How to Complete the Forbidden Jungle in Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

How to Complete the Forbidden Jungle in Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
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Each area in Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy offers unique challenges and obstacles for our dynamic duo to overcome, and while you can make it pretty far by only grabbing a few Power Cells in each locale, finding them all is crucial to getting the true ending and (On PS4 and PS5) the Platinum Trophy.

The Forbidden Jungle is a small but densely packed place in Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, with an ancient Precursor Temple dominating the skyline, snakes dangling from the canopy, and piranha-infested rivers to discourage getting your feet wet. Collecting every last Power Cell and Precursor Orb here is a great way to start your adventure if you’re willing to brave the danger, especially since the Blue Eco Switch inside the temple will unlock new paths in other locations.


Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy – Trophy Roadmap

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy’s most recent rerelease features an all-new trophy list, so here’s how to track them all down.

Open the Locked Temple Door

This one is nice and easy, as long as you complete it before breaking the Lurker Machine and redirecting the Eco Beam back to the village. As such, I’ve put it here at the top of the list. To get this Power Cell, you’ll need to reach the Lurker Device and jump up onto it by using the pistons at one end as platforms. Hop over to where the Eco Beam is being redirected and run through it to charge Jak with Blue Eco, then jump down to the ground and sprint up the nearby ramp to the sealed side door of the temple. It will open as long as you’re charged with Blue Eco when you approach, allowing you to grab the Power Cell.

If you break the machine before getting this Power Cell, you’ll need to use the Blue Eco Vent near the bridge to the Temple Door and then jump up to the machine and run to the sealed door.

Connect the Eco Beam

Now that we’ve used the Eco Beam to our advantage, let’s redirect it back to Sandover Village to help out the Mayor. To do this, head back to the top of the Lurker Machine and break the mirrors next to the Eco Beam, causing it to shine towards a tower instead. Hop down to that tower and interact with it to enter an aiming screen, where an arrow will point you to the next tower, allowing you to line up the beam with that one.

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Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to head back towards the start of the Jungle area, where you saw your first snake enemy. There’s another tower past the snakes and spike pits, which you’ll need to direct to a third tower.

To reach the third tower, turn back the way you came and use the platforms shown in image 1 above to get up to the cliff by the temple. From here it’s a quick jog to the third tower, where you can redirect the beam again.

Rinse and repeat with tower number 4, accessible by crossing the rope bridge you can see behind tower 3, hopping up the cliff just past it, and getting past a swinging log trap, and you’ll be able to redirect the beam one more time. The final tower is right back on the beach near where you first entered the Forbidden Jungle. Redirect Sandover Village, and then you’ll just need to talk to the Mayor in Sandover to get the Power Cell.

Get to the Top of the Temple

To get to the top of the temple you’ll first need to charge yourself up with the Blue Eco Vent near the broken bridge, as shown in image 1 above. Approaching the bridge after doing this will partially repair it and allow you to jump across to the Temple Door. Move quickly and the blue eco charge will let you open the door and head inside.

Once inside the temple, head to the left and use the Precursor Platforms to move up through the building, making sure to break boxes along the way to find more Blue Eco and keep yourself topped up. You’ll eventually reach a Blue Eco Vent that can give you a full charge to top you up for the next leg of the climb. Use the Launchpad to get up even higher, then use the trampoline to reach more blue eco platforms. Jump onto the first one and then transfer to a new one whenever possible to get up to the top of the temple, where the Power Cell is found. You can then take the nearby elevator down into the temple.

If you’re trying to get the “Jak be Nimble” Trophy, you’ll need to move quickly and jump precisely so you can reach the top without running out of Blue Eco.

Find the Blue Vent Switch

Now that you’re inside the Precursor Temple, we can track down that Blue Eco Vent Switch and nab an extra Power Cell while we’re at it. Hop up and into the only available path, passing a Launchpad we can’t use right now and jumping over platforms towards a hostile vine. Use the moving platform to get around the corner and then jump across the next gap using the moving platforms (making sure to grab every Precursor Orb you can as you do.)

