- Creepy statues in Sanctum Of Wrath move to face the player, creating a chilling experience.
- Golden Toolboxes in DbD are elusive and unattainable, symbolizing unreachable goals.
- Trapper’s bandaged leg in Dead By Daylight hints at his own missteps in falling into traps.
Dead By Daylight has been growing in popularity over the years. Every few months, the developers release new killers, survivors, maps, and more. Needless to say, with so much content, there are bound to be plenty of hidden secrets that many players completely miss. From statues that turn to face the player to secret rooms that can only be accessed when generators are completed in a specific order, there are lots of great hidden features that players might not have noticed.

Dead By Daylight: 21 Fun Survivor Builds
Players should take these fun Survivor builds into Dead by Daylight to further enjoy toying with and competing against the Killer.
Secrets in video games are almost expected. That said, the developers of Dead By Daylight have worked hard to fill the game with all sorts of interesting hidden gems.
Moving Statues
Creepy Statues That Turn To Face The Player
In Sanctum Of Wrath, the player will see lots of bizarre statues. While they are fairly creepy as they are, they do something that makes them much more menacing; they move. When the player looks at the statues, they’ll look back at the player. If the player moves to a different position and turns to look at the statues, they will have moved so that they maintain eye contact with the player.
This is one of the creepier secrets. Once the player has noticed this, there will always be that sense of unease every time they need to pass these sinister statues.
An Unobtainable Secret
- Maps: Multiple, Including Backwater Swamp, Haddonfield, And Springwood
Golden Toolboxes are hidden throughout various maps. These golden toolboxes spawn in places that are impossible to reach. Also, there’s no guarantee that one will spawn during a particular match. It has become a mission for some players to hunt down all of these boxes.
While they don’t actually have a use, their meaning is pretty clear: the ultimate goal will always be slightly out of reach. It’s a dark yet true statement that most DbD players will know all too well.
A Nod To Trapper’s Traps
A Funny But Dark Joke About Trapper’s Murder Methods
The Trapper is one of the more popular killers among new players. He’s pretty easy to play as and his ability to place bear traps for survivors to run into makes him a pretty powerful foe. However, the eagle-eyed players out there may have noticed the bandages wrapped around his leg.
This is a subtle nod to the fact that he often steps into his own traps while trying to chase down survivors. This secret is a small one that’s hiding in plain sight. But players often don’t see it.
Ring A Bell 100 Times For A Surprise
A Strange Secret That’s Pointless, But Fun
The gas station on the map, Gas Heaven, has a little bell that rings every time someone enters or leaves the store. If the player rings the bell a total of 100 times, then the sound will change. Instead of it making a regular bell ringing sound, it will instead start making the sound of the Wraith’s bell.
Gas Haven is one of the Wraith’s maps, so it does make sense that it’s the Wraith’s sound that can be heard. But even then, there’s no real point to this one other than it being an interesting little secret.
A Secret Room On Midwich Elementary School
A Not So Useful Chest
- Map: Midwich Elementary School
There are a few secrets on the Midwich map, but the biggest one by far is definitely the secret room. This room can only be opened up if two generators are completed in a certain order. Players must first repair the generator in the Chemistry Room. After that, complete the one in the music room.

8 Best Maps For Killers In Dead By Daylight
Dead by Daylight Killers excel in their optimal hunting grounds, and these maps allow these characters to really shine.
After both generators are completed, a secret room will open under the bell tower once the gates have been opened. Since there’s little point looting a chest during the end stages of a game, it’s not all that useful. However, it’s still a fun and interesting secret.
A Rainbow Surprise
Shine Your Torch Through The Rainbow Pride Charm For A Colorful Treat
- Requirements: Torch, Active Price Charm On Hooks
For this secret to work, the killer needs to have the pride charm active. Also, a survivor needs a torch. When a torch is shined through the charm, the hue of the torch beam becomes a rainbow color.
This is a fun little secret that is probably the most positive in the whole game. The color doesn’t have any other effect other than the visuals, but it’s still a fun thing to do and there are still a lot of players who don’t know about this one.
Midwich Tower Bell
Make The Bell Ring By Throwing An Axe As The Huntress
- Map: Midwich Elementary School
- Killer: The Huntress
The clock tower in the courtyard on the Midwich map can be activated by one of the best female killers, the Huntress. This secret does take a bit of practice to trigger as it involves the Huntress getting a direct hit on top of the tower. Once hit, the bell will ring. It will be audible to all those on the map.

The 8 Best Maps For Survivors In Dead By Daylight
Though there are plenty to choose from, some Dead By Daylight maps offer a lot more advantages to the survivors than others. Here are the best ones.
While it serves no real purpose, it’s a fun little secret to activate when the killer wants to freak out some newer survivors, as they may not recognize the sound.
Tears From The Garden Of Joy
Hear Screams Coming From The Fireplace
The fireplace on this map has a rather dark secret. If the player stands close enough to it, they’ll hear screams seemingly coming from the flames. This hellish experience is easy to miss as most players aren’t very likely to spend time hanging out by the fireplace while being hunted down by a serial killer.
Players who have their volume settings turned down may need to switch things up or put on headphones to hear these horrifying fireplace screams and grunts.
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