Every Faction In Infinity Nikki, Ranked

Every Faction In Infinity Nikki, Ranked

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There’s so much to do as you play through Infinity Nikki, with major story arcs, plenty of collectibles, sub-quests, and more, but one of the more interesting inclusions is stylist factions, groups of folks around Miraland who challenge you to stylist battles in exchange for rewards.


Infinity Nikki: All Ability Outfits, Ranked

Just because it’s functional doesn’t mean it’s fashionable.

Some faction members only offer things like Blings, Diamonds, and other currencies, but others may even offer sketches for new outfits, each of which will lead you to a fully completed outfit once you’ve fully bested that faction. With 12 factions across four regions of Miraland, you’ve got your style battle work cut out!

This ranking of the Factions in Infinity Nikki doesn’t include the Sovereigns of the four regions and their respective groups – that’s for another list!


Raging Rocks



Stylish Outfit

  • Gentle Starshine (Lewen Dewey)

When the group’s motto begins with, “No anger! No styling!” and their name literally contains the word “rage,” it’s hard to feel the urge to be too friendly with the Raging Rocks. These former Dye Workshop employees are shady if you ask us, with the leader Lewen Dewey’s description talking about how he’s “plotting something sinister” in giving his location.

Perhaps to go along with their sour attitude, the Raging Rocks only give you a single sketch toward the XX stylish outfit, and that’s only after you defeat their leader. They see themselves as “the last defenders of Stoneville,” so we’ll leave them in their fantasy world and focus on other Factions.


Ebony Scissors



Sketches Given

  • Stockpile Audit (Kadru)
  • Clear Mind (Ricardo)

These tutorial stylists may seem a bit intimidating at first, especially when you meet them as part of the story trying to get to the bottom of the mysterious coma incidents happening around Miraland. They serve as a good introduction to Factions in Infinity Nikki, but they’re not too tough overall.

But not only are the Ebony Scissors easy to beat, they’re also rude to others, especially to the other Factions. In fact, you meet them when you’re trying to stop them from stealing sketches from friends of the story! You do still get two sketches for beating their members, though, both of which contribute to the XX stylish outfit – at least there’s a silver lining to these Ebony Scissors.


Green Masks


Breezy Meadows

Sketches Given

  • Midday Nap (Jacques)
  • Immersive Study (Cantore)

If you’re enraptured by the storyline with the Banshee in Breezy Meadows, then you’ll fit right in with the Green Masks, one of the more elusive Factions that resides in the region. Just beware, though – its members are kind of strange…



Infinity Nikki – 5 Best Outfits

Which outfit is your favorite?

Mysti needs to wear the same color clothing for a decade, Jacques is so stoic that he was confused for a statue, and Sebila is labeled as a “devout follower” of the Banshee, despite that Cantore was allegedly cursed by her earlier in their search. This odd bunch at least gives two sketches toward the XX stylish outfit.


Golden Daisies



Sketches Given

  • Diligent Agenda (Jiller)
  • With Efficiency (Salai)

There are normally four stylists in the Golden Daisies, but Dorsey is a victim of the mysterious coma incidents that’ve been happening across Mirawish, leaving them down a member when you battle them for dominance early on in the game. Regardless, you still get two sketches from them, which is a good number compared to how many stylists they have!

The Golden Daisies have a touching reunion with their original leader, Dominic, once you progress in the main story and help free him from the Wishing Woods. Not many other local factions seem to like them much, though, and we can’t help but to wonder why.


Shifty Rags



Stylish Outfit

  • Fallen Star (Clown Shoes Sheldon)

While the members of the Shifty Rags Faction in the Stonewoods region might be adorable, don’t be fooled by their disguises – these little Pieceys are thieves, conspiring to work together and con folks out of their hard-earned Blings. They’re openly excited about the Sovereign of Sexy being back, just so they can scalp tickets to her performances!

Colorblock Lil’ Chaos is noted to be selling information for additional Blings on the side, Shady Hank is busy selling counterfeit Floragale Cloth, and their leader Clown Nose Sheldon hates the Sovereign but sees potential in gaming the sales of her events. They’re so stingy that they only give you a single sketch for the XX outfit, too.

The only redeeming Piecey here is what’s putting the Shifty Rags this high up on the list is Quirky Gordon, who’s going about helping injured Pieceys in a shady way but who is at least doing it for a non-profit reason. “Works hard to earn research funds at any cost?” We guess so.




Breezy Meadow

Stylish Outfit

  • Heartfelt Tribute (Rene)
  • Corridor of Time (Anraki)

The hidden Faction you’ll need to defeat both the Green Masks and the Great Meadows to uncover the location of, Rangers, are big lovers of all things history, and thankfully for them, Miraland has a wide spread of ruins across its varied terrains. They’re described to be heavily inspired by these historical sites in their fashion taste, and who doesn’t appreciate a good vintage inspiration?


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Make Nikki too cool for school with these clothes.

The two sketches you earn from the Rangers – the Heartfelt Tribute shoes sketch and the Corridor of Time hair sketch – are both simplistically practical, seamlessly contributing to the XX stylish outfit but also perfectly versatile for use elsewhere in Nikki’s seemingly endless wardrobe.



