- The Longarm Tribe in One Piece faces oppression and prejudice from humans, some integrating with pirates like Scratchmen Apoo.
- Ideo is a longarm boxer turned pirate captain in the Straw Hat Grand Fleet, known for resilience and explosive punches.
- Longarm Charlotte Siblings are high-ranking officers in Big Mom Pirates, showing biological compatibility with humans and longlegs.
The Longarm Tribe is a group purely distinguished from humans by their long arms, which have a pair of elbow joints. They are an oppressed group, suffering prejudice from humans, and even being targeted as slaves. Certain members of the tribe are fighters, often using their long limbs to add to their attacks.

One Piece: Every Food-Themed Devil Fruit
These Devil Fruits imbue their creators with a variety of food-based powers.
Historically, longarms have come into conflict with the Longleg Tribe. Despite being of comparatively minimal relevance to One Piece next to humans, fish-men, or even minks, longarms have found themselves playing various roles throughout the series. This topic will look at every named longarm in the series, many of whom have either government jobs or work for prominent pirate crews.
Scratchmen Apoo
Captain Of The On Air Pirates
- Debut: Chapter 498 (Manga), Episode 392 (Anime)
Scratchmen Apoo is a member of the Worst Generation, who came to Sabaody Archipelago with a bounty of 198,000,000 belly. He is notably the only longarm with this distinction. His Devil Fruit, the Oto Oto no Mi, creates instruments all over his body, such as his piano key teeth, which can damage anyone within eyeshot or earshot of the music he performs on them. Apoo encouraged an alliance between himself and two other crews in the Worst Generation, the Kid Pirates and the Hawkins Pirates.
This alliance was supposedly to defeat Kaido, but in truth, was doomed from the start, due to Apoo acting as an informant. Apoo’s goal was to absorb the other crews into Kaido’s own, the Beasts Pirates, which he had secretly joined prior. He had mixed success, as only the Hawkins Pirates fully integrated, with the Kid Pirates largely refusing to cooperate. Although Apoo participated in the war against the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance, he was mistreated even by his own crew, with Queen unleashing a virus and then giving Apoo the antidote, before encouraging everyone else to fight him for it. With the fate of Kaido unclear, it is also unknown if Apoo is still a member of the Beasts Pirates.
Ace’s Crewmate
- Debut: Chapter 552 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)
The Spade Pirates had crew members from a variety of backgrounds, including a mermaid, a cheetah, and yes, even a longarm. Ganryu was given a bit of history in Novel A, which is considered canon due to Oda meeting with its writers regarding the narrative. It is said Ganryu was historically unable to find acceptance until he joined the Spade Pirates, and respects Portgas D. Ace, the captain, for not judging him by his joints.
Like the rest of his crew, Ganryu was defeated by Whitebeard and eventually absorbed into the Whitebeard Pirates. Little is known about him after his time joining the crew, but considering how many different crewmates Whitebeard had, he likely found acceptance there as well. By sheer coincidence, Ace’s father, Gol D. Roger also had a crewmate by the name of Ganryu.
Brook’s Manager
- Debut: Chapter 557 (Manga; Cover Story), Episode 456 (Anime)
Sancrin is a longarm who previously kidnapped and exhibited humans as part of his business. After a run-in with Brook, he, alongside other longarm colleagues, kidnaps Brook instead. Once they discovered his talent, they decided to manage Brook as a musician. Their exact acumen in this department is unclear, but Brook was able to become a major celebrity before he rejoined the Straw Hat Pirates.
After the two years the crew spent training to hone their abilities, Brook informed Sancrin and his colleagues that his show at Sabaody would be his last, before resuming his career in piracy. This angered Sancrin and led to him summoning marines to capture Brook. He and his colleagues have since been seen intermittently, usually frustrated, likely due to losing their cash cow.
