack of a bizarre factor, this was still quite a dangerous opponent.

Ta Koshin Jo can use destructive rocket launchers and gatling guns, but its most important feature is its ability to run around at high speeds, which partially allows it to keep up with Okarun’s Turbo Granny form. At the end of the day, the high physical strength of Bamora’s Exosuit was needed to finally destroy this huge walking tank.


Ta Komeshi And Takonoka Ru Patcho

Two Bizarre Exosuits Of Equal Power

Ta Komeshi attacking Evil Eye with its fists, and Takonoka Ru Patcho firing its missiles at Aira.
  • First Appearance: Chapter 73

Out of all the Kur Exosuits in the series, Ta Komeshi and Takonoka Ru Patcho were clearly designed to function as a pair of equal power: not only do they look similar (since they were both designed after ancient Japanese figurines), but they fought Jiji and Aira at the same time and were destroyed almost simultaneously.


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Ta Komeshi had a bigger focus on physical attacks since it had six mechanical arms it could pummel its targets with, and a jetpack attachment that enhanced its mobility. On the other hand, the Kur wielding the Takonoka Ru Patcho preferred to use ranged weapons, like missiles and disks that emit electricity. Nevertheless, these two huge and powerful Exosuits were eventually defeated by Jiji and Aira’s strongest techniques.


Suda Ko

A Small, But Deadly, Sniper

Suda Ko pointing his sniper gun and firing its laser at Aira.
  • First Appearance: Chapter 79

The Exosuit known as Suda Ko stands out from its peers because it is actually very small, which makes it look fragile. This couldn’t be further from the truth, however, because this tiny Haniwa Terracotta Dancer ended up becoming one of the most important assets of the Space Globalists’ army.

It’s all about the sniper rifle it wields, which can fire a devastating laser beam that can take down powerful fighters like Aira or Jiji from long distances. Furthermore, its small size and ability to float in the air were also significant advantages for Suda Ko, since they made it even more challenging for its opponents to land a hit on it, let alone defeat it.


Jet Booster Exosuit

The Boxing Champion Of The Space Globalist Army

The Jet Booster Exosuit using its Jetpack and attacking Okarun in Turbo Granny Form.
  • First Appearance: Chapter 79

The Kur wielding the Jet Booster Exosuit is one of the most memorable members of its army because of its unique appearance, which is strikingly similar to the Xenomorph from the Alien film franchise. Nevertheless, it was immediately apparent that its design wasn’t its only distinct feature, as it eventually proved to be one of the toughest and most dangerous extraterrestrial warriors in the series.

Thanks to its size, agility, and physical strength, the Jet Booster Exosuit can deal some devastating punches that allow it to go toe-to-toe with even some of the most powerful fighters in the series, like Okarun’s Turbo Granny form or Jiji’s Evil Eye form. And if its impeccable fighting abilities weren’t already a huge enough threat, it also has a jet enhancement on its back, which gives it better mobility and enhances the power of its attacks.



An Exosuit So Dangerous That The Kur Wearing It Worked Alone

Imotako attacking Momo and the Serpos in the maid café.
  • First Appearance: Chapter 84

As previously mentioned, the Space Globalists work as a powerful military force that always fights together to complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses. However, there’s one particular Kur who prefers to work alone, and it’s the one who wore an Exosuit named Imotako. This is the villain who attacked Momo Ayase and Rokuro Serpo in the maid café.


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Aside from its bizarre, almost abstract, appearance, Imotako stands out due to its ability to conjure a pocket dimension, its long tentacles that can pierce through its victim’s skin, and its dangerous mind-controlling powers, which let it manipulate numerous Serpo clones. Fortunately for Momo, she underwent some major character development to unlock her Moe Moe Tri-Beam, which completely obliterated Imotako at the end of their fight.



The Leader Of The Kur Army Was A Force To Be Reckoned With

The Hastur Exosuit and Hastur using its Spatial Carving ability to defeat Momo and her friends.
  • First Appearance: Chapter 79

As expected, the leader of the Kur’s Advance Unit, Hastur, was its most powerful warrior as well. When it was first introduced, it immediately intimidated both the characters and the readers alike, thanks to its monstrously reptilian design. Needless to say, Hastur did not disappoint, as it immediately proved that it deserved its high military position.

The Exosuit is quite strong in and of itself since it has solid defenses and offenses, including a razor-sharp tail it can pierce its opponents with. However, Hastur’s most important ability is called Spatial Carving, which allows it to distort the surrounding space. This can be used to damage surrounding enemies, bridge huge gaps between its objectives, and store debris inside the suit, which can later be fired back at its opponents. Thanks to this one deadly technique, Hastur is undoubtedly one of the most powerful antagonists in all of Dandadan.


Space Monster Bamora

The First Exosuit Introduced Remains The Most Powerful One So Far

The Bamora suit increases its size and the Kur makes it switch into Slaughter Mode.
  • First Appearance: Chapter 65

The concept was introduced to Dandadan via the character of Bamora and her monster-like Exosuit of the same name. At first, this looks like a regular kaiju suit that could be used in a Tokusatsu film, but it immediately became a huge threat to the main characters, due to its immense strength, its ability to grow in size, and its ability to blend into the environment. Fortunately, Okarun, Momo, and their allies were able to befriend Bamora after their initial encounter.

Later down the line, readers discover that the Bamora Exosuit was created with the souls and resentment of dead Sumerians and, as a result, it intentionally resembles the god of Sumer. This tragic and heartbreaking origin made this Exosuit even more important for both Bamora and the readers. Even though she couldn’t defeat Hastur with her Exosuit, the leader of the Kur’s Advance Unit immediately stole the Bamora (after its own Exosuit was destroyed), and activated the never-before-seen Slaughter Mode. Thanks to this new transformation, the Bamora Exosuit got even larger, deadlier, and ferocious, and only Kinta Sakata and his powerful mech suit could take this massive beast down. It’s a good thing that Bamora was eventually able to retrieve and fix her signature Exosuit because it means this devastating weapon is on the side of the good guys for now.


Release Date

September 13, 2024


Science Saru


Yukinobu Tatsu

Number of Episodes


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