Time For Work


Wishing Woods

Sketches Given

  • Petal Whisper (Jesanda)
  • Smoky Blue (Piralibo)

Unlike the last Faction mentioned in our list, the Time for Work Faction members are described to have joined the group explicitly because the location is convenient for them relative to their jobs. These tiny workaholics might be stunning and stylish, but they could do with letting loose a bit, we think.

Jesanda is known to point out imperfections, though, which seems a bit irksome, in a fellow group member or in a coworker. We’ve only forgiven her for the snark because she offers up the Petal Whisper headband sketch when you beat her styling challenge for the first time. We can admire hard work, but there’s more to life than your job!


Choir Of Wishes


Wishing Woods

Sketches Given

  • White Petals (Heyda)
  • Divine Memories (Sieyeda)

Some of the only Faewish Sprites with visibly different appearances, the members of the Choir of Wishes are steadfast in their dedication to The Wishing One, wearing labor-intensive outfits to appear more in their image. Sieyada, the group leader, started this Faction to more cohesively help other Faewish Sprites worship.

Her dedication has lead to a Faction full of devout followers of The Wishing Ones, all of them scholars or creatives who have dedicated their time to spreading the words from their prophet. There are five Faewish Sprites in the Faction, too, which means another style battle that pays out with tons of different currencies.


Beyond The Basics



Sketches Given

  • Easy Steps (Visuno)
  • Relaxed Workflow (Silvo)

The secret Faction you’ll need to work to uncover in Florawish is the Beyond the Basics Faction, a group of stylists in Florawish that offer a little dash of everything, described as being “comprised of stylists from all walks of life.” Who doesn’t love an inclusionary group? The reach of the group might come from its leader, Silvo, the town’s mailman whose presence seems to stun passers-by.


Which Genre Needs An Infinity Nikki-Style Glowup?

I’ve said before that I’m tired of Viking games, and I stand by it, but I’ll make an exception for Nikki levels of outfit customization.  I want as many different styles of beard-braiding as Nikki has shoes.  I want the perfect ensemble to give me a bonus when I show up for the holmgang. Let me design my shield and sails, and fully customize the runestone that memorializes my deeds.

You’ll also face off against Emitani a carpenter, Gulliana who’s busy interviewing exiles from other regions outside Miraland, Bonno who seems almost too tepid to battle quite yet, and Visuno who comes from old money in town. With sketches that are easy to pair with clothes other than the XX stylish outfit and a group with open arms, what’s not to love about Beyond the Basics?


Great Meadows


Breezy Meadows

Sketches Given

  • Morning Greetings (Pepsa)
  • Classroom Hours (Fatiqua)

While the other factions in Breezy Meadows are off digging through ruins or trying to get to the bottom of the mystery of the Banshee, the Great Meadows Faction is perfectly happy vibing with nature instead. Inspired by the lush landscapes around Breezy Meadows, you’ll find the five stylists in the Faction taking in the natural sights.

Sarmoni spends time appreciating Miraland’s various fish, Aurona runs the minigames in Breezy Meadows, Pepsa is incredibly well-learned, and Merian can’t help but be inspired by bugs. Their leader, Fatiqua, appears at one of the most stunning locations in Miraland, the Swan Gazebo, for your final face-off with the Faction, offering a sketch that feels perfectly inspired by the area.


Glam Squad

Overview of the Time for Work Faction in Infinity Nikki.



Wishing Woods

Sketches Given

  • Blossoming Bouquet (Aiboda)
  • Wind of Thoughts (Sinida)

If you’ve been collecting some of the many various cosmetics throughout the game, then be sure to chat with the members of the Glam Squad when you arrive in the Wishing Woods – they’re all superfans of everyone’s favorite beautician in Miraland, Timis.

These five Faewish Sprites each have their own unique touches when it comes to cosmetics, with Lukabo pioneering a highlighting eyeshadow for Timis, Balubo focusing extensively on lashes, Yabibo who rocks the pink heart on her head, while Aiboda is a master sales-Sprite.

Sinida is the head of sales at Timis’s Beauty Lab, who’s trying her best to get the Sovereign’s endorsement on some new products. She created the group to help keep up with fashion trends, and who doesn’t appreciate a manager who thinks big but also helps out with the workload?


Rustic Frenzy



Sketches Given

  • Dreamy Starlight (Wheat Field Windy)
  • Star of Dreams (Two Fields Rich)

Easily the best faction in Infinity Nikki, the members of the Rustic Frenzy Faction in the Stonewoods region are some of the most precious Pieceys you’ll meet in the game. These musically inclined folks are always keen to appreciate the beauty of the Stonewoods or get down to a good song, truly embodying a peaceful Piecey life out in the Abandoned District.

Wheat Field Windy writes lyrics and drew a sketch that helped find the Sovereign of Sexy, of whom Wrist Band Maestro is a massive fan and who offered Trusty Ol’ Cane praise about their vast farming insight. Meanwhile, Squeaky is a beat-keeping drummer from the Ripple Estate, while the leader, Two Fields Rich, is a punk-rocker who just wants to earn enough Blings from style battles to retire on a farm.


Infinity Nikki Has Always Been A Dark Romance In Disguise

Nikki is more than just a dress up game, it’s a way of life.

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