Best Ghost Recon Breakpoint Assault Rifles, Ranked

Best Ghost Recon Breakpoint Assault Rifles, Ranked

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  • Ghost Recon Breakpoint offers a wide array of high-performance assault rifles with unique strengths and limitations.
  • Weapons like the 4-AC, Silver Stake Tactical, and ARX200 stand out for their damage output, range, and handling.
  • The diverse range of assault rifles in the game cater to different playstyles, providing options for various combat scenarios.

Tom Clancy‘s name has had an extensive library of games to be released while under the Ubisoft brand. Being one of the leading developers of tactical shooters, Ubisoft has dozens of games that continue the Clancy name and the Ghost Recon franchise. A 2019 release from Ubisoft under the Tom Clancy name is Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint. The game came out with a moderate level of success and has continued to be supported since its initial release.


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One of the high points of Ghost Recon games is the vast armory available to players, providing a wide variety of playstyles. The assault rifle class of weaponry is especially popular for its versatility. Ghost Recon Breakpoint has numerous high-performance assault rifles, and these are the best in the game.

Updated on January 4, 2025 by Rhenn Taguiam: With no concrete news as to when the next Ghost Recon title will come out, fans can only wait with bated breath for any announcement that the next installment of the hit series will release in 2025. However, players who can’t wait for the next Ghost Recon title might want to get back to Ghost Recon Breakpoint for some heavy-hitting action. And for those who want to get into the fight guns blazing, perhaps the Assault Rifle is the best primary weapon of choice for their Ghosts. Among the recommended Assault Rifles in the title are decent mid-to-long-range assets, an AR that can technically be converted into a DMR, and a weapon close to a machine gun.



25 Damage Per Shot



Rate of Fire

Magazine Size

3.10 sec



The 4-AC appears in the Rainbow Six Siege collaboration event with Breakpoint, where Operator Ash is seen using it. Whereas the 4-AC seems like standard-issue Unidad weaponry with a messy rate of fire, the Breakpoint 4-AC is a high-performance assault rifle. Its default 25 Damage per shot makes the weapon especially deadly with its decent range and accuracy. Coupled with the fact that it has superb handling, any player can use the 4-AC with barely any problems at all.

When upgraded, players are advised to equip the 4-AC with a 100-round magazine and any modifications to boost its overall performance. However, players need to take note that it cannot use the grenade launcher attachment – a limiting element for players who want a more complete arsenal.


Silver Stake Tactical

37 Damage Per Shot

Silver Stake


Rate of Fire

Magazine Size

3.15 sec



The Silver Stake Tactical can only be retrieved in Breakpoint after players defeat Cole D. Walker, the game’s final boss. It comes with MBUS PRO Sights, a Supperssor Cover Silencer, an Angled Fore Grip, a 3x Magnifier, a Precision Bipod, and an UBR GEN2 Collapsible Stock, giving players a decent battle rifle that excels in mid-to-long-range gunfights.

However, players need to consider its slower rate of fire and restriction to 3-round burst and semi-auto modes, both things that can lessen its overall usability in high-intensity firefights. Despite possessing buffs such as increased overall power with a low technique gauge, the Silver Stake Tactical still can’t match the usual firing rate of other Assault Rifles of its caliber.



35 Damage Per Shot



Rate of Fire

Magazine Size

3.25 sec



When one equips the ARX200 for the first time, they might realize that they’re wielding the close equivalent of a light machine gun. Its specs are decent, and its high range means it can take down opponents across most combat scenarios. Players can obtain this weapon from Maria’s Shop as a blueprint, with a base cost of 15,000 Skell Credits.

While the ARX200 does possess decent damage and range, its difficulty to control in full-auto makes it a less-than-ideal AR in high-stakes gunfights. However, its firing rate and handling do give the ARX200 decent potential as a DMR with the right components.



20 Damage Per Shot



Rate of Fire

Magazine Size

2.95 sec



Considered one of the game’s most iconic weapons, the 516 is known for its excellent maneuverability and handling. Such is its position as a decent weapon that Nomad is seen using the 516 in the game’s demo video. While it does possess a lackluster range, the 516 compensates by allowing the player to enjoy skirmishes with a little wiggle room to maximize cover and other environmental components. Its strengths make it excellent for stealth-based plays, especially with its firepower at close range.

However, the 516 does suffer from rather low damage, which makes it a weapon that players should avoid using in direct firefights. Not only that, the 516 makes its problems evident when used at a distance, as it won’t be able to hit enemies as consistently.



30 Damage Per Shot

ak47 ghost recon breakpoint


Rate of Fire

Magazine Size

3.25 sec



In Ghost Recon Breakpoint, guerrilla warfare is the focus of making it off of the island alive. Players can take advantage of a number of strategic tactics to unbalance and topple enemies and conquer the treacherous environment of Auroa.


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The AK47 is a weapon with a long history in Ghost Recon and the shooter game genre as a whole. A solid and dependable assault rifle that has enough control and a strong rate of fire, the AK47 is a trusty companion at min to close range.



30 Damage Per Shot

mk17 ghost recon breakpoint


Rate of Fire

Magazine Size

3.25 sec



The MK17 is a staple for some players with its assault and shorty variants able to perform in a number of different situations with reasonable performance. Having a weapon that feels fun to use and can adequately take on enemies goes a long way in Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

The base stats of the MK17 give it a bit of a leg up on damage while having a lower rate of fire, which, of course, can be modified with attachments.


Imbel A2

25 Damage Per Shot

A2 ghost recon breakpoint


Rate of Fire

Magazine Size

3.25 sec



The Imbel A2 is a strong assault rifle in its class that can more than perform above average in medium and at-range encounters. Players with a mobile and frontline playstyle can make great use of the A2 once unlocked. While the A2 is somewhat lacking in damage, it makes up for it in Fire Rate; this makes the A2 a versatile weapon along with its variations.

With the right loadout, the A2 can fit almost any type of play style, from being the support to a long-ranged rifle build or the first pick of an up-close and stealth build.



26 Damage Per Shot

ghost recon breakpoint


Rate of Fire

Magazine Size

3.10 sec



The HK416 is a properly well-rounded weapon in Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Players will first acquire the 416 at the initial crash site in the Eagles Down mission. The 416 can serve as a dependable short to mid-range weapon, especially with the proper modifications equipped.


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Starting out, the 416 deals twenty-six damage per round and has a fire rate of 700rpm. Having a base reload of just over three seconds, the starter magazine for the 416 holds thirty rounds but can be easily upgraded.



30 Damage Per Shot

ghost recon breakpoint


Rate of Fire

Magazine Size

3.50 sec



The AUG takes the spot on the list for its ease of use and complimentary playstyle. With a light frame, the Aug does well in silenced situations for players who enjoy keeping their kills a secret. The AUG is a bullpup assault rifle with a wide variety of modifications to tweak its capabilities.


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Starting off, the AUG deals thirty damage per round and has a starting fire rate of 680rpm with a unique trigger system and a thirty-round magazine. That said, for players who prefer more hole-puncher-type weapons, the AUG may leave a bit to be desired.



20 Damage Per Shot

ghost recon breakpoint


Rate of Fire

Magazine Size

2.90 sec



When it comes down to reliability, very few weapons match that of the TAVOR. Being an assault rifle of Israeli design, the TAVOR excels in mid-range combat and has a host of different trigger types. The compact frame of the TAVOR aids in the recoil of the weapon and reload speed while not sacrificing too much damage.

The TAVOR starts with base twenty damage per shot and has a 650rpm fire rate. While it may not be the best solution for more heavily armored targets, it is a great friend to have in a firefight, thanks to its tight gunplay.



32 Damage Per Shot

ghost recon breakpoint


Rate of Fire

Magazine Size

2.95 sec



The ACR is a standard member of most tactical shooter armories. Having a large amount of popularity both in Ghost Recon Breakpoint and other third and first-person shooters, the ACR is a quick go-to for most players. The ACR is a solid piece of equipment that can hold its own against most and has the damage and the range to be adequate in drawn-out fights.

With a thirty-round mag at base, the ACR deals thirty damage per shot with a 700rpm fire rate, making it a great run and gun tool and a good starting point for upgrades. Unfortunately, the ACR can only be purchased from Maria Shop for a hefty price.



32 Damage Per Shot

ghost recon breakpoint


Rate of Fire

Magazine Size

2.20 sec



The Koblin is a highly coveted weapon that not many players have earned in their playthrough. The Koblin can only be obtained by defeating Titan Omega in Ghost Recon Breakpoint‘s raid. The Koblin is a compact assault rifle with an impressive range for its size.

With just over a two-second reload speed and an 800rpm fire rate, the Koblin excels in shredding targets apart in any situation. The risk is definitely worth the reward for this trophy weapon as it backs up its bark with a serious bite.



30 Damage Per Shot

ghost recon breakpoint


Rate of Fire

Magazine Size

3 sec



In a special event crossing over with Rainbow Six Siege, the K1A made an appearance as a reward for players who participated in the event. Being Vigil’s weapon in Rainbow Six Siege, players can acquire the weapon by completing the event’s missions and even unlock additional rewards.


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The K1A is an exceptional assault rifle in Breakpoint with high performance in range and damage where targets will drop one after another with an 800rpm fire rate and a stock fifty-round magazine. Unfortunately, the K1A does have some modification restrictions, which will prevent it from being a must-have for some players.



30 Damage Per Shot

ghost recon breakpoint


Rate of Fire

Magazine Size




The ACAR is a stand-alone powerhouse of precision and damage. This weapon can perform in a multitude of different scenarios, but players may enjoy the ACAR best when throwing caution to the wind and firing freely and loudly.


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The ACAR has a great recoil, making it great for range and mid-range shots. Having multiple trigger options, players can enjoy full auto or burst fire for more controlled combat. The ACAR has a base damage of thirty per shot with 750 rpm. In addition, the ACAR can be outfitted with any number of modifications to perfectly craft it to the player’s needs.



25 Damage Per Shot

ghost recon breakpoint


Rate of Fire

Magazine Size




The M4A1 is a classic among assault rifles, being the go-to weapon both inside and outside most tactical shooters. There is no weapon more trusted than this rifle for its overall solid use and mix of stopping power on top of accuracy and range.

However, any setup of modifications can turn the already dangerous M4A1 into a serious problem for anything at range, from human targets to unmanned drones. The M4A1 starts out with a thirty-round mag at 950rpm, doing twenty-five damage per shot.


October 4, 2019


Ubisoft Paris

OpenCritic Rating


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