- Fujitora is a unique Marine Admiral promoting justice and humility.
- Vegapunk’s significance is highlighted by his contributions and predictions.
- Characters like Pedro, Otohime, Katakuri are memorable for their impact.
Oda is one of the most talented writers working in Jump at the moment, and it is no surprise to know that he has written quite a lot of fantastic characters in One Piece. Oda’s characters have a unique depth about them, and they continue to influence the story in incredible ways.
One Piece: 7 Best Characters in The Egghead Arc
Egghead Island was an incredible start to One Piece’s final saga. These characters stood out the most during the arc.
Oda has written quite a lot of intriguing characters in early One Piece, and at the same time, fans also know that he has written some of the most exciting characters in the post-timeskip of the series, a lot of whom who have gripped the hearts of the fans and continue to maintain a strong hold on them to this day.
One of the Three Marine Admirals
Fujitura was introduced in the story during the Dressrosa Arc of One Piece, and he instantly became a fan favorite. While the Marines are usually corrupt in One Piece, and often obstruct peace in different ways, Fujitora is truly a kind-hearted Marine.
This blind swordsman actually believes in a just version of Justice, and he would go to any lengths to enact it, even if that means humiliating himself. Despite being blind, he portrays a picture of what the world of One Piece should truly look like, and because of that, he’s one of the best-written ones in the post-time skip of the series.
The Smartest Character
Vegapunk is quite easily among the best characters in One Piece, simply because he has been teased in the story for decades. At the same time, fans also know that Vegapunk has contributed to many things in the One Piece world, and affected the plot in serious ways.
Fans finally got to see Vegapunk in the Egghead Island Arc, and there, he received dire news about the world, and at the same time, predicted a major disaster that is upcoming.
Leader of the Guardians Of the Whale Forest
Pedro might be a small side character, but he certainly won the hearts of the fans in Whole Cake Island. It is because of his sacrifice that the Straw Hat Pirates are alive and without him, Luffy in the crew would have fallen on Big Mom’s territory.
For that reason and how he paid back the crew for saving Zou, he remains one of the most beloved characters in the fandom.
Otohime/Figer Tiger
Revolutionary Characters for the Fishmen
Otohime is quite easily one of the most underrated characters in One Piece and for good reason. She was only seen in a flashback during the Fishman Island arc and she gave reason for the Fishmen to believe in a better tomorrow, just like Fisher Tiger, who freed countless slaves.
It is because of their efforts that Fishman Island could go on to have a better future for themselves in the upcoming years, and their story was touching from start to finish. Although both of them haven’t been brought up in the story ever since, their importance to One Piece remains massive.
The Strongest Sweet Commander
Charlotte Katakuri Is one of the antagonists of the Whole Cake Island Arc, and his relationship with Luffy is what makes him special. Even though he stands in Luffy’s path, Katakuri’s seeing his own reflection in Luffy adds a unique twist to this character.

One Piece: 8 Characters Who Should Not Eat A Devil Fruit
Several One Piece characters have built their identity around mastering another power system, so should not eat a devil fruit.
Throughout his fight with Luffy, Katakuri is almost rooting for him, and, in the end, he is one of the reasons why fans were given a fantastic fight that many considered to be the best in the series, and at the same time, a beloved character who puts on a tough face but has the softest of souls.
Akazaya Nine
Oden’s Loyal Retainers
The Akazaya Nine are quite easily some of the best side characters in One Piece. Odrn’s retainers waited 20 years to fulfill a promise to their liege and their loyalty is unmatched.
Their determination, willpower, and just about everything else about them make them some of the most beloved characters in One Piece.
Big Mom
Leader Of The Big Mom Pirates
Yonko Big Mom was always going to be very important in One Piece, and Oda wrote her in a phenomenal manner. Although Oda certainly did drop the ball when it comes to her ending, everything else about this character is stunning, ranging from her strengths, to how she was written and how her upbringing affected her way of thinking in life.
Big Mom is certainly a phenomenal character and one of the most entertaining ones that Oda has written in One Piece.
The Sovereign of the World
When one speaks of the most amazing characters in the post-timeskip of One Piece, Imu certainly comes to mind.
Imu was revealed to be the ultimate antagonist of One Piece in the post-timeskip, and although many mysteries about them still remain uncovered, the aura of mystery around this character and the secrets that they carry makes them arguably the most interesting character that fans are heavily invested in at this point.
The Captain of The Beast Pirates
Kaido, the King of the Beasts, was name-dropped in One Piece before the timeskip. It was only after the timeskip that Kaido was properly introduced. Kaido’s introduction chapter shocked the fans utterly and the way that Oda went about depicting his story in the Wano Country Arc certainly goes to show how majestic a character he was.
Believing in the way of war to be the only thing that makes humans equal, Kaido enforced his ideology on the country of Wano, and eventually led to the return of Joy Boy into the world. For many reasons, Kaido can be considered to be one of the best One Piece characters of all time.
Kozuki Oden
The Late Daimyo of Wano
Undoubtedly, Oden is one of the best One Piece characters that fans have seen in the post-timeskip. Although he was already dead by the time of the Wano Arc, fans found out a great deal about his life, starting from the day he was born all the way to how he died.
Oden lived a heroic life and bore the burden of a country on his shoulders. He paved the way for a better future for millions of people and, in many ways, prepared for Joyboy’s return as well. Oden’s heroic tale will forever be remembered by the fans.

- Release Date
October 20, 1999
- Creator
Eiichiro Oda
- Number of Episodes
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