Boxer Turned Pirate
- Debut: Chapter 706 (Manga), Episode 633 (Anime)
Ideo is one of seven pirate captains who formed the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. This fleet was an alliance of pirates who dedicated themselves to Luffy and his crewmates after their role in aiding them at Dressrosa. While not every captain was a pirate beforehand, Ideo was notably the only one with no previous leadership positions. Instead, Ideo was a longarm boxer of some renown, who had previously won the New World Central Fighting Tournament twice. He is shown to have resilience and explosive punches. Ideo deliberately tucks away half of his joints during fights, which can strengthen him when they are concealed, but also increase his range once unleashed.
Like many of his future allies, Ideo was a participant in the tournament at Corrida Colosseum, attempting to win the Mera Mera no Mi. After being defeated by Chinjao, and subsequently disqualified, Ideo was turned into a toy by Sugar, with everyone who knew him losing their memories of his existence. However, this was all undone once Usopp successfully knocked Sugar out. Ideo was one of several fighters who weren’t swayed by Doflamingo’s bounties on Usopp and his allies, instead fighting against the Donquixote Pirates.
After Doflamingo’s defeat, the Ideo Pirates were formed as part of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Their ship was granted to them by a fellow fleet captain, Orlumbus, who notably had a great number of ships from his past occupation as an admiral of the Standing Kingdom. The Ideo Pirates had three other members, all fighters at the Colosseum. Abdullah and Jeet were two such members, both being former bounty hunters who were notably wanted for blowing up a government building. Blue Gilly was also a member, which is especially notable since he is a longleg kickboxer. Ideo and Blue Gilly had seemingly little regard for their tribes’ historic feud and beat members of both clans to quell one such battle rooted in it.
Runaway Train
- Debut: Chapter 827 (Manga), Episode 786 (Anime)
Diesel is a longarm who hails from Totto Land, acting as a member of the Big Mom Pirates. He is arrogant about his speed, and is, to his credit, shown to be quite fast, even while holding a carriage filled with several passengers. His train-inspired ensemble and name are likely a reference to his efficient speed and transportation skills.
Diesel is a very ruthless character, who massacred many factory workers to get the flour needed for Sanji and Pudding’s wedding. Despite his affiliation with the Big Mom Pirates, Diesel was repeatedly used by the opposition after being beaten by Pudding and Chopper.
The Longarm Charlotte Siblings
Mobile, Marble, Myukuru, And Maple
- Debut: Chapter 862 (Manga), Episode 832 (Anime); Mobile
- Debut: Chapter 894 (Manga), Episode 869 (Anime); Marble
- Debut: Chapter 845 (Manga), Episode 809 (Anime); Myukuru
- Debut: Chapter 897 (Manga); Maple
There are 85 Charlotte children in total, most of whom are members of the Big Mom Pirates. However, due to the greater scope of One Piece, most of them, including various hybrid siblings, tend to get lost in the shuffle, in terms of greater characterization, narrative, and even simple appearances. Myukuru notably lacks enough appearances that one of the only “official” full-body images of her is concept art which isn’t even fully colored (about half of her body does appear in the digitally colored manga, however). Nonetheless, there is some basic knowledge confirmed about the siblings, which also adds to the knowledge of the Longarm Tribe as a whole.
The existence of these siblings proves that human beings and longarms are biologically compatible. The existence of “longlimbs,” one of whom was held hostage on Totto Land, proves the same is true of longlegs and longarms. Linlin wed one longarm, who was her 26th husband, immediately following her disowning of Pound. The union resulted in one son (Mobile) and three daughters (Marble, Myukuru, and Maple). These children were the 54th-57th in the family, with Mobile being the 31st son, and his sisters being the 24th, 25th, and 26th daughters, respectively. Their father was disowned sometime shortly after they were born, preceding the husband who would father Charlotte Brownie.

One Piece: Big Mom’s Strongest Children, Ranked
A look at especially distinguished members of the mighty Charlotte Family.
The longarm hybrids are identical to supposed full-blooded longarms in terms of joint structure, muddying the waters of the exact heritage of the Longarm Tribe and some of its members. Despite having the same genes, these siblings all look wildly different from one another. Each longarm Charlotte has the rank of officer in the Big Mom Pirates, with Mobile also governing Futoru Island as the Minister of Tasting.
Due to Big Mom’s many marriages and children, the longarm Charlotte siblings have half-siblings from many different backgrounds, including snakenecks, mermaids, and even longlegs. Their elder longleg half-sister, Charlotte Smoothie, is an especially notable member of the crew, being identified as a sweet commander, a title reserved for the crew’s top officers.
Agent Of Cipher Pol 0
- Debut: Chapter 705 (Manga), Episode 635 (Anime)
Cipher Pol Aigis 0, otherwise known as CP0, is said to be the strongest of the Cipher Pol agencies. Their members work directly under the World Nobles. The team’s top members are the “Masked Assassins,” who commonly conceal their faces. Joseph is the sole longarm of the group, a possible risk for him considering his proximity to slave-owning World Nobles.
There has been little elaboration on how exactly Joseph obtained his rank, but he is likely a very competent fighter, likely even training from a young age. It is presumed Joseph is capable of using Rokushiki, a style consisting primarily of six superhuman martial arts techniques that were notably learned by confirmed weaker members of the agency, specifically those who were formerly in Cipher Pol 9. The only technique Joseph was confirmed to have known outright was Geppo, which he used to escape Onigashima.
Joseph was one of the Masked Assassins in Wano. Specifically, he and his colleagues were assigned to procure weapons from Kurozumi Orochi, but could not agree to an exchange. Joseph and his allies’ assignments in Wano largely dealt with maintaining the status quo. They were ordered to capture Nico Robin, prevent the loss of the emperors, and sabotage the awakening of the Gomu Gomu no Mi. They ultimately failed on all counts.
Disgruntled Neo Marine
- Debut: Episode 575 (Anime)
- Note: This character is non-canon
Shuzo was once a marine commodore who was one of many students of the marine admiral turned instructor, Zephyr, otherwise known as Z. He was the first longarm marine to be identified. He owns a bazooka known as Alpacacino, who gained alpaca traits after “eating” a Zoan Devil Fruit. Despite serving as something of a pet, it is still a fully functional bazooka that can even fire off shots with armament haki.

One Piece: 5 Pirates With Marine Relatives
Throughout One Piece, there has been several pirates who happen to have family in the marines.
Z was frustrated with the Marines’ perceived inability to deal with pirates, which came to a head when the pirate who killed most of his division was offered a position in the Seven Warlords of the Sea during the timeskip. Z instead created his own splinter movement, a terrorist faction known as the Neo Marines, who hoped to wipe out all pirates. Shuzo joined his mentor, hoping to become second-in-command. However, he lost a five-hour duel against Ain, one of Z’s other students, effectively dropping him down to mere commander status.
Shuzo seems to desire glory above reason, ignoring Ain’s orders, and continually ranting about murdering everyone present when Ain raises concerns regarding his level of stealth. His actions notably disgusted a Momonga, a vice admiral, who saw fit to apprehend him after his defeat.
Ant De Bonham
The Longarm Lieutenant
- Debut: Episode 780 (Anime)
- Note: This character is non-canon
Lieutenant Junior Grade Ant De Bonham was a student under Kuzan, formerly known as Aokiji, alongside the likes of Shimoi Zappa and All-Hunt Grount. Like Shuzo, his mentor left the Marines, but unlike him, Bonham did not follow suit. Alongside Grount and Zappa, Bonham fought against the Sanji Retrieval Team and ended up losing to Luffy.
Despite his loss, Bonham is not without skills. He notably has a level of experience with Rokushiki and is seen using five of its six techniques. Bonham also has a physique-altering ability known as Breath Qigong, which allows him to shift between two forms: Adios, which is strength-based, and Gracias, which focuses more on speed.

- Release Date
October 20, 1999
- Studio
Toei Animation
- Creator
Eiichiro Oda
- Number of Episodes
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