- Baldur’s Gate 3 is potential proof that an optional multiplayer mode can help keep interest going for a game even months later.
- Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions offers co-op and versus multiplayer modes in a beloved tactical RPG.
- Pokemon X/Y introduced new ways to connect with friends for trading and battling in a classic turn-based multiplayer experience.
One of the biggest Western turn-based RPGs of the past few years was Baldur’s Gate 3. It exploded not like no other Western RPG had since Mass Effect or Fallout 3. Those were both action RPGs though. Baldur’s Gate 3 is a game that fans are still playing and maybe that’s because it includes multiplayer.

6 Action JRPGs That Should Transition Into Turn-Based Combat
There’s an undeniable thrill in action combat, but these JRPGs could spice things up by implementing turn-based combat.
Multiplayer modes in RPGs can range from co-op campaigns to leaving little messages of warning. Baldur’s Gate 3 was all about that co-op action but what about these Japanese RPGs? What kind of multiplayer did they include in and were they worthwhile endeavors that players engaged with? Let’s dive in and find out and rank them based on how good the games are and how well they implemented multiplayer.
Chrono Trigger (DS)
Can’t Resist Pokemon
- Released
March 11, 1995
T for Teen: Fantasy Violence, Mild Blood
- How Long To Beat
23 Hours
Chrono Trigger is an SNES classic that has a middling port on the PS1. This was made up when it was re-released on the DS next which fixed things like load times and added content too. One of the new additions was The Arena of the Ages which was an optional dungeon. Players could raise monsters and then fight them in this new arena to get rare items. Players could take their monster parties online too to battle other players. It wasn’t the best part of the port but the mode certainly was there.
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
Let’s Rendezvous Online
Final Fantasy Tactics is a beloved tactical RPG that originated on the PS1. Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions is a PSP port of the game with a few tweaks and additions. Extra characters were added, cutscenes were redone in a new art style, and there were co-op and versus multiplayer modes.

5 JRPGs Where You Cannot Become Overpowered
These RPGs can be tough as they level the playing field too much, and prevent the players from becoming completely overpowered.
Players could go into multiplayer at a tavern in town to fight against others on a map via Melee missions. Rendezvous missions were co-op-based, rewarding players for completing a select few together.
Disgaea: Afternoon Of Darkness
Battling And Trading In The Underworld
- Released
August 27, 2003
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness was a niche hit on the PS2 as it turned tactical RPGs on their head. It had traditional grid-based maps but then there were oddities like changing map layouts with geodes and going into randomized dungeons via weapons. Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness is the PSP port of the game which looks almost as good as the PS2 version plus it had some perks like multiplayer. Players could choose to fight others in versus matches from various maps using tons of classes. They could also sell items to each other via a makeshift shop.
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Going Into MMO Territory
Xenoblade Chronicles X is the only game in the Xenoblade Chronicles series to include multiplayer at launch. The game is notable in other ways too like allowing players to customize their character who is mostly silent. The story and multiplayer modes are separate from each other, so players could not unfortunately go through the story with friends. Instead, they could jump online in massive 32-player sessions to explore the world and fight monsters which was close to MMO territory and there was also trading. The combat was also MMO-like in that players automatically attacked monsters but they could input abilities too, so it was a weird system in-between turn-based and action.
Fire Emblem Awakening
Passing By Friends
Fire Emblem Awakening did a lot for the series that the other Fire Emblem games couldn’t. The addition of casual gameplay was one thing but it had an innovative multiplayer setup too. Thanks to the 3DS’ SpotPass/StreetPass feature, players could set up parties to be sent to others when they were passed in real life. These friendly parties would be controlled by AI in battle, so there weren’t any direct versus matches involved. However, the addition of random battle parties cropping up on the world map often led to great rewards if players were successful in their matches.
Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels Of The Starry Sky
From Treasure Maps To Co-Op
Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of the Starry Sky was the first mainline game in the series to include multiplayer. Players could create their character and then eventually change their class via the Vocation system. They could also create and recruit three other party members to assist in the adventure or they could invite three friends over the wireless connection on the DS.

8 Best Military Fantasy Games, Ranked
Fictional and fantastical military units take on many foes in these games from mummies to minotaurs.
In battle, each player could issue their own commands. The co-op was a nice addition but the best part about grouping with friends was the map-sharing mechanic. Treasure maps could be exchanged and take players to rare dungeons to get amazing loot.
Pokemon X/Y
Trade And Fight On The 3DS
The Pokemon franchise began with multiplayer in mind which makes it one of the oldest turn-based examples. Pokemon X and Pokemon Y, which were part of the sixth generation, created new ways to hook up with friends. It was easier than ever to trade with friends or strangers online via direct trades or randomized ones via Wonder Trade. Players could SpotPass with friends to get rewards and of course, friendly versus battles could be engaged. This was the first generation that got to use the Pokemon Bank too which allowed players to store their Pokemon and transport them between different games.

7 Best Switch JRPGs That Are Not Part Of A Franchise
If you’re in the mood for excellent JRPGs on the Switch without any baggage from an existing franchise, you’ve come to the right place.
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