Once you turn this corner, there’s one more set of floating platforms between you and the Power Cell. Grabbing it will also trigger the Blue Eco Switch below it, restoring eco flow to vents in several other areas. (Sentinel Beach, for example.)

Defeat the Dark Eco Plant

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While we’re down in the temple, it’s time to take on the Dark Eco Plant. This is likely the first boss you’ll fight, but it’s not too bad if you fight it carefully. From the Blue Eco Switch Room, charge up on Blue Eco and head through the nearby shortcut to reach the room the elevator took you to. With the Blue Eco charge, you’ll be able to open the sealed door here (and also activate the Precursor Orb vent nearby, and/or use the Launchpad mentioned in the previous section.)

Head through the door to reach a new platforming section, which introduces conical platforms that periodically flip upside down. Time your jumps carefully to progress through this section, nabbing Precursor Orbs along the way, and reach the Dark Eco Plant.

Boss: Dark Eco Plant

The Dark Eco Plant summons spiky enemies to charge at you while lashing out with its own sharp teeth too. Stay on the move until the spikes on each enemy retract (moving to the left and right regularly is the best way to avoid the plant’s bite attacks), then take them out with a spin or punch. Once all enemies in a wave are beaten, the plant will turn its head upward and sprout some leaf platforms you can use to reach its head. Hit the head with a spin attack to damage it, then rinse and repeat this strategy as increasing numbers of enemies are spawned. Once you hit it three times, it’ll die and spit out a power cell. You can jump on the plant’s head after beating it to knock some Precursor Orbs loose, so keep hopping until it coughs up every orb it has. (You have to jump off the plant and then back on to get it to keep spitting out orbs.)

You can use the Launchpad and Blue Eco Vent here to exit the Temple once you’re done.

Catch 200 Pounds of Fish

This one is deceptively tricky, mainly due to the minigame getting very hard as it goes on. You’ll need to find the Fisherman down by the river that runs through the Forbidden Jungle and offer to help him catch 200 Pounds of good fish. You need to catch the Green 1 Pound Fish and the Yellow 5 Pound Fish to complete the challenge, all without catching any of the Poisonous Eels that periodically swim down the river with them. Making things trickier is the Fisherman’s ultimatum: If you miss 20 Pounds of Good Fish he’ll take his net back and force you to restart.

The only advice I can really give here is to watch the top of the screen closely and learn how long it takes to move the net, since the fish and eels move quite quickly, and it’s easy to miss one if you’re out of position. Never risk catching an Eel over a 1 Pound Fish, since that’s an easy way to lose. Beating this challenge will net you a Power Cell and permission to use the Fisherman’s Speedboat to reach Misty Island.

Follow the Canyon to the Sea

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While you’re down by the River, you should follow it to the area below the Lurker Machine to find where the river meets the sea. Swim out to the little island here to get another Power Cell, and do a little diving on either side of the island to snag more Precursor Orbs.

Free the 7 Scout Flies

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This one is a recurring challenge in each area. You’ll need to get seven Scout Flies scattered around the Forbidden Jungle to acquire this final Power Cell. To get the first Scout Fly, turn right after arriving at the first path split and look for the Scout Fly Box on the right, at the end of a short platforming path. (Use the Ground Pound to break the box open.)

The next Scout Fly Box can be found near the Lurker Machine, shown in image 1 above. After grabbing it, drop off the cliff to the left in image 1 to find the third Scout Fly Box near the place where the river reaches the ocean.

The fourth Scout Fly Box is found halfway up the temple, near the Blue Eco Vent, as shown above. The fifth can be accessed using a Trampoline near the Precursor Pillars that serve as an exit to the temple after beating the Dark Eco Plant.

The Sixth Scoutfly Box can be reached by heading into the Temple through the main door and then using the trampoline on the right to reach a side section with a hole leading back outside. Jump around the side of the temple to reach the box. The final Scout Fly is outside the temple’s main door, down by the river and surrounded by Dark Eco Boxes.

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