DC Comics harbors infinite potential worlds in the Multiverse, and Earth 3 holds the Crime Syndicate, a group of metahumans that are the complete evil inverse of the Justice League. The best members of the Crime Syndicate have often conquered their Earth and exhibited grand strengths of villainy against each other, their worlds, and the Prime Earth that fans know and love.

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Some of the best games from DC Comics that players can grab will allow them to enjoy the thrills of being bad as some of the best villains out there.
Some of the best DC villains don’t come from the organic Prime Earth, and instead, from Earth 3. The Crime Syndicate is a menacing society of metahuman villains, and these utterly powerful and morally bankrupt crooks can rival the Justice League, but who among them is the strongest?
A Sinister Virus Formed Inside of Cyborg
- First Appearance: Justice League #23 (October, 2013)
- Created by: Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis
Cyborg managed to develop a cyberware system that would allow him to keep invasive track of every superhuman on Earth. Considering the unethical nature of this software, it was swiftly removed – consciously. Yet, unconsciously, it manifested into Grid, a neural network that would seek to use the data on the Justice League to dismantle them after being christened with a new body thanks to the Crime Syndicate.
Grid is essentially the evil version of Cyborg, and his cybernetic viruses make him a threat in the modern world, as does his complete and utter lack of morality and sense of right from wrong. Grid is utterly evil, and that mainly comes from the fact that Grid is a robot with no feelings and thoughts outside of tactical reasoning.
A Twisted Metahuman Who Can Shrink and Creatively Torture
- First Appearance: The New 52: FCBD Special Edition #1 (June, 2012)
- Created by: Geoff Johns, Jesus Saiz
With the power to change her size, Rhonda Pineda became Atomica, a twisted villain who adores the sadistic and villainous nature of her powers. There’s something horrible about the potential powers and violently creative nature of a power scape that allows Atomica to shrink herself and commit to some truly unsavory acts, like torturing Lex Luthor by going up his nose, and that’s just to start.

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Batman may be a beloved superhero in the main universe of DC Comics, but the Multiverse often holds sinister antics for the Caped Crusader.
Atomica is truly dangerous with her abilities, and while other heroes and villains might be quick enough to catch her, it’s the fact that she is unrestricted in what she wants to do and where she wants to shrink herself and go, that truly makes her a villain.
Johnny Quick
The Fastest and Most Sadistic Man Alive
- First Appearance: Justice League of America #29 (August, 1964)
- Created by: Gardner Fox, Mike Sekowsky
Johnny Quick is Earth 3’s ultimate speedster, the man who possesses the Speed Force for his own demonic gain. Johnny Quick is utterly fast, perhaps even faster than Barry Allen due to the fact that he won’t hold himself back, and he doesn’t care who he runs through in order to reach the finish line in first place. Johnny Quick’s speed is his greatest trait, with his second being his unwavering confidence and smug attitude.
Johnny Quick has an immensely diabolical personality, and he doesn’t care who he hurts, so long as that person isn’t his beloved Atomica – the love of his life who he would do anything for, which may just be Johnny Quick’s only redeeming aspect.
Power Ring
A Green Power Ring That Deranges its User to Make a Monster
- First Appearance: Justice League of America #29 (August, 1964)
- Created by: Gardner Fox, Mike Sekowsky
Power Ring is the moniker of many villains across Earth 3 that have continued to torment the galaxy, and the Power Ring itself is a truly demonic piece of green jewelry that drives its user insane, turning them into a monster that only craves violent retribution and sinister deeds through a constant voice in the heads of whoever wears it.
Power Ring has all the powers of Green Lantern, except that comes without the restrictions of a no-kill rule. Power Ring kills, does whatever he pleases, and uses lethal constructs for immense danger that only serve to aid the Crime Syndicate and the deranged wielder’s purpose.
An Evil Superman Who Continues the Tradition of Strength from His Great Krypton House
- First Appearance: Justice League of America #29 (August, 1964)
- Created by: Gardner Fox, Mike Sekowsky
The Last Son of Krypton continues the meaning of his symbol under the House of Il by conquering planets through the House of Strength. Ultraman is a monster, an evil Superman who only follows his aggression and the power that no one else can rival. Ultraman will threaten, kill, and conquer with little regard for any puny life beneath him and his might, but his ultimate power lacks the tactical mind he needs to be above all.

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Ultraman holds no loyalty, and even the parents who raised him on Earth ended up being killed by him. Ultraman is everything Superman isn’t, and he uses his grand power not for good, but for evil and the fight for a better tomorrow for himself and no one else.
Motivated by His Superior Intelligence, Murderous Attitude, and Greed
- First Appearance: Justice League of America #29 (August, 1964)
- Created by: Gardner Fox, Mike Sekowsky
Owlman has been a thorn in the backside of the Multiverse for generations, and in each reboot, he comes back smarter than ever. Owlman, aided by his sinister butler, becomes a plague across Gotham City, where he holds all the criminal organizations and the police under his web, while the people of Gotham continue to fear him and see him as a diabolical myth.
Owlman builds his empire on the wealth of his parents, the greed of keeping it to himself and maintaining his nihilistic views of Gotham City and the entire world. Owlman may not have the strength of Ultraman, but he has the brains to best him considering he is always two or more steps ahead.
An Amazon, A Manipulator, and a True Tyrant
- First Appearance: Justice League of America #29 (August, 1964)
- Created by: Gardner Fox, Mike Sekowsky
Super-Woman is a native Amazon who uses her natural gifts as a warrior and a metahuman to destroy those beneath her, which just so happens to be everyone. Super-Woman used her seductive and manipulative tactics to make the most powerful men in the Crime Syndicate under her thumb, where she actually carried a child that would be destined to be the harbinger of doom for reality itself.
Super-Woman’s powers make her an intensely powerful and dangerous adversary for the Justice League. While her son may have become the new Darkseid, it’s Super-Woman’s potential as a villain that makes her incredible, especially since her name and her methods have gone through many iterations, all equally sinister.

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