How to Get the Purple Orb in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

How to Get the Purple Orb in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

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Orochi’s Lair is one of several dungeons you can access once you’ve obtained the Ship in Dragon Quest 3 Remake. When you make your way to the high seas, you will be able to collect the colored orbs in any order you want. Orochi’s Lair will ultimately reward you with the Purple Orb, so it is a required location.



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Orochi’s Lair is the main dungeon in Jipang, and the home of the Purple Orb. To fully complete this dungeon, you’ll have to make your way through the Jipang storyline. As mentioned above, you are not forced to collect the orbs in any order, but we recommend you collect the Purple Orb first. In this guide, we’ll show you how to complete Orochi’s Lair and get the Purple Orb in Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake.

How to Get to Jipang in Dragon Quest 3 Remake


Once you have the Ship in Dragon Quest 3 Remake, you’ll have access to a wide range of new areas on the map. Jipang will be one of the key locations you’ll need to visit, and will be circled if you have the quest markers turned on.


To reach Jipang, you’ll want to start from either Baharata or Reeve. From Baharata, you’ll want to head east around the peninsula seen on the map. From Reeve, you can travel almost directly north. In both locations, the ship will be found in nearby waters.


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Jipang Walkthrough – Dragon Quest 3 Remake


Before you can begin the quest for the Purple Orb in Orochi’s Lair, you’ll first need to make your way through the DQ3 Jipang questline.


When you first enter the town, you’ll automatically see a brief cutscene where you’ll learn that Yayoi, a young girl from the area, has gone missing. The small amount of information given seems to indicate that Queen Pimiko, Jipang’s ruler, intends to use Yayoi as a sacrifice to appease some kind of dark force called Orochi.

During the opening cutscene in Jipang, you will get a clue that the previous sacrifice – the swordsmith’s wife – has fled with her husband. This hint relates directly to the swordsmith in Kol, who forges the Sword of Kings for the Hero.

After the group is done conversing, your party will enter the picture. It is clear that you must find Yayoi, and help her avoid her dark fate.

Where to Find Yayoi in Dragon Quest 3 Remake:


Once you are given control of the Hero, check the map to locate the area you must visit to find Yayoi. You’ll want to head to the western side of the village, where you’ll find a set of stairs that leads to an underground cellar.

At the bottom of the stairs, you’ll find a room full of pots. One of the pots will be clearly marked with the exclamation point. Interact with the pot and Yayoi will reveal herself. After confirming that you do not intend to turn her in, she will tell you all she knows about Orochi.


Yayoi explains that you’ll find the beast in a forbidden cave to the east. This cave is Orochi’s Lair.

How to Find Orochi’s Lair in Dragon Quest 3 Remake:


To reach Orochi’s Lair in Dragon Quest 3 Remake, you simply need to exit the town heading east. Once you are back in the overworld, you will literally only need to take a few steps to the east before the cave will begin to come into view. It sits perched at the top of the nearby hill. Make sure you are ready to face a full dungeon and boss encounter before you proceed.

Orochi’s Lair B1 Walkthrough – Dragon Quest 3 Remake


Orochi’s Lair B1 Main Path:

The first ‘basement’ level of Orochi’s Lair is a massive volcanic cave. Luckily, however, it only has a single entrance and exit, so it’s difficult to get lost if you spot the green lines on the map.

You’ll start in the northeastern corner of the cave and must make your way to the exit just a bit in from the southwest corner. There are multiple treasures on B1, which we’ll list below. See the complete list of monsters in the final section.

If you head to the eastern end of the final path (instead of turning north to reach the exit, keep heading east), you’ll encounter one of Dragon Quest 3 Remake‘s Friendly Monsters. In this location, it is Alice the Magmalice you’ll find.

All Treasures on Orochi’s Lair B1:

  • Treasure 1: Chest – Black Pyjamas
  • Treasure 2: Chest – Phial of Magic Water
  • Treasure 3: Chest – Light Shield
  • Treasure 4: Chest – Mask of Implacability (Cursed)



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Orochi’s Lair B2 Walkthrough – Dragon Quest 3 Remake


Orochi’s Lair B2 Main Path:

The second level is much easier to navigate, and shouldn’t pose much of a problem. From the bottom of the stairs that lead down from B1, you’ll have three possible paths. Heading north will take you to the sacrifice pit, where you find the area where the young girls of Jiapang are given over to Orochi.

If you head west, you’ll find a single Treasure Chest – the only one B2 – that contains one of DQIII Remake’s 110 Mini Medals. If you head east, you’ll encounter Orochi for the first time.

How to Defeat Orochi – Dragon Quest 3 Remake


During this quest, you’ll have to fight Orochi twice. You’ll face it for the first time on B2, at the end of the eastern path.

Before you begin the fight, check your equipment for anything that can help defend against dragon attacks or breath attacks. Usually, any piece of gear with ‘Dragon’ in the title will help with at least one of these. This will help immensely in both fights with Orochi. You’ll also want to ensure you have at least one spell caster in the party to attack Orochi’s weakness, Ice.

Orochi Fight 1:


In the first fight, Orochi will be slightly less aggressive. Its key weakness is anything Crack-based, so as we mentioned above, having at least one caster is vital. Orochi is also weak to Zap, which means the Hero will need to play a key offensive role here.

Orochi doesn’t have as much health here, so you can afford to be slightly more aggressive during the first fight. However, some of Orochi’s attacks can be dangerous, so make sure to keep an eye on your party’s health.


After you defeat Orochi in the first fight, you’ll receive Orochi’s Sword. Orochi will burst into a purple cloud, and in that cloud you can see a figure that looks a lot like a certain royal figure. The cloud will turn into a portal into which the party will automatically enter.

Orochi Fight 2:


You will exit the purple portal directly in front of Jipang Palace. The next step will be to enter the palace and make your way to the Queen’s audience chamber. As you approach her, the Queen will project her voice directly into your mind, revealing that she in fact is Orochi. She will try to barter for her life, but you will of course turn down her offer. Once this happens, the Queen will reveal Orochi once again, and the second fight will begin.

In the second fight, Orochi is still weak to the same spells, but her defense seems to be slightly higher. She is also far more aggressive with her deadly attacks, so you will likely want to dedicate one party member to healing.


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Every Monster in Orochi’s Lair – Dragon Quest 3 Remake


Monster Name


Lump Shaman

Ice (Crack)



Ursa Minor



Zap, Crack

Walking Corpse

Frizz (Fire)

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