Hardest Bosses In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Ranked

Hardest Bosses In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Ranked

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  • Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice offers a unique combat style with katana and timed deflections.
  • The game is challenging, with bosses demanding perfection and Resurrection ability.
  • Bosses like Lady Butterfly and Guardian Ape require players to be aggressive and strategic.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is one of the most unique FromSoftware games in recent memory. Released as one of the first games post-

Dark Souls trilogy
, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice had a different approach to the typical FromSoft combat style that players were used to. Players must use a katana, as there are no other weapons that the titular character, Sekiro, can use. They must also rely on perfectly-timed deflections instead of dodging.

In keeping with FromSoftware values, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is also notoriously difficult. The game does provide players with a Resurrection ability that recharges with enemy kills, which is perfect for boss fights. However, the bosses in Sekiro demand perfection, with even a slight misstep being potentially fatal.


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Gyouba Oniwa

I Am Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa!

Sekiro Gyoubu Oniwa Action Pose

Being the first boss encounter in Sekiro, Gyoubu Oniwa introduces players to the mechanics of the game. Gyoubu is susceptible to more gimmicky tactics, such as closing the distance to the mobile Gyoubu and stunning him briefly. Gyoubu also teaches players the Deathblow mechanic, which will become more present as the game progresses.

Gyoubu is a great first boss, providing some difficulty for players who have not yet adapted to Sekiro’s gameplay, all while not being too punishing for the inexperienced shinobi.


Lady Butterfly

You Wouldn’t Harm An Old Lady, Would You?

Sekiro Lady Butterfly Action Pose

Lady Butterfly can be a formidable opponent for those who are inexperienced in Sekiro’s unique style of combat. She throws projectiles that she uses often. Her unblockable can be deadly, and if given time and space, Lady Butterfly is bound to leave players with a few cuts.

Players should be aggressive towards Lady Butterfly, as her Posture can be broken easily. Players can also make use of their own throwing projectiles, as when Lady Butterfly jumps up and sits atop her wires, she can be hit off of them and briefly stunned. Lady Butterfly serves as one of the first few tests for Sekiro, as players need to

be more aggressive
to succeed.


Corrupted Monk (Illusion)

A Vision Of Things To Come

Sekiro Corrupted Monk Illusion Still

The version of the Corrupted Monk found within the Mibu Village in the Ashina Depths is only an illusion of the real Corrupted Monk that players may encounter later in the game. The illusion form is a tall figure, with plenty of sweeping attacks and a handful of combos to keep players on their toes.

The monk can be easily stunned if players have an abundance of Snap Seeds, or if players have the Firecracker Shinobi Prosthetic. The boss only has a singular health bar too.


Genichiro Ashina

Thunder And Lightning

Sekiro Genichiro Ashina Action Pose

Genichiro Ashina awaits players atop Ashina Castle for a duel of the ages. Genichiro has

two phases
to his fight, with players first encountering Genichiro Ashina. He has some quick moves, with a devastating 9-attack combo that players should give space for. Genichiro also has a sword thrust which can be countered with the Mikiri Counter players can acquire, with an additional low sweep attack which they will need to dodge.


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After Genichiro Ashina is damaged enough, he sheds his samurai armor and becomes Genichiro, Way Of Tomoe. He gains the power of lightning, which players can deflect back at Genichiro if they have acquired the Redirect Lightning skill. He is more mobile in this form and will become more aggressive with his attacks. He serves as a checkpoint, as the bosses only get more difficult.


Great Shinobi Owl

Like Father, Like Son

Sekiro Great Shinobi Owl Action Shot

In Sekiro, not even the character’s own family is safe. The Great Shinobi Owl is the

main character’s father
, and he is a nimble one. His quick one-two throwing stars, followed by a powerful jumping slash, is just a taste of how quickly the Great Shinobo Owl can knock players to the ground. He can also apply the Shinobi Charm debuff, which denies players access to their items like the Healing Gourd.

The Great Shinobi Owl will have some familiar tricks up his sleeve, such as performing the Mikiri Counter on players for big damage or using firecrackers to stun Sekiro. It’s like fighting in a mirror, as the Great Shinobi Owl will make use of all the tactics that the players use.


Guardian Ape

Like An Ape With Its Head Cut Off

Sekiro Guardian Ape Action Pose

The Guardian Ape serves as one of the more difficult bosses by this point in the game. The Guardian Ape is a wild beast with a massive attack range and its moves are harder to both predict and deflect. At least it only has one health bar — or so the player thinks.

FromSoftware has dabbled in the fake-out before, where the player is led to believe the encounter has finished. Meanwhile, the boss stands back up and starts attacking again. The Guardian Ape in phase two indulges in delaying its swings and attacks until the last second, making deflections tough to nail down. It also now has a roar, which causes a buildup of the Terror debuff, capable of

killing the player instantly


True Corrupted Monk

Now With More Pain

Sekiro True Corrupted Monk Action Pose

Players are likely familiar with the Corrupted Monk, as its illusion form is a mandatory boss fight at the bottom of the Ashina Depths. However, once players make it up to the Fountainhead Palace, they face the real thing. True Corrupted Monk is more of an endurance fight, as it

has multiple phases


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice: Ways To Shake Up A Second Playthrough

Sekiro has a surprising amount of replayability, if players are willing to explore the game and challenge themselves.

The Monk’s sweeping attacks and thrusts are still present. However, she is now flanked by three shadow warriors when the first Deathblow is dealt, and she becomes a lot more aggressive on the final health bar. She gains the ability to inflict the Terror debuff, and has a spinning slash combo that tests the player’s deflection skills.


Demon Of Hatred

Let The Hate Flow Through You

Sekiro Demon Of Hatred Action Pose

The Demon Of Hatred, much like

other giant bosses
in FromSoftware games, has a lot of health. It is another endurance fight, as the Demon Of Hatred is capable of crushing players with its numerous fire-based attacks and its slams. It doesn’t help that the arena size for an enemy this big is less than ideal.

The key is, like most giant enemies, to stay close to the Demon’s feet and let it keep using melee attacks that are easier to dodge and deflect. If players grabbed Suzaku’s Lotus Umbrella, and upgraded the Finger Whistle prosthetic with Malcontent, the Demon becomes far easier.


Headless Ape

Two Heads Are Better Than One

Sekiro Headless Ape Action Pose

The Headless Ape is a continuation of the Guardian Ape fight that players likely encountered closer to the start of their journey. The Headless Ape is now joined by a brown-furred ape in this small cave, making hardly any space for players to catch their breath. This is one of the

hardest beast fights in the Soulsborne games

Players should focus their attention on the brown ape first, then the fight becomes a repeat of the second-phase Guardian Ape fight, just with a smaller arena. The difficulty lies in there being two enemies to focus on.


Isshin, The Sword Saint

The Journey Ends Here

Sekiro Isshin The Sword Saint Action Pose

As the final boss Sekiro must face, Isshin, The Sword Saint is the full package. Before players even get to the main event, the player must have a rematch with a familiar face. Genichiro, Way Of Tomoe stands in the way.

After players face Genichiro for the last time, Isshin emerges, testing the player on everything. Isshin constantly gets more aggressive after each Deathblow, making him absurdly difficult for the player to face. Isshin will use lightning, ranged, and plenty of quick slashes to knock players off their game, but once Kusabimaru and Fushigiri strike true, nothing could be

more satisfying
than capping off the player’s journey.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Tag Page Cover Art

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