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Of the six colored orbs in Dragon Quest 3 Remake, the Yellow Orb may be the trickiest to acquire. Though the steps required to get this orb are relatively straightforward, knowing where to begin can prove difficult. Like most of the information gained in DQIII Remake, if you do not happen to speak to the right NPC, you may never learn it at all. In this guide, we’ll help you jump that hurdle, and explain how to get the Yellow Orb in Dragon Quest III HD-2d Remake.

Dragon Quest 3 Remake: Alefgard Key Items Walkthrough (Rainbow Drop)
There are three key items you must find in DQ3 Remake’s Alefgard region. Here’s where to find them.
The Yellow Orb is ultimately found at a location known as Merchantburg. However, the town is never officially called that in the game, and was called something different in past versions of Dragon Quest 3. When you locate the town, it will appear as ???. This is because, once established, the village will take its name from a merchant you hire and leave behind. If you name your merchant Christopher, the town will be called Christopherburg. You must help establish and grow this village, and only then will you be able to acquire the Yellow Orb.
Where to Find Merchantburg ??? In Dragon Quest 3 Remake
Once you have found Black Pepper for the King of Portoga and acquired the Ship, you will be able to locate and visit Merchantburg. If you have quest markers turned on, you’ll see the Merchantburg quest marker located in the northeast corner of the map. You can actually sail west from the coast and end up at the easternmost edge of the eastern continent.
When Should I Visit Merchantburg?
While you can technically visit each location and collect the orbs in any order you wish, there is a strong case to be made for visiting and establishing Merchantburg as soon as you get the ship. This is because the town will need a considerable amount of time to grow before you can get the Yellow Orb.
If you establish Merchantburg as early as possible, you can collect the other orbs while you wait, revisiting the town when needed.
How to Get the Yellow Orb in Dragon Quest 3 Remake
How to Establish Merchantburg in Dragon Quest 3 Remake:
Before you make your way to Merchantburg (???), you will want to head to PALS in Aliahan and hire a new Merchant. You’ll want to head straight for town and avoid prolonged combat as you’ll have a brand-new party member with you.
When you arrive at Merchantburg, enter the only available structure. Inside you will meet an old man who wants to start a new town, but needs a Merchant to do so. This is where you’ll offer up your new Merchant as a candidate. Your Merchant will leave the party and set up shop in town. This is when you’ll see the name of the town be officially established.
Returning to Merchantburg:
Once you have the town established, continue along the suggested route of getting the Purple Orb from Orochi’s Lair, and the Blue Orb from Gaia’s Navel. As you complete these tasks, you will start to get notices telling you to return to Merchantburg.
Merchantburg will go through five stages of growth. Each time it grows, you will receive a notice to return and check on your Merchant. The first four times you return, the town will be slightly bigger, culminating in a large club being built.
When you exit the cabaret, make sure to mention the name of your Merchant to the security guard. They’ll try to rip you off for a huge amount of gold.
On the fourth visit, you’ll begin to notice that your Merchant may be getting a little too big-headed for some of the townsfolk. This marks the beginning of the end of your Merchant’s reign over the town. However, it also means you’re almost to the point where the Yellow Orb will become available.
How to Get the Yellow Orb:
On the fifth and final visit, make sure to come at night. You’ll discover that the Merchant is no longer in his home. Inside, you’ll discover that the town has revolted, deposing the Merchant and holding him in a jail cell, which is in the home just south of the Merchant’s home.
Head inside the building and speak to the Merchant. They’ll explain what happened, eventually giving you the location of the Yellow Orb. Once the conversation is complete, head back to the Merchant’s home. When you enter, you should now see a quest marker behind the sofa. Go behind the sofa and interact with the ground to discover the location of the Yellow Orb.
For most players, the Yellow Orb will likely be the second to last orb found. You can find the Red Orb at the Pirates’ Den, the Green Orb in Theddon, and the Silver Orb in the Maw of the Necrogond/Necrogond Shrine. .
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