Hyper Light Breaker Early Access Release date, platforms, trailer

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Are you excited about the upcoming release of Hyper Light Breaker? You’re not alone. The latest in one of the most enjoyable roguelike game franchises out here is set to be available soon. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

Hyper Light Breaker

Image Credit: Steam

Hyper Light Breaker Early Access Release Date

Hyper Light Breaker is coming out on early access for PC on January 14, 2025. This will be a work-in-progress release, though. The game isn’t finished yet. The plan is for the developers to continue updating through this process with feedback from the players. If things aren’t working, they’ll continue updating them. They also plan to up the price of the game at some point during early access and after the early access period ends.


Right now, the video game is only available for PC. It’s on Steam currently. There is no other available platform, so Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch users will have to find something else or get a PC. Will it ever come to any consoles? Heart Machine did an FAQ about this and revealed their future plans,” Right now, we’re focused on making our Early Access happen (on Steam). Down the line, we certainly hope to release it on as many platforms as possible. We’ll be discussing it with Gearbox.”

Hyper Light Breaker Trailer

The trailer shows off a stunning setting. The art style is very vibrant and slightly blocky, almost like an impressive Minecraft texture pack. The characters are not blocky, though, as they are fully 3D. It shows off “infinite open worlds” as the game sets out to redefine what an open-world roguelike can really be.

There is also a good mix of gameplay, as there are shooter elements with gliding, riding, and melee combat. You can set up endless loadout combinations to fight the bosses and explore the hub cities around you. The ultimate goal of the game is to fight the minibosses before teaming up with up to three others to take on the final boss. With the world continuously generating, playthroughs won’t be the same.

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