Roblox: Fisch – Vertigo Bestiary Guide

Roblox: Fisch - Vertigo Bestiary Guide

All the fish in Fisch are divided into bestiaries for each unique location, and while most of them can be completed fairly easily by simply fishing, others offer more serious challenges — like Vertigo. This guide will tell you how to complete the Vertigo bestiary in Fisch.

Vertigo is one of the most unusual locations in this Roblox fishing sim, as it is not located above water. Instead, players will have to go deep underwater to get to it.


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How To Reach Vertigo In Fisch

Fisch Vertigos Dip

To get to the Vertigo location, you will need a boat. However, instead of looking for land in the sea, you should pay attention to whirlpools. To be more precise, to get to Vertigo in Fisch, you must jump into a strange whirlpool.

Such whirlpools spawn from time to time, and when it happens, the game notifies players about it. You can easily distinguish them from ordinary whirlpools by the beam of light coming from the center. When you find a strange whirlpool, you need to jump into its center to teleport to the Vertigo location.


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How To Complete Vertigo Bestiary In Fisch

Fisch Vertigo bestiary

There is only one small pond in Vertigo, in which you need to fish to start completing the bestiary of the location in Fisch. However, two fish are exceptions.

The first is Isonade. This Mythical catch spawns only in the strange whirlpool zone. To see the fishing area accurately, you can use Fish Radar.

The second catch is The Depths Key, which spawns both in Vertigo and strange whirlpool. And, it is worth noting that the chance to catch the Key is extremely low. But, you will want to get it to open the doors leading to the Depths location in Fisch.

Fish Rarity Bait Season Time Weather
Spider Fish Common Any Winter Any Any
Night Shrimp Common Crab Cage Winter or Summer Day Clear
Twilight Eel Uncommon Insect Winter Any Any
Fangborn Gar Unusual Fish Head Any Any Foggy
Voidfin Mahi Rare Truffle Worm Spring Any Windy or Clear
Abyssacuda Rare Minnow Summer or Spring Any Any
Rubber Ducky Legendary Any Any Any Rain
Isonade Mythical Truffle Worm Any Any Any
The Depths Key Exotic Any Any Day Any
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September 1, 2006


Roblox Corporation


Roblox Corporation


T for Teen

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