In Fisch, you can not only be a traveling fisherman, but also feel like a real pirate hunting for treasures. But this is possible only if you have a Treasure Map. Treasure hunting is an optional feature, but it will help you get used to the gameplay and explore the local world, and the rewards you get will be a great bonus.

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Still, finding and using Treasure Maps is not a simple and obvious thing. So, if you are a beginner, or just seen or heard about Treasure Maps for the first time, keep reading as below we will help you with it.
How To Obtain A Treasure Map
Unlike some other rare items in Fisch, you can’t get a Treasure Map just by purchasing it somewhere. In this case, it all depends on your luck, because the only way to get a Treasure Map is to catch it out of the water.
The basic chance of catching this item is low, but you can partially increase it by using a Sunken Rod. This rod increases the chance of catching the map by 25 percent after you have successfully fished ten times.
You can get a Treasure Map anywhere, regardless of location, season, weather, or time.
How To Use The Treasure Map
Before you can use the Treasure Map to get to the treasure location, you will need to fix it. You can’t do this manually, so you will need to visit the Jack Marrow NPC instead. This old pirate will help you fix the map for only 250C$, after which you will finally be able to go in search of treasure.
To find Jack Marrow, you will need to visit Forsaken Shores (-2425, 135, 1555). Here, find and climb onto a skull-shaped rock through one of the eyes. In one corner of the cave, you will find an NPC. If the Treasure Map is in your inventory, and you have enough currency, interact with him to fix the map.
Finally, when you have a fixed Treasure Map in your hands, you can go in search of the treasure. To find the chest, you will need to navigate to the coordinates that appear on the map, which you can do with your GPS. Then, just move to the specified point, where you will find the chest with which you may interact to get a reward.
Chests can be located both on land and underwater, so prepare the necessary equipment for diving before you go in search of treasure.
Once you find and open the chest, you may get the following treasures:
- Ancient Thread
- Aurora Totem
- Compass
- Enchant Relic
- Experience
- Gold Coin
- Lunar Thread
- Magic Thread
- Meteor Stone
- Meteor Totem
- Quality Bait Crate
- Random Sunken Fish
- Sunken Rod
- Tempest Totem
- Truffle Worm
- Weird Algae
- Whaley
- “Fillionaire” Ticket

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