How to Complete Misty Island in Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

How to Complete Misty Island in Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

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Misty Island lurks on the horizon in many early areas of Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. As the place where the game’s inciting incident occurred and Daxter experienced his unfortunate Ottselization, it’s somewhat understandable that Jak and his furry friend would be reluctant to return. However, Misty Island holds plenty of secrets and treasures for those willing to brave the danger, as long as you have the means to get there.

To reach Misty Island in Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, you’ll first need to help the fisherman catch 200 pounds of good fish at the river in the Forbidden Jungle. Once you’ve done that, you’ll earn a Power Cell and permission to use the Speedboat back in Sandover Village to go to Misty Island.


Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy – Trophy Roadmap

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy’s most recent rerelease features an all-new trophy list, so here’s how to track them all down.

Catch the Sculptor’s Muse

Your first job on Misty Island is to retrieve the Sculptor’s Lost Muse. If you spoke to him back in the Village you’ll know that you’re looking for a golden creature of similar size and shape to Daxter. Sure enough, the Muse is near the docks where you first arrive, though it’s not willing to sit still and let you grab it. You’ll have to chase it around this first section of Misty Island, using the roll jump wherever possible to catch up with it.

To make it possible to follow the Muse, you’ll need to break some of the large bones along its route to create bridges for Jak. Learn its route, practice the platforming you’ll need to do to keep pace with it, and then try to cut it off when it makes a sharp turn to catch it or catapult Jak right into it using a well-aimed roll jump. Once you’ve caught the Muse, you’ll have to take it back to Sandover Village to hand it back to the Sculptor and claim the Power Cell. Since we’ve still got more to do on Misty Island, it’s best to save this for the end.

Use Blue Eco to Reach the Power Cell

After grabbing the Muse, head back to where you first found it and turn right to find a platforming section with blue eco orbs, leading up to a Precursor Door. Grab as much Blue Eco as you can as you wrap around to the right, ignoring the door for now in favor of heading toward the Precursor Platform shown in image 3. Touching the platform while charged with Blue Eco will get you over the gap to the Power Cell.

Return to the Dark Eco Pool

Our next Power Cell means heading back to where this adventure began, but first, you’ll need to take on an arena fight. Charge up with Blue Eco and head towards the big Precursor Door mentioned in the previous section. This leads into an arena where Lurkers will attack you in waves while raining explosive shots down on you from above. Take advantage of the Red Eco they drop to take them down more easily and stay on the move to avoid the explosives. Once you’ve taken them down you’ll be able to climb the stairs that appear to reach the Dark Eco Pool and grab the Power Cell.

Climb the Lurker Ship

Proceeding out of the arena, make a right turn, and you’ll find the path leading towards Misty Island’s Bay. In the Bay is a Lurker Ship, accessible by bridge. Once you cross the bridge and get onto the boat, you’ll need to climb up around the right side to get to the top of the ship and claim the Power Cell.

Stop the Cannon

Continuing onward and upward from the last Power Cell, we need to run up the ramp while dodging the logs the lurkers are throwing down at us. If the log is rolling you need to jump over it, and if the log is bouncing you should walk under it while it’s up in the air. Use the platforms off to each side on your way up to take breaks and find your rhythm as needed. Once you reach the top, take out the two Lurkers by the cannon overlooking the arena to get a Power Cell. While you’re there, use the cannon to blow open the metal boxes down in the arena to get some more Precursor Orbs.

Destroy the Balloon Lurkers

Now that we’ve taken care of the cannon, it’s time to hop on the Zoomer and take out those Balloon Lurkers flying around the bay. Head to the Zoomer trans-pad (go back to the Lurker Ship and take the opposite bridge to the one you used to get aboard originally) and drive out into the bay. You can use the Zoomer to drive into the Lurkers piloting the Balloons and kill them, getting rid of the Balloon in the process.

You’ll need to make careful use of the brakes, accelerator, and hop so that you can hit the Lurker and not the explosive mines on either side of them. Hopping while on the Zoomer allows you to make sharper turns, and it’s best to approach each balloon from the side so you can drive between the mines and into the Lurkers. Since the Lurker Balloons follow a set route and don’t react to Jak’s presence, it’s pretty easy to wait for them to be in a good position before making your move.

Once you’ve defeated five, you’ll get a Power Cell.

Use the Zoomer to Reach the Power Cell

Now that you’ve taken down the Lurker Balloons, it’s time to grab that floating Power Cell. You’ll need to ride up the ramp shown in image 1, take a right turn, and ride around the rock to reach the section shown in image 2. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to accelerate toward the edge and hop right before launching off to grab the Precursor Orbs and the Power Cell.

Free 7 Scout Flies

Finally, we’ll need to collect the Seven Scout Flies hidden around Misty Island. The first of these is found along the Muse’s route during the chase. When it runs past a seesaw with a boulder on it, hop onto the other end of the seesaw and use a ground pound to launch the rock up, causing it to launch you when it falls back down. This will get you up onto the cliff with the Scout Fly Box.

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The next two Scout Fly Boxes are close together, in the area right before the arena door (where you gathered Blue Eco to activate the moving platform.) You’ll need to run and jump along the crumbling path shown in the image above to reach one of them, while the other is through the gap on the left in the same image.

The next Scout Fly Box can be found by taking the path to the left after exiting the arena. Use the seesaw along the left side of this path to get up on top of the cliffs, where the Scout Fly Box can be found overlooking the Bay.

The next two Scout Fly Boxes can be found by heading to the Lurker Ship in the Bay. The first is on the ship, just past the bridge you used to get onboard. The second can be found by heading up the ramp with the logs rolling down it, on one of the safe platforms off to the side halfway up.

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The final Scout Fly Box can be found while riding the Zoomer in the Bay. Head to the same ramp mentioned in “Use the Zoomer to Reach the Power Cell” to find the Scout Fly Box near the top. With this Power Cell collected, we just need to hand over the Muse to the Sculptor back in Sandover to finish Misty Island